{ "$schema": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Questionable/raw/branch/master/QuestPaths/quest-v1.json", "Author": "liza", "QuestSequence": [ { "Sequence": 0, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1026970, "Position": { "X": -58.457336, "Y": 79.05602, "Z": 43.686523 }, "StopDistance": 7, "TerritoryId": 628, "InteractionType": "AcceptQuest" } ] }, { "Sequence": 1, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1024156, "Position": { "X": -59.098206, "Y": 79.05602, "Z": 45.303955 }, "StopDistance": 7, "TerritoryId": 628, "InteractionType": "Interact", "TargetTerritoryId": 735, "SkipConditions": { "StepIf": { "InTerritory": [ 735 ] } } }, { "DataId": 1026973, "Position": { "X": -10.025269, "Y": 0.046870913, "Z": -2.5482788 }, "TerritoryId": 735, "InteractionType": "Interact" } ] }, { "Sequence": 2, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1026974, "Position": { "X": -10.788147, "Y": 0.04687085, "Z": -4.4404297 }, "StopDistance": 5, "TerritoryId": 735, "InteractionType": "Interact" } ] }, { "Sequence": 3, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 2009044, "Position": { "X": -28.763306, "Y": 0.56451416, "Z": -0.015319824 }, "TerritoryId": 735, "InteractionType": "Interact", "TargetTerritoryId": 628, "SkipConditions": { "StepIf": { "InTerritory": [ 628 ] } } }, { "DataId": 1026969, "Position": { "X": -55.985413, "Y": 79.05602, "Z": 43.656006 }, "StopDistance": 7, "TerritoryId": 628, "InteractionType": "Interact" } ] }, { "Sequence": 4, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1026976, "Position": { "X": 115.12927, "Y": 12.000001, "Z": 71.000244 }, "TerritoryId": 628, "InteractionType": "Interact", "AetheryteShortcut": "Kugane", "AethernetShortcut": [ "[Kugane] Aetheryte Plaza", "[Kugane] The Ruby Bazaar" ], "DialogueChoices": [ { "Type": "YesNo", "Prompt": "TEXT_STMBDI302_03188_Q3_000_000", "Yes": true } ] } ] }, { "Sequence": 5, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1024156, "Position": { "X": -59.098206, "Y": 79.05602, "Z": 45.303955 }, "StopDistance": 5, "TerritoryId": 628, "InteractionType": "Interact", "AethernetShortcut": [ "[Kugane] The Ruby Bazaar", "[Kugane] Airship Landing" ], "TargetTerritoryId": 735 } ] }, { "Sequence": 6, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1026977, "Position": { "X": -4.3793945, "Y": -2.5159047E-06, "Z": -6.3325195 }, "TerritoryId": 735, "InteractionType": "Interact", "DialogueChoices": [ { "Type": "List", "Prompt": "TEXT_STMBDI302_03188_Q1_000_000", "Answer": "TEXT_STMBDI302_03188_A1_000_001" } ] } ] }, { "Sequence": 255, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1026978, "Position": { "X": -9.10968, "Y": -2.9294104E-06, "Z": -7.309082 }, "TerritoryId": 735, "InteractionType": "CompleteQuest", "NextQuestId": 3189 } ] } ] }