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using System.Collections.Generic;
2024-08-02 18:30:21 +02:00
using Questionable.Model.Common.Converter;
2024-05-26 21:45:26 +02:00
2024-08-02 18:30:21 +02:00
namespace Questionable.Model.Common.Converter;
2024-05-26 21:45:26 +02:00
2024-06-14 11:37:33 +02:00
public sealed class AetheryteConverter() : EnumConverter<EAetheryteLocation>(Values)
2024-05-26 21:45:26 +02:00
private static readonly Dictionary<EAetheryteLocation, string> Values = new()
2024-05-26 21:45:26 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.Gridania, "Gridania" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.CentralShroudBentbranchMeadows, "Central Shroud - Bentbranch Meadows" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.EastShroudHawthorneHut, "East Shroud - Hawthorne Hut" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.SouthShroudQuarrymill, "South Shroud - Quarrymill" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.SouthShroudCampTranquil, "South Shroud - Camp Tranquil" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.NorthShroudFallgourdFloat, "North Shroud - Fallgourd Float" },
2024-05-26 21:45:26 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.Uldah, "Ul'dah" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.WesternThanalanHorizon, "Western Thanalan - Horizon" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.CentralThanalanBlackBrushStation, "Central Thanalan - Black Brush Station" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.EasternThanalanCampDrybone, "Eastern Thanalan - Camp Drybone" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.SouthernThanalanLittleAlaMhigo, "Southern Thanalan - Little Ala Mhigo" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.SouthernThanalanForgottenSprings, "Southern Thanalan - Forgotten Springs" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.NorthernThanalanCampBluefog, "Northern Thanalan - Camp Bluefog" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.NorthernThanalanCeruleumProcessingPlant, "Northern Thanalan - Ceruleum Processing Plant" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.Limsa, "Limsa Lominsa" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.MiddleLaNosceaSummerfordFarms, "Middle La Noscea - Summerford Farms" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LowerLaNosceaMorabyDrydocks, "Lower La Noscea - Moraby Drydocks" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.EasternLaNosceaCostaDelSol, "Eastern La Noscea - Costa Del Sol" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.EasternLaNosceaWineport, "Eastern La Noscea - Wineport" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.WesternLaNosceaSwiftperch, "Western La Noscea - Swiftperch" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.WesternLaNosceaAleport, "Western La Noscea - Aleport" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UpperLaNosceaCampBronzeLake, "Upper La Noscea - Camp Bronze Lake" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.OuterLaNosceaCampOverlook, "Outer La Noscea - Camp Overlook" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.CoerthasCentralHighlandsCampDragonhead, "Coerthas Central Highlands - Camp Dragonhead" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.MorDhona, "Mor Dhona" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.WolvesDenPier, "Wolves' Den Pier" },
2024-08-23 15:43:58 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.GoldSaucer, "Gold Saucer" },
2024-05-26 21:45:26 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.Ishgard, "Ishgard" },
2024-05-27 21:54:34 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.Idyllshire, "Idyllshire" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.CoerthasWesternHighlandsFalconsNest, "Coerthas Western Highlands - Falcon's Nest" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.SeaOfCloudsCampCloudtop, "The Sea of Clouds - Camp Cloudtop" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.SeaOfCloudsOkZundu, "The Sea of Clouds - Ok' Zundu" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.AzysLlaHelix, "Azys Lla - Helix" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.DravanianForelandsTailfeather, "The Dravanian Forelands - Tailfeather" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.DravanianForelandsAnyxTrine, "The Dravanian Forelands - Anyx Trine" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.ChurningMistsMoghome, "The Churning Mists - Moghome" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.ChurningMistsZenith, "The Churning Mists - Zenith" },
2024-05-26 21:45:26 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.RhalgrsReach, "Rhalgr's Reach" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.FringesCastrumOriens, "Fringes - Castrum Oriens" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.FringesPeeringStones, "Fringes - Peering Stones" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.PeaksAlaGannha, "Peaks - Ala Gannha" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.PeaksAlaGhiri, "Peaks - Ala Ghiri" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LochsPortaPraetoria, "Lochs - Porta Praetoria" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LochsAlaMhiganQuarter, "Lochs - Ala Mhigan Quarter" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.Kugane, "Kugane" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RubySeaTamamizu, "Ruby Sea - Tamamizu" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RubySeaOnokoro, "Ruby Sea - Onokoro" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.YanxiaNamai, "Yanxia - Namai" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.YanxiaHouseOfTheFierce, "Yanxia - House of the Fierce" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.AzimSteppeReunion, "Azim Steppe - Reunion" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.AzimSteppeDawnThrone, "Azim Steppe - Dawn Throne" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.AzimSteppeDhoroIloh, "Azim Steppe - Dhoro Iloh" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.DomanEnclave, "Doman Enclave" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.Crystarium, "Crystarium" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.Eulmore, "Eulmore" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LakelandFortJobb, "Lakeland - Fort Jobb" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LakelandOstallImperative, "Lakeland - Ostall Imperative" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KholusiaStilltide, "Kholusia - Stilltide" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KholusiaWright, "Kholusia - Wright" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KholusiaTomra, "Kholusia - Tomra" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.AmhAraengMordSouq, "Amh Araeng - Mord Souq" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.AmhAraengInnAtJourneysHead, "Amh Araeng - Inn at Journey's Head" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.AmhAraengTwine, "Amh Araeng - Twine" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RaktikaSlitherbough, "Rak'tika - Slitherbough" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RaktikaFanow, "Rak'tika - Fanow" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IlMhegLydhaLran, "Il Mheg - Lydha Lran" },
2024-08-19 21:16:34 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.IlMhegPlaEnni, "Il Mheg - Pla Enni" },
2024-05-26 21:45:26 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.IlMhegWolekdorf, "Il Mheg - Wolekdorf" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.TempestOndoCups, "Tempest - Ondo Cups" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.TempestMacarensesAngle, "Tempest - Macarenses Angle" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.OldSharlayan, "Old Sharlayan" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RadzAtHan, "Radz-at-Han" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LabyrinthosArcheion, "Labyrinthos - Archeion" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LabyrinthosSharlayanHamlet, "Labyrinthos - Sharlayan Hamlet" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LabyrinthosAporia, "Labyrinthos - Aporia" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.ThavnairYedlihmad, "Thavnair - Yedlihmad" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.ThavnairGreatWork, "Thavnair - Great Work" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.ThavnairPalakasStand, "Thavnair - Palaka's Stand" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.GarlemaldCampBrokenGlass, "Garlemald - Camp Broken Glass" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.GarlemaldTertium, "Garlemald - Tertium" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.MareLamentorumSinusLacrimarum, "Mare Lamentorum - Sinus Lacrimarum" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.MareLamentorumBestwaysBurrow, "Mare Lamentorum - Bestways Burrow" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.ElpisAnagnorisis, "Elpis - Anagnorisis" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.ElpisTwelveWonders, "Elpis - Twelve Wonders" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.ElpisPoietenOikos, "Elpis - Poieten Oikos" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UltimaThuleReahTahra, "Ultima Thule - Reah Tahra" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UltimaThuleAbodeOfTheEa, "Ultima Thule - Abode of the Ea" },
2024-07-03 21:00:04 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.UltimaThuleBaseOmicron, "Ultima Thule - Base Omicron" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.Tuliyollal, "Tuliyollal" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.SolutionNine, "Solution Nine" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UrqopachaWachunpelo, "Urqopacha - Wachunpelo" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UrqopachaWorlarsEcho, "Urqopacha - Worlar's Echo" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KozamaukaOkHanu, "Kozama'uka - Ok'hanu" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KozamaukaManyFires, "Kozama'uka - Many Fires" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KozamaukaEarthenshire, "Kozama'uka - Earthenshire" },
2024-11-16 22:08:04 +01:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.KozamaukaDockPoga, "Kozama'uka - Dock Poga" },
2024-07-03 21:00:04 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.YakTelIqBraax, "Yak T'el - Iq Br'aax" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.YakTelMamook, "Yak T'el - Mamook" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.ShaaloaniHhusatahwi, "Shaaloani - Hhusatahwi" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.ShaaloaniShesheneweziSprings, "Shaaloani - Sheshenewezi Springs" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.ShaaloaniMehwahhetsoan, "Shaaloani - Mehwahhetsoan" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.HeritageFoundYyasulaniStation, "Heritage Found - Yyasulani Station" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.HeritageFoundTheOutskirts, "Heritage Found - The Outskirts" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.HeritageFoundElectropeStrike, "Heritage Found - Electrope Strike" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LivingMemoryLeynodeMnemo, "Living Memory - Leynode Mnemo" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LivingMemoryLeynodePyro, "Living Memory - Leynode Pyro" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LivingMemoryLeynodeAero, "Living Memory - Leynode Aero" },
2024-05-26 21:45:26 +02:00
2024-06-01 01:26:46 +02:00
public static bool IsLargeAetheryte(EAetheryteLocation aetheryte) => Values.ContainsKey(aetheryte);
2024-05-26 21:45:26 +02:00