v3.7 Stable
released this
2024-09-23 18:41:30 +00:00 | 387 commits to master since this releaseThe primary focus of the releases from v3.4 to now has been dealing with and testing mobs attacking you during various parts of questing; the plugin should now automatically handle these combat interruptions (when RSR is installed).
There have been quite a number of additions and changes in the testing-exclusive releases, so it's recommended you check the changelogs for v3.4 to v3.6 too.
In addition to that, here's the changes since the last testing version:
- Add new Qitari, Vath & Vanu Vanu quests, thanks to plogon_enjoyer
- Add new Loporrit quests, thanks to kaiser
- Update a few quest steps to add relevant/missing teleports, thanks to kaiser
- Add Ananta unlock quests
- Fix overworld combat delay logic
- (dev only) Add 'AfterEmote' to a combat step 'EnemySpawnType'
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