[SB][Allied Society][Ananta] Added a new story quest and a few daily quests #43

liza merged 3 commits from plogon_enjoyer/Questionable:ananta into master 2024-09-11 19:34:56 +00:00

Added the following story quest:

  • It Can be Cruel Sometimes

Added the following daily quests:

  • Funnel and Games
  • The Very Hungry Marid
  • The Antlion's Share
  • Hearts of Precious Stone
Added the following story quest: - It Can be Cruel Sometimes Added the following daily quests: - Funnel and Games - The Very Hungry Marid - The Antlion's Share - Hearts of Precious Stone
plogon_enjoyer added 3 commits 2024-09-11 17:20:01 +00:00
- Funnel and Games
- The Very Hungry Marid
- The Antlion's Share
- Hears of Precious Stone
liza merged commit f12c7bf9f5 into master 2024-09-11 19:34:56 +00:00
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Reference: liza/Questionable#43
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