{ "$schema": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Questionable/raw/branch/master/QuestPaths/quest-v1.json", "Author": "liza", "QuestSequence": [ { "Sequence": 0, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1032121, "Position": { "X": 0.045776367, "Y": -5.996435E-14, "Z": -5.5390625 }, "StopDistance": 7, "TerritoryId": 844, "InteractionType": "AcceptQuest" } ] }, { "Sequence": 1, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1032506, "Position": { "X": 453.05554, "Y": 33.66181, "Z": -156.9696 }, "TerritoryId": 817, "InteractionType": "Interact", "AetheryteShortcut": "Rak'tika - Fanow" } ] }, { "Sequence": 2, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1032509, "Position": { "X": 843.25916, "Y": -65.313614, "Z": -387.10614 }, "TerritoryId": 817, "InteractionType": "SinglePlayerDuty", "SinglePlayerDutyOptions": { "Enabled": false, "TestedBossModVersion": "", "Notes": [ "Doesn't walk to the teleporter to finish the duty" ] }, "Fly": true, "Comment": "A Sleep Disturbed (Opo-Opo, Wolf, Serpent)", "$": "The dialogue choices and data ids here are recycled", "DialogueChoices": [ { "Type": "YesNo", "DataId": 2011009, "ExcelSheet": "GimmickYesNo", "Prompt": 138, "Yes": true }, { "Type": "YesNo", "DataId": 2011006, "ExcelSheet": "GimmickYesNo", "Prompt": 139, "Yes": true }, { "Type": "YesNo", "DataId": 2011007, "ExcelSheet": "GimmickYesNo", "Prompt": 142, "Yes": true }, { "Type": "YesNo", "ExcelSheet": "GimmickYesNo", "Prompt": 137, "Yes": true } ] } ] }, { "Sequence": 255, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1032506, "Position": { "X": 453.05554, "Y": 33.66181, "Z": -156.9696 }, "StopDistance": 5, "TerritoryId": 817, "InteractionType": "CompleteQuest" } ] } ] }