using System; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Dalamud.Game.Text; using Dalamud.Game.Text.SeStringHandling; using Dalamud.Plugin.Services; using Lumina.Excel.GeneratedSheets; using Pal.Client.Configuration; using Pal.Client.Floors; namespace Pal.Client.DependencyInjection; internal sealed class ChatService : IDisposable { private readonly IChatGui _chatGui; private readonly TerritoryState _territoryState; private readonly IPalacePalConfiguration _configuration; private readonly IDataManager _dataManager; private readonly LocalizedChatMessages _localizedChatMessages; public ChatService(IChatGui chatGui, TerritoryState territoryState, IPalacePalConfiguration configuration, IDataManager dataManager) { _chatGui = chatGui; _territoryState = territoryState; _configuration = configuration; _dataManager = dataManager; _localizedChatMessages = LoadLanguageStrings(); _chatGui.ChatMessage += OnChatMessage; } public void Dispose() => _chatGui.ChatMessage -= OnChatMessage; private void OnChatMessage(XivChatType type, int senderId, ref SeString sender, ref SeString seMessage, ref bool isHandled) { if (_configuration.FirstUse) return; if (type != (XivChatType)2105) return; string message = seMessage.ToString(); if (_localizedChatMessages.FloorChanged.IsMatch(message)) { _territoryState.PomanderOfSight = PomanderState.Inactive; if (_territoryState.PomanderOfIntuition == PomanderState.FoundOnCurrentFloor) _territoryState.PomanderOfIntuition = PomanderState.Inactive; } else if (message.EndsWith(_localizedChatMessages.MapRevealed)) { _territoryState.PomanderOfSight = PomanderState.Active; } else if (message.EndsWith(_localizedChatMessages.AllTrapsRemoved)) { _territoryState.PomanderOfSight = PomanderState.PomanderOfSafetyUsed; } else if (message.EndsWith(_localizedChatMessages.HoardNotOnCurrentFloor) || message.EndsWith(_localizedChatMessages.HoardOnCurrentFloor)) { // There is no functional difference between these - if you don't open the marked coffer, // going to higher floors will keep the pomander active. _territoryState.PomanderOfIntuition = PomanderState.Active; } else if (message.EndsWith(_localizedChatMessages.HoardCofferOpened)) { _territoryState.PomanderOfIntuition = PomanderState.FoundOnCurrentFloor; } } private LocalizedChatMessages LoadLanguageStrings() { return new LocalizedChatMessages { MapRevealed = GetLocalizedString(7256), AllTrapsRemoved = GetLocalizedString(7255), HoardOnCurrentFloor = GetLocalizedString(7272), HoardNotOnCurrentFloor = GetLocalizedString(7273), HoardCofferOpened = GetLocalizedString(7274), FloorChanged = new Regex("^" + GetLocalizedString(7270, true).Replace("\u0002 \u0003\ufffd\u0002\u0003", @"(\d+)") + "$"), }; } private string GetLocalizedString(uint id, bool asRawData = false) { var text = _dataManager.GetExcelSheet()?.GetRow(id)?.Text; if (text == null) return "Unknown"; if (asRawData) return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(text.RawData); else return text.ToString(); } private sealed class LocalizedChatMessages { public string MapRevealed { get; init; } = "???"; //"The map for this floor has been revealed!"; public string AllTrapsRemoved { get; init; } = "???"; // "All the traps on this floor have disappeared!"; public string HoardOnCurrentFloor { get; init; } = "???"; // "You sense the Accursed Hoard calling you..."; public string HoardNotOnCurrentFloor { get; init; } = "???"; // "You do not sense the call of the Accursed Hoard on this floor..."; public string HoardCofferOpened { get; init; } = "???"; // "You discover a piece of the Accursed Hoard!"; public Regex FloorChanged { get; init; } = new(@"This isn't a game message, but will be replaced"); // new Regex(@"^Floor (\d+)$"); } }