• v3.7 4bd0b990b9

    v3.7 Stable

    liza released this 2024-09-23 18:41:30 +00:00 | 387 commits to master since this release

    The primary focus of the releases from v3.4 to now has been dealing with and testing mobs attacking you during various parts of questing; the plugin should now automatically handle these combat interruptions (when RSR is installed).

    There have been quite a number of additions and changes in the testing-exclusive releases, so it's recommended you check the changelogs for v3.4 to v3.6 too.

    In addition to that, here's the changes since the last testing version:

    • Add new Qitari, Vath & Vanu Vanu quests, thanks to plogon_enjoyer
    • Add new Loporrit quests, thanks to kaiser
    • Update a few quest steps to add relevant/missing teleports, thanks to kaiser
    • Add Ananta unlock quests
    • Fix overworld combat delay logic
    • (dev only) Add 'AfterEmote' to a combat step 'EnemySpawnType'