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273 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Conditions;
using Dalamud.Plugin.Services;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Application.Network.WorkDefinitions;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Game;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Questionable.Controller.Steps.BaseTasks;
using Questionable.Model;
using Questionable.Model.V1;
namespace Questionable.Controller.Steps.BaseFactory;
internal static class WaitAtEnd
internal sealed class Factory(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IClientState clientState, ICondition condition)
: ITaskFactory
public IEnumerable<ITask> CreateAllTasks(Quest quest, QuestSequence sequence, QuestStep step)
if (step.CompletionQuestVariablesFlags.Count == 6 && step.CompletionQuestVariablesFlags.Any(x => x is > 0))
var task = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<WaitForCompletionFlags>()
.With(quest, step);
var delay = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<WaitDelay>();
return [task, delay, Next(quest, sequence)];
switch (step.InteractionType)
case EInteractionType.Combat:
var notInCombat =
new WaitConditionTask(() => !condition[ConditionFlag.InCombat], "Wait(not in combat)");
Next(quest, sequence)
case EInteractionType.WaitForManualProgress:
case EInteractionType.ShouldBeAJump:
case EInteractionType.Instruction:
return [serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<WaitNextStepOrSequence>()];
case EInteractionType.Duty:
case EInteractionType.SinglePlayerDuty:
return [new EndAutomation()];
case EInteractionType.WalkTo:
case EInteractionType.Jump:
// no need to wait if we're just moving around
return [Next(quest, sequence)];
case EInteractionType.WaitForObjectAtPosition:
.With(step.DataId.Value, step.Position.Value, step.NpcWaitDistance ?? 0.05f),
Next(quest, sequence)
case EInteractionType.Interact when step.TargetTerritoryId != null:
case EInteractionType.UseItem when step.TargetTerritoryId != null:
ITask waitInteraction;
if (step.TerritoryId != step.TargetTerritoryId)
// interaction moves to a different territory
waitInteraction = new WaitConditionTask(
() => clientState.TerritoryType == step.TargetTerritoryId,
$"Wait(tp to territory: {step.TargetTerritoryId})");
Vector3 lastPosition = step.Position ?? clientState.LocalPlayer?.Position ?? Vector3.Zero;
waitInteraction = new WaitConditionTask(() =>
Vector3? currentPosition = clientState.LocalPlayer?.Position;
if (currentPosition == null)
return false;
// interaction moved to elsewhere in the zone
// the 'closest' locations are probably
// - waking sands' solar
// - rising stones' solar + dawn's respite
return (lastPosition - currentPosition.Value).Length() > 2;
}, $"Wait(tp away from {lastPosition.ToString("G", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)})");
Next(quest, sequence)
case EInteractionType.AcceptQuest:
serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<WaitQuestAccepted>().With(step.QuestId ?? quest.QuestId),
case EInteractionType.CompleteQuest:
serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<WaitQuestCompleted>().With(step.QuestId ?? quest.QuestId),
case EInteractionType.Interact:
return [serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<WaitDelay>(), Next(quest, sequence)];
public ITask CreateTask(Quest quest, QuestSequence sequence, QuestStep step)
=> throw new InvalidOperationException();
private static NextStep Next(Quest quest, QuestSequence sequence)
return new NextStep(quest.QuestId, sequence.Sequence);
internal sealed class WaitDelay() : AbstractDelayedTask(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
protected override bool StartInternal() => true;
public override string ToString() => $"Wait(seconds: {Delay.TotalSeconds})";
internal sealed class WaitNextStepOrSequence : ITask
public bool Start() => true;
public ETaskResult Update() => ETaskResult.StillRunning;
public override string ToString() => "Wait(next step or sequence)";
internal sealed class WaitForCompletionFlags(GameFunctions gameFunctions) : ITask
public Quest Quest { get; set; } = null!;
public QuestStep Step { get; set; } = null!;
public IList<short?> Flags { get; set; } = null!;
public ITask With(Quest quest, QuestStep step)
Quest = quest;
Step = step;
Flags = step.CompletionQuestVariablesFlags;
return this;
public bool Start() => true;
public ETaskResult Update()
QuestWork? questWork = gameFunctions.GetQuestEx(Quest.QuestId);
return questWork != null && Step.MatchesQuestVariables(questWork.Value, false)
? ETaskResult.TaskComplete
: ETaskResult.StillRunning;
public override string ToString() =>
$"WaitCF({string.Join(", ", Flags.Select(x => x?.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ?? "-"))})";
internal sealed class WaitObjectAtPosition(GameFunctions gameFunctions) : ITask
public uint DataId { get; set; }
public Vector3 Destination { get; set; }
public float Distance { get; set; }
public ITask With(uint dataId, Vector3 destination, float distance)
DataId = dataId;
Destination = destination;
Distance = distance;
return this;
public bool Start() => true;
public ETaskResult Update() =>
gameFunctions.IsObjectAtPosition(DataId, Destination, Distance)
? ETaskResult.TaskComplete
: ETaskResult.StillRunning;
public override string ToString() =>
$"WaitObj({DataId} at {Destination.ToString("G", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)})";
internal sealed class WaitQuestAccepted : ITask
public ushort QuestId { get; set; }
public ITask With(ushort questId)
QuestId = questId;
return this;
public bool Start() => true;
public ETaskResult Update()
var questManager = QuestManager.Instance();
return questManager != null && questManager->IsQuestAccepted(QuestId)
? ETaskResult.TaskComplete
: ETaskResult.StillRunning;
public override string ToString() => $"WaitQuestAccepted({QuestId})";
internal sealed class WaitQuestCompleted : ITask
public ushort QuestId { get; set; }
public ITask With(ushort questId)
QuestId = questId;
return this;
public bool Start() => true;
public ETaskResult Update()
return QuestManager.IsQuestComplete(QuestId) ? ETaskResult.TaskComplete : ETaskResult.StillRunning;
public override string ToString() => $"WaitQuestComplete({QuestId})";
internal sealed class NextStep(ushort questId, int sequence) : ILastTask
public ushort QuestId { get; } = questId;
public int Sequence { get; } = sequence;
public bool Start() => true;
public ETaskResult Update() => ETaskResult.NextStep;
public override string ToString() => "NextStep";
internal sealed class EndAutomation : ILastTask
public ushort QuestId => throw new InvalidOperationException();
public int Sequence => throw new InvalidOperationException();
public bool Start() => true;
public ETaskResult Update() => ETaskResult.End;
public override string ToString() => "EndAutomation";