{ "$schema": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Questionable/raw/branch/master/QuestPaths/quest-v1.json", "Author": "liza", "QuestSequence": [ { "Sequence": 0, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1052202, "Position": { "X": -305.83655, "Y": 9.519508, "Z": 53.147095 }, "StopDistance": 5, "TerritoryId": 1186, "InteractionType": "AcceptQuest" } ] }, { "Sequence": 1, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1052205, "Position": { "X": -257.0382, "Y": 30, "Z": -569.05475 }, "TerritoryId": 1191, "InteractionType": "Interact", "AetheryteShortcut": "Heritage Found - The Outskirts" }, { "DataId": 1052204, "Position": { "X": -158.25134, "Y": 25.984516, "Z": -521.90436 }, "TerritoryId": 1191, "InteractionType": "Interact", "Fly": true }, { "DataId": 1052206, "Position": { "X": -137.86536, "Y": 35, "Z": -568.29175 }, "TerritoryId": 1191, "InteractionType": "Interact", "Fly": true } ] }, { "Sequence": 2, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1048083, "Position": { "X": 302.05237, "Y": 51.199978, "Z": 205.0354 }, "TerritoryId": 1186, "InteractionType": "Interact", "AetheryteShortcut": "Solution Nine", "AethernetShortcut": [ "[Solution Nine] Aetheryte Plaza", "[Solution Nine] Neon Stein" ], "TargetTerritoryId": 1207, "SkipConditions": { "AetheryteShortcutIf": { "InTerritory": [ 1207 ] }, "StepIf": { "InTerritory": [ 1207 ] } } }, { "DataId": 1048161, "Position": { "X": -5.874817, "Y": -3.6188258E-08, "Z": 6.8512573 }, "TerritoryId": 1207, "InteractionType": "Interact" } ] }, { "Sequence": 3, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1052207, "Position": { "X": -609.3385, "Y": -3.3580189, "Z": -504.5701 }, "TerritoryId": 1191, "InteractionType": "Interact", "AetheryteShortcut": "Heritage Found - The Outskirts", "Fly": true } ] }, { "Sequence": 4, "Steps": [ { "TerritoryId": 1191, "InteractionType": "Duty", "DutyOptions": { "ContentFinderConditionId": 1008, "Enabled": true, "Notes": [ "(boss 2) Requires vbm's auto-turn gaze option", "(boss 3) Dashes (such as on SMN) will dash into the hole" ] } } ] }, { "Sequence": 255, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1052213, "Position": { "X": 117.02136, "Y": 12.5, "Z": -67.826416 }, "StopDistance": 6, "TerritoryId": 1254, "InteractionType": "CompleteQuest" } ] } ] }