[ { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "Slice is Right", "InternalName": "SliceIsRight", "AssemblyVersion": "8.0", "Description": "Shows where Bamboo falls.", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/SliceIsRight", "Tags": [ "gold saucer", "yojimbo" ], "DalamudApiLevel": 10, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/SliceIsRight.png", "Punchline": "Shows where Bamboo falls.", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 19926, "LastUpdate": 1720209240, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/SliceIsRight/releases/download/v8.0/SliceIsRight-8.0.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/SliceIsRight/releases/download/v8.0/SliceIsRight-8.0.zip", "Changelog": "v8.0 (2024-07-05)\n- API 10\n\nv7.0 (2023-10-03)\n- API 9\n\nv6.1 (2023-02-06)\n- Fix AoE markers generating new entries in dalamudUI.ini\n\nv6.0 (2023-01-11)\n- Dalamud API 8 update", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false }, { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "Fish Notify", "InternalName": "FishNotify", "AssemblyVersion": "7.0", "Description": "Plays a sound when a fish is caught, depending on tug-strength", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/FishNotify", "Tags": [ "fishing" ], "DalamudApiLevel": 10, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/FishNotify.png", "Punchline": "Plays a sound when a fish is caught", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 2638, "LastUpdate": 1720210616, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/FishNotify/releases/download/v7.0/FishNotify-7.0.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/FishNotify/releases/download/v7.0/FishNotify-7.0.zip", "Changelog": "v7.0 (2024-07-05)\n- API 10\n\nv6.0 (2023-10-03)\n- API 9\n\nv5.0 (2023-01-11)\n- Dalamud API 8 update", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false }, { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "Palace Pal", "InternalName": "Palace Pal", "AssemblyVersion": "6.0", "Description": "Shows possible trap & hoard coffer locations in Palace of the Dead & Heaven on High.\n\nThe default configuration requires Splatoon to be installed. If you do not wish to install Splatoon, you can switch to the experimental 'Simple' renderer in the configuration.", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/PalacePal", "Tags": [ "potd", "palace", "hoh", "splatoon" ], "DalamudApiLevel": 10, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/PalacePal.png", "Punchline": "Shows possible trap & hoard coffer locations in Palace of the Dead & Heaven on High.", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 48988, "LastUpdate": 1720265218, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/PalacePal/releases/download/v6.0/Palace%20Pal-6.0.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/PalacePal/releases/download/v6.0/Palace%20Pal-6.0.zip", "Changelog": "v6.0 (2024-07-06)\n- API 10\n\nv5.4 (2023-11-14)\n- Fix for dalamud's breaking titlebar change\n\nv5.3 (2023-11-11)\n- Update dependencies\n\nv5.2 (2023-11-09)\n- Update header icon logic for Dalamud changes\n\nv5.1 (2023-10-11)\n- Fix config window size constraints\n- Replace outdated links\n- Add Patreon link", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false }, { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "RetainerTrack", "InternalName": "RetainerTrack", "AssemblyVersion": "4.3", "Description": "Keeps track of who a retainer belongs to - if you have seen the retainer's owner locally (if you were on the same party, or if you have seen an item crafted by them).\n\nTracking is unavailable if the crafter isn't the retainer owner (to avoid resellers being attributed incorrectly), and if the tooltip says 'Obtaining Signature'.", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/RetainerTrack", "Tags": [ "retainer", "track" ], "DalamudApiLevel": 10, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/RetainerTrack.png", "Punchline": "Track who a retainer belongs to.", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 2769, "LastUpdate": 1721121486, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/RetainerTrack/releases/download/v4.3/RetainerTrack-4.3.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/RetainerTrack/releases/download/v4.3/RetainerTrack-4.3.zip", "Changelog": "v4.3 (2024-07-16)\n- Fix load error\n\nv4.2 (2024-07-16)\n- Add /accountid command\n- use AccountId/ContentId properties from clientstructs instead of custom mapping\n\nv4.1 (2024-07-04)\n- Performance optimization\n\nv4.0 (2024-07-02)\n- API 10\n- Remove LiteDB support\n\nv3.2 (2024-06-16)\n- Persistence fixes", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false }, { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "Discard Helper", "InternalName": "ARDiscard", "AssemblyVersion": "7.0", "Description": "Small plugin to help keep your inventory organized (especially when automating retainers or submersibles) by discarding items you don't want (e.g. Stuffed Alphas)", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/ARDiscard", "Tags": [ "autoretainer", "automation", "discard", "yeet" ], "DalamudApiLevel": 11, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/ARDiscard.png", "Punchline": "Discard items automatically via a command or as a post-venture task for AutoRetainer", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 10019, "LastUpdate": 1731961131, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/ARDiscard/releases/download/v7.0/ARDiscard-7.0.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/ARDiscard/releases/download/v7.0/ARDiscard-7.0.zip", "Changelog": "v7.0 (2024-11-18)\n- API 11\n\nv6.3 (2024-11-09)\n- Remove Red Onion Helm from internal blacklist, added to user-configurable blacklist instead\n- Add collectables to discardable items\n- Update dependencies\n\nv6.2 (2024-07-19)\n- Automatically adjust max gear item level based on the highest ilvl green item\n\nv6.1 (2024-07-05)\n- Fix discard confirmation window when playing on non-English clients\n\nv6.0 (2024-07-02)\n- API 10", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false }, { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "Deliveroo", "InternalName": "Deliveroo", "AssemblyVersion": "6.0", "Description": "", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Deliveroo", "DalamudApiLevel": 11, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/Deliveroo.png", "Punchline": "Better Grand Company Deliveries", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 35448, "LastUpdate": 1731764274, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Deliveroo/releases/download/v6.0/Deliveroo-6.0.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Deliveroo/releases/download/v6.0/Deliveroo-6.0.zip", "Changelog": "v6.0 (2024-11-16)\n- API 11\n\nv5.5 (2024-08-31)\n- Fix 'Add Item' not being visible when it should be\n\nv5.4 (2024-08-30)\n- Update drag & drop functionality\n- Add an option for global limits to override char-specifc ones\n\nv5.3 (2024-08-29)\n- Fix null issue for CN clients, thanks to Azaneko\n\nv5.2 (2024-07-17)\n- Fix right-click menu for 'Items for Auto-Buy'", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false }, { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "ARC", "InternalName": "ARControl", "AssemblyVersion": "6.0", "Description": "", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/ARControl", "DalamudApiLevel": 11, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/ARControl.png", "Punchline": "Better AutoRetainer Venture Planner", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 11831, "LastUpdate": 1731708643, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/ARControl/releases/download/v6.0/ARControl-6.0.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/ARControl/releases/download/v6.0/ARControl-6.0.zip", "Changelog": "v6.0 (2024-11-15)\n- API 11\n\nv5.8 (2024-10-28)\n- Show when items have unobtained folklore books in 'Locked Items' tab\n\nv5.7 (2024-08-02)\n- Show last update time on Inventory tab\n\nv5.6 (2024-07-28)\n- Retainers can now be disabled if they're under the minimum level and were previously enabled\n\nv5.5 (2024-07-23)\n- Add 'Inventory' tab", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false }, { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "Workshoppa", "InternalName": "Workshoppa", "AssemblyVersion": "7.0", "Description": "", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Workshoppa", "DalamudApiLevel": 11, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/Workshoppa.png", "Punchline": "Better Company Workshop Turn-In", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 10689, "LastUpdate": 1732030460, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Workshoppa/releases/download/v7.0/Workshoppa-7.0.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Workshoppa/releases/download/v7.0/Workshoppa-7.0.zip", "Changelog": "v7.0 (2024-11-19)\n- API 11\n\nv6.2 (2024-07-28)\n- Exclude crystals, shards and clusters from generated material list (this was an unintended consequence of the 7.0 update)\n\nv6.1 (2024-07-12)\n- Fix 'Export Material List to Clipboard'\n\nv6.0 (2024-07-04)\n- API 10\n\nv5.5 (2024-05-11)\n- Fix commands not starting purchase process", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false }, { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "Squadronista", "InternalName": "Squadronista", "AssemblyVersion": "4.0", "Description": "", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Squadronista", "DalamudApiLevel": 10, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/Squadronista.png", "Punchline": "Simplified Squadron Calculator, heavily inspired by https://ffxivsquadron.com/", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 4693, "LastUpdate": 1720316486, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Squadronista/releases/download/v4.0/Squadronista-4.0.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Squadronista/releases/download/v4.0/Squadronista-4.0.zip", "Changelog": "v4.0 (2024-07-07)\n- API 10\n- Update logic with regards to current mission attributes to hopefully solve some calculation issues\n\nv3.0 (2024-03-23)\n- NET 8\n\nv2.0 (2024-03-02)\n- Use GcArmyManager instead of addon/atk parsing\n\nv1.1 (2023-11-14)\n- Fix for dalamud's breaking titlebar change\n\nv1.0 (2023-11-09)\n- Update header icon logic for Dalamud changes", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false }, { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "Gearsetter", "InternalName": "Gearsetter", "AssemblyVersion": "2.0", "Description": "Browse through all gear pieces available for each class/job and show possible upgrades", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Gearsetter", "Tags": [ "gearset", "gearsets" ], "DalamudApiLevel": 11, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/Gearsetter.png", "Punchline": "Find gear upgrades", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 6193, "LastUpdate": 1732033877, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Gearsetter/releases/download/v2.0/Gearsetter-2.0.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Gearsetter/releases/download/v2.0/Gearsetter-2.0.zip", "Changelog": "v2.0 (2024-11-19)\n- API 11\n\nv1.3 (2024-08-28)\n- Update IPC method ('Gearsetter.GetRecommendationsForGearset') to additionally return the item slot that should be replaced\n\nv1.2 (2024-08-17)\n- Fix inconsistent sorting of preorder (+ experience) earrings\n- Add IPC method ('Gearsetter.GetRecommendationsForGearset')\n- Improved a rare error case\n\nv1.1 (2024-07-08)\n- Run gearset calculation on another thread (not the game's main thread)\n\nv1.0 (testing only) (2024-07-02)\n- API 10 (beta)", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false }, { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "Influx", "InternalName": "Influx", "AssemblyVersion": "1.3", "Description": "Sync game stats to InfluxDB", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Influx", "DalamudApiLevel": 10, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/Influx.png", "Punchline": "Sync game stats to InfluxDB", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 904, "LastUpdate": 1729429903, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Influx/releases/download/v1.3/Influx-1.3.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Influx/releases/download/v1.3/Influx-1.3.zip", "Changelog": "v1.3 (2024-10-20)\n- Make plugin compatible with AllaganTools\n\nv1.2 (2024-08-01)\n- Fix FC Credits\n\nv1.1 (2024-07-14)\n- Make plugin compatible with ever-changing AllaganTools\n\nv1.0 (2024-07-03)\n- API 10\n\nv0.18 (2024-06-18)\n- Fix submarine tracker integration", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false }, { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "KitchenSink", "InternalName": "KitchenSink", "AssemblyVersion": "1.2", "Description": "A plugin for things that aren't worth their own plugins; see commands for details.", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/KitchenSink", "Tags": [ "character switch" ], "DalamudApiLevel": 10, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/KitchenSink.png", "Punchline": "A plugin for things that aren't worth their own plugins.", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 4800, "LastUpdate": 1728737733, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/KitchenSink/releases/download/v1.2/KitchenSink-1.2.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/KitchenSink/releases/download/v1.2/KitchenSink-1.2.zip", "Changelog": "v1.2 (2024-10-12)\n- Include armory in default inventory types\n- Make /dbq request work with all items (not just shards/crystals/clusters)\n\nv1.1 (2024-10-05)\n- Add /dbq clusters\n- Fix /dbq clear\n\nv1.0 (2024-07-04)\n- API 10\n\nv0.5 (testing only) (2024-06-21)\n- Use new Dropbox IPC\n\nv0.4 (testing only) (2024-05-11)\n- CharacterSwitch: Don't print error in chat when building DTR on unknown character\n- DropboxQueue: Add /dbq request as an advanced form of /dbq crystals; split /dbq crystals into different options (crystals, shards and shards+crystals)", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false }, { "Author": "Liza Carvelli", "Name": "Questionable", "InternalName": "Questionable", "AssemblyVersion": "4.2", "Description": "A tiny little quest helper plugin, which does quests for you automatically where possible. Uses navmesh to automatically walk to all quest waypoints, and tries to automatically complete all steps along the way (excluding dungeons, single player duties and combat).\n\nNot all quests are supported, check the discord or git repository for an up-to-date list.\n\nRequired Plugins: vnavmesh, TextAdvance, Lifestream", "ApplicableVersion": "any", "RepoUrl": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Questionable", "Tags": [ "quests", "msq" ], "DalamudApiLevel": 11, "LoadRequiredState": 0, "LoadSync": false, "CanUnloadAsync": false, "LoadPriority": 0, "IconUrl": "https://plugins.carvel.li/icons/Questionable.png", "Punchline": "A tiny quest helper plugin.", "AcceptsFeedback": false, "DownloadCount": 63659, "LastUpdate": 1731959836, "DownloadLinkInstall": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Questionable/releases/download/v4.2/Questionable-4.2.zip", "DownloadLinkUpdate": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Questionable/releases/download/v4.2/Questionable-4.2.zip", "Changelog": "v4.2 (2024-11-18)\n- Updated Pelupelu quests to allow for multiple quests to be turned in at once (instead of teleporting to Dock Poga for each individual quest)\n- Add 'A Present from the Present'\n- Add Anden satisfaction quests\n- Add one of the missing weekly NieR quests\n- Add additional waypoints to 'An Intrepid New Enterprise' and 'Growing as a Guide'\n- Fix gathering for allied society quests\n- Fix item use in 'Strange Bedfellows' and 'Combat Evolved'\n\nv4.1 (2024-11-17)\n- API 11\n- Add Patch 7.1 MSQ quests\n- Add Echoes of Vana'diel - Jeuno: The First Walk quests\n- Add Pelupelu unlock + 2 story quests + all neutral/friendly reputation quests\n- Add ACN/SMN ARR class quests\n- Add HW MCH quests\n- Add missing PGL class quests\n- Fix custom deliveries not switching to appropriate classes\n- Kill enemies if they're stopping you from teleporting to the next aetheryte\n- When moving to the next waypoint while in combat (and unable to use mounts), use mount as soon as you're out of combat\n- Add a few waypoints to 7.0 quests\n- Add new Kojin, Vanu Vanu and Amaj'aa quests, thanks to plogon_enjoyer\n- Update how gathering items/required classes are configured in quest paths\n\nRequired minimum dependency versions:\n- Dalamud:[...] or higher\n- vnavmesh:\n- RSR:\n\nKnown Issues:\n- Certain combat interactions which require you to incapacitate an enemy (where they're doing the /winded animation and all your attacks are cancelled) will NOT use follow-up items automatically (e.g. 'Strange Bedfellows' in Garlemald MSQ and 'Combat Evolved' in Ultima Thule)\n\nNotes:\n- Not all functionality has been tested yet (such as auto-complete sniping)\n- Unmounting is now checked differently, which may take a bit longer (0.5s - 1s) before your character executes the next action(s)\n- Dock Poga will be included in the MSQ route at a later point in time\n\nv4.0 (2024-11-17)\n- API 11\n- Add Patch 7.1 MSQ quests\n- Add Echoes of Vana'diel - Jeuno: The First Walk quests\n- Add Pelupelu unlock + 2 story quests + all neutral/friendly reputation quests\n- Add ACN/SMN ARR class quests\n- Add HW MCH quests\n- Add missing PGL class quests\n- Fix custom deliveries not switching to appropriate classes\n- Kill enemies if they're stopping you from teleporting to the next aetheryte\n- When moving to the next waypoint while in combat (and unable to use mounts), use mount as soon as you're out of combat\n- Add a few waypoints to 7.0 quests\n- Add new Kojin, Vanu Vanu and Amaj'aa quests, thanks to plogon_enjoyer\n- Update how gathering items/required classes are configured in quest paths\n\nRequired minimum dependency versions:\n- Dalamud:[...] or higher\n- vnavmesh:\n- RSR:\n\nKnown Issues:\n- Certain combat interactions which require you to incapacitate an enemy (where they're doing the /winded animation and all your attacks are cancelled) will NOT use follow-up items automatically (e.g. 'Strange Bedfellows' in Garlemald MSQ and 'Combat Evolved' in Ultima Thule)\n\nNotes:\n- Not all functionality has been tested yet (such as auto-complete sniping)\n- Unmounting is now checked differently, which may take a bit longer (0.5s - 1s) before your character executes the next action(s)\n- Dock Poga will be included in the MSQ route at a later point in time\n\nv3.13 (2024-11-03)\n- Add initial set up window to check if all required plugins are enabled\n- Add notifications for when manual interactions are required\n- Add HW DRG quests, thanks to AnimaMachinae\n- Add (partial) SB MCH quests, thanks to UcanPatates\n- Add new Kojin daily quests, thanks to plogon_enjoyer\n- Add Loporrit daily quests, thanks to pot0to\n- Add 'Gilding the Bilious' (GC Aurum Vale quests)\n- Add 'Braving New Depths' (Sunken Temple of Quarn)\n- Add a missing NieR weekly quest\n- Adjust jump timings in a few Mare Lamentorum quests\n- Adjust some flying waypoints in Mare Lamentorum\n- Adjust NPC follow distances in 'Scales of Blue' to hopefully fix a low-fps issue\n- Fix some issues in THM quests added in v3.12\n- Use modfiied pathfinding position when trying to fly from the Camp Dragonhead aetheryte to avoid navmesh trying to pathfind underground\n\nv3.12 (2024-10-24)\n- Add Ninja job quests, thanks to xan\n- Add Rogue class quests\n- Add Thaumaturge class quests, thanks to pot0to\n- Add Amalj'aa, Kojin and Vanu Vanu quests, thanks to plogon_enjoyer\n- Add Vath, Vanu Vanu and Loporrit quests, thanks to AnimaMachinae\n- Add Loporrit and Omicron quests, thanks to pot0to\n- Add more supported emotes\n- Add NIN actions and skip conditions for NIN quests\n- Add missing event quest config for All Saints Wake", "IsHide": false, "IsTestingExclusive": false } ]