{ "$schema": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Questionable/raw/branch/master/QuestPaths/quest-v1.json", "Author": "liza", "QuestSequence": [ { "Sequence": 0, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1039931, "Position": { "X": -351.15588, "Y": 23.742596, "Z": 418.4176 }, "TerritoryId": 958, "InteractionType": "AcceptQuest" } ] }, { "Sequence": 1, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1040898, "Position": { "X": -433.12738, "Y": 22.221891, "Z": 460.80713 }, "TerritoryId": 958, "InteractionType": "AcceptQuest", "PickUpQuestId": 4216 }, { "DataId": 1041765, "Position": { "X": -323.4455, "Y": 22, "Z": 487.81555 }, "TerritoryId": 958, "InteractionType": "AcceptQuest", "PickUpQuestId": 4502, "AetheryteShortcut": "Garlemald - Camp Broken Glass", "SkipConditions": { "AetheryteShortcutIf": { "QuestsCompleted": [ 4502 ] } } }, { "DataId": 1039932, "Position": { "X": -357.99194, "Y": 22, "Z": 488.3954 }, "TerritoryId": 958, "InteractionType": "SinglePlayerDuty", "SinglePlayerDutyOptions": { "Enabled": false, "Notes": [ "Instance probably only works on very easy difficulty", "AI doesn't move to first enemy", "AI doesn't unmount from the Magitek Reaper", "Navmesh takes 5+ minutes to build" ] }, "DialogueChoices": [ { "Type": "YesNo", "Prompt": "TEXT_AKTKMB115_04394_Q1_000_042", "Yes": true }, { "Type": "List", "ExcelSheet": "ContentTalk", "Prompt": 254, "Answer": 247, "SpecialCondition": "NoDutyActions" }, { "Type": "List", "ExcelSheet": "ContentTalk", "Prompt": 254, "Answer": 248 } ], "AetheryteShortcut": "Garlemald - Camp Broken Glass", "SkipConditions": { "AetheryteShortcutIf": { "NearPosition": { "Position": { "X": -357.99194, "Y": 22, "Z": 488.3954 }, "TerritoryId": 958, "MaximumDistance": 200 } } } } ] }, { "Sequence": 255, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1039933, "Position": { "X": -369.2531, "Y": 22.20836, "Z": 403.76892 }, "StopDistance": 5, "TerritoryId": 958, "InteractionType": "CompleteQuest" } ] } ] }