syntax = "proto3"; package account; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; service ExportService { rpc Export(ExportRequest) returns (ExportReply); } message ExportRequest { string serverUrl = 1; } message ExportReply { bool success = 1; ExportRoot data = 2; ExportError error = 3; } enum ExportError { EXPORT_ERROR_NONE = 0; EXPORT_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 1; } message ExportRoot { string exportId = 1; // Only increases if the export format changes, in case of backwards-incompatible changes. int32 exportVersion = 2; string serverUrl = 3; // Server MAY decide not to send any markers older than this. google.protobuf.Timestamp createdAt = 4; repeated ExportFloor floors = 5; } message ExportFloor { uint32 territoryType = 1; repeated ExportObject objects = 2; } message ExportObject { ExportObjectType type = 1; float x = 2; float y = 3; float z = 4; //string networkId = 5; } enum ExportObjectType { EXPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; EXPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_TRAP = 1; EXPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_HOARD = 2; }