Only show objects with a delay

Liza 2021-09-29 13:16:39 +02:00
parent d16c8f47b2
commit e5d7b89675
1 changed files with 37 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ using Dalamud.IoC;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using ImGuiNET;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
@ -33,6 +34,11 @@ namespace SliceIsRight
private const ushort GoldSaucerTerritoryId = 144;
private bool IsInGoldSaucer { get; set; }
private readonly IDictionary<uint, DateTime> objectsAndSpawnTime = new Dictionary<uint, DateTime>();
private readonly ISet<uint> objectsToMatch = new HashSet<uint>();
private const float MaxDistance = 30f;
public SliceIsRightPlugin()
PluginInterface!.UiBuilder.Draw += DrawUI;
@ -64,26 +70,29 @@ namespace SliceIsRight
if (!ClientState.IsLoggedIn || !IsInGoldSaucer || ObjectTable == null)
for (int index = 0; index < ObjectTable.Length; ++ index)
GameObject? obj = ObjectTable[index];
if (obj == null)
if (obj == null || DistanceToPlayer(obj.Position) > MaxDistance)
int model = Marshal.ReadInt32(obj.Address + 128);
if (obj.ObjectKind == ObjectKind.EventObj && (model >= 2010777 && model <= 2010779))
//this.DebugObject(index, obj, model);
//DebugObject(index, obj, model);
RenderObject(index, obj, model);
else if (ClientState.LocalPlayer?.ObjectId == obj.ObjectId)
// local player
//this.DebugObject(index, obj, model);
//this.RenderObject(index, obj, 2010779);
DebugObject(index, obj, model);
//RenderObject(index, obj, 2010779);
foreach (uint objectId in objectsToMatch)
@ -94,7 +103,8 @@ namespace SliceIsRight
// So, while WorldToScreen will return false if the point is off of game client screen, to
// to avoid performance issues, we have to manually determine if creating a window would
// produce a new viewport, and skip rendering it if so
var objectText = $"{obj.Address.ToInt64():X}:{obj.ObjectId:X}[{index}] - {obj.ObjectKind} - {model}: {obj.Name}";
float distance = DistanceToPlayer(obj.Position);
var objectText = $"{obj.Address.ToInt64():X}:{obj.ObjectId:X}[{index}] - {obj.ObjectKind} - {model}: {obj.Name} - {distance:F2}";
var screenPos = ImGui.GetMainViewport().Pos;
var screenSize = ImGui.GetMainViewport().Size;
@ -109,12 +119,12 @@ namespace SliceIsRight
screenCoords.Y + windowSize.Y > screenPos.Y + screenSize.Y)
if (obj.YalmDistanceX > 20f)
if (distance > MaxDistance)
ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(screenCoords.X, screenCoords.Y));
ImGui.SetNextWindowBgAlpha(Math.Max(1f - (obj.YalmDistanceX / 20f), 0.2f));
ImGui.SetNextWindowBgAlpha(Math.Max(1f - (distance / MaxDistance), 0.2f));
if (ImGui.Begin(
ImGuiWindowFlags.NoDecoration |
@ -132,6 +142,20 @@ namespace SliceIsRight
private void RenderObject(int index, GameObject obj, int model)
if (objectsAndSpawnTime.TryGetValue(obj.ObjectId, out DateTime spawnTime))
if (spawnTime.AddSeconds(5) > DateTime.Now)
objectsAndSpawnTime.Add(obj.ObjectId, DateTime.Now);
ImGui.PushID("booWindow" + index);
ImGui.PushStyleVar((ImGuiStyleVar)1, new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f));
@ -230,5 +254,10 @@ namespace SliceIsRight
nearCenter = farCenter;
private float DistanceToPlayer(Vector3 center)
return Vector3.Distance(ClientState.LocalPlayer?.Position ?? Vector3.Zero, center);