Add Physical Role Quest for Shadowbringers #24

liza merged 1 commits from Fifi/Questionable:shb-role-phys into master 2024-08-29 07:12:39 +00:00

I'm not sure what happened with Sequence 4 on the last quest, I swear before entering the duty it was at 3 and afterwards at 5? not sure what to do so I just left it empty since I did not want to do that soloduty again...

I'm not sure what happened with Sequence 4 on the last quest, I swear before entering the duty it was at 3 and afterwards at 5? not sure what to do so I just left it empty since I did not want to do that soloduty again...
Fifi force-pushed shb-role-phys from f3bfa516ec to e7619e7c08 2024-08-25 00:00:22 +00:00 Compare
Fifi force-pushed shb-role-phys from e7619e7c08 to 50805643d5 2024-08-25 13:50:29 +00:00 Compare
Fifi force-pushed shb-role-phys from 50805643d5 to 9f737ee674 2024-08-26 01:46:59 +00:00 Compare
Fifi force-pushed shb-role-phys from 9f737ee674 to 7d622c4d12 2024-08-29 03:41:24 +00:00 Compare

Just went through it with second character, sequence 3 being skipped is indeed normal after the solo duty in the final quest and it works.

Just went through it with second character, sequence 3 being skipped is indeed normal after the solo duty in the final quest and it works.
liza merged commit a5419bb455 into master 2024-08-29 07:12:39 +00:00
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Reference: liza/Questionable#24
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