{ "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema", "$id": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Questionable/raw/branch/master/Questionable.Model/common-aetheryte.json", "type": "string", "enum": [ "Gridania", "Central Shroud - Bentbranch Meadows", "East Shroud - Hawthorne Hut", "South Shroud - Quarrymill", "South Shroud - Camp Tranquil", "North Shroud - Fallgourd Float", "Ul'dah", "Western Thanalan - Horizon", "Central Thanalan - Black Brush Station", "Eastern Thanalan - Camp Drybone", "Southern Thanalan - Little Ala Mhigo", "Southern Thanalan - Forgotten Springs", "Northern Thanalan - Camp Bluefog", "Northern Thanalan - Ceruleum Processing Plant", "Limsa Lominsa", "Middle La Noscea - Summerford Farms", "Lower La Noscea - Moraby Drydocks", "Eastern La Noscea - Costa Del Sol", "Eastern La Noscea - Wineport", "Western La Noscea - Swiftperch", "Western La Noscea - Aleport", "Upper La Noscea - Camp Bronze Lake", "Outer La Noscea - Camp Overlook", "Coerthas Central Highlands - Camp Dragonhead", "Mor Dhona", "Wolves' Den Pier", "Gold Saucer", "Ishgard", "Idyllshire", "Coerthas Western Highlands - Falcon's Nest", "The Sea of Clouds - Camp Cloudtop", "The Sea of Clouds - Ok' Zundu", "Azys Lla - Helix", "The Dravanian Forelands - Tailfeather", "The Dravanian Forelands - Anyx Trine", "The Churning Mists - Moghome", "The Churning Mists - Zenith", "Rhalgr's Reach", "Fringes - Castrum Oriens", "Fringes - Peering Stones", "Peaks - Ala Gannha", "Peaks - Ala Ghiri", "Lochs - Porta Praetoria", "Lochs - Ala Mhigan Quarter", "Kugane", "Ruby Sea - Tamamizu", "Ruby Sea - Onokoro", "Yanxia - Namai", "Yanxia - House of the Fierce", "Azim Steppe - Reunion", "Azim Steppe - Dawn Throne", "Azim Steppe - Dhoro Iloh", "Doman Enclave", "Crystarium", "Eulmore", "Lakeland - Fort Jobb", "Lakeland - Ostall Imperative", "Kholusia - Stilltide", "Kholusia - Wright", "Kholusia - Tomra", "Amh Araeng - Mord Souq", "Amh Araeng - Inn at Journey's Head", "Amh Araeng - Twine", "Rak'tika - Slitherbough", "Rak'tika - Fanow", "Il Mheg - Lydha Lran", "Il Mheg - Pla Enni", "Il Mheg - Wolekdorf", "Tempest - Ondo Cups", "Tempest - Macarenses Angle", "Old Sharlayan", "Radz-at-Han", "Labyrinthos - Archeion", "Labyrinthos - Sharlayan Hamlet", "Labyrinthos - Aporia", "Thavnair - Yedlihmad", "Thavnair - Great Work", "Thavnair - Palaka's Stand", "Garlemald - Camp Broken Glass", "Garlemald - Tertium", "Mare Lamentorum - Sinus Lacrimarum", "Mare Lamentorum - Bestways Burrow", "Elpis - Anagnorisis", "Elpis - Twelve Wonders", "Elpis - Poieten Oikos", "Ultima Thule - Reah Tahra", "Ultima Thule - Abode of the Ea", "Ultima Thule - Base Omicron", "Tuliyollal", "Solution Nine", "Urqopacha - Wachunpelo", "Urqopacha - Worlar's Echo", "Kozama'uka - Ok'hanu", "Kozama'uka - Many Fires", "Kozama'uka - Earthenshire", "Kozama'uka - Dock Poga", "Yak T'el - Iq Br'aax", "Yak T'el - Mamook", "Shaaloani - Hhusatahwi", "Shaaloani - Sheshenewezi Springs", "Shaaloani - Mehwahhetsoan", "Heritage Found - Yyasulani Station", "Heritage Found - The Outskirts", "Heritage Found - Electrope Strike", "Living Memory - Leynode Mnemo", "Living Memory - Leynode Pyro", "Living Memory - Leynode Aero" ] }