v3.8 Stable
released this
2024-10-01 21:25:47 +00:00 | 323 commits to master since this release- Add new Amalj'aa, Ananta, Kojin, Qitari, Vath & Vanu Vanu quests, thanks to plogon_enjoyer
- Add new Loporrit quests, thanks to kaiser
- Optimize the route taken for the 'Sage Focus' quest, thanks to kaiser
- Add harvest dance unlock quest, thanks to kaiser
- Extend error toast handling to handle combat/suppress some errors in more cases
- Skip loading unknown quests (mostly affects CN/KR users since they're behind in terms of patches)
- Update interaction handling with regards to QuestWork/quest progress in general
- Update a few various quest paths
- Fix 'NotInInventory' condition ignoring HQ items
- Remove 'TerritoryBlacklist' from quest files, which has been obsoleted ages ago by the 'Hide quest window in all instanced duties' config option
1.3 MiB