using Dalamud.Game; using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Conditions; using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects.Types; using Dalamud.Game.Command; using Dalamud.Game.Gui; using Dalamud.Game.Text; using Dalamud.Game.Text.SeStringHandling; using Dalamud.Interface.Windowing; using Dalamud.Logging; using Dalamud.Plugin; using Grpc.Core; using ImGuiNET; using Lumina.Excel.GeneratedSheets; using Pal.Client.Rendering; using Pal.Client.Scheduled; using Pal.Client.Windows; using Pal.Common; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Pal.Client.Extensions; using Pal.Client.Properties; using ECommons; namespace Pal.Client { public class Plugin : IDalamudPlugin { internal const uint ColorInvisible = 0; private LocalizedChatMessages _localizedChatMessages = new(); internal ConcurrentDictionary FloorMarkers { get; } = new(); internal ConcurrentBag EphemeralMarkers { get; set; } = new(); internal ushort LastTerritory { get; set; } internal SyncState TerritorySyncState { get; set; } internal PomanderState PomanderOfSight { get; private set; } = PomanderState.Inactive; internal PomanderState PomanderOfIntuition { get; private set; } = PomanderState.Inactive; internal string? DebugMessage { get; set; } internal Queue EarlyEventQueue { get; } = new(); internal Queue LateEventQueue { get; } = new(); internal ConcurrentQueue NextUpdateObjects { get; } = new(); internal IRenderer Renderer { get; private set; } = null!; public string Name => Localization.Palace_Pal; public Plugin(DalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface, ChatGui chat) { LanguageChanged(pluginInterface.UiLanguage); PluginLog.Information($"Install source: {pluginInterface.SourceRepository}"); #if RELEASE // You're welcome to remove this code in your fork, as long as: // - none of the links accessible within FFXIV open the original repo (e.g. in the plugin installer), and // - you host your own server instance if (!pluginInterface.IsDev && !pluginInterface.SourceRepository.StartsWith("") && !pluginInterface.SourceRepository.StartsWith("")) { chat.PalError(string.Format(Localization.Error_WrongRepository, "")); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } #endif pluginInterface.Create(); Service.Plugin = this; Service.Configuration = (Configuration?)pluginInterface.GetPluginConfig() ?? pluginInterface.Create()!; Service.Configuration.Migrate(); ResetRenderer(); Service.Hooks = new Hooks(); var agreementWindow = pluginInterface.Create(); if (agreementWindow is not null) { agreementWindow.IsOpen = Service.Configuration.FirstUse; Service.WindowSystem.AddWindow(agreementWindow); } var configWindow = pluginInterface.Create(); if (configWindow is not null) { Service.WindowSystem.AddWindow(configWindow); } var statisticsWindow = pluginInterface.Create(); if (statisticsWindow is not null) { Service.WindowSystem.AddWindow(statisticsWindow); } pluginInterface.UiBuilder.Draw += Draw; pluginInterface.UiBuilder.OpenConfigUi += OpenConfigUi; pluginInterface.LanguageChanged += LanguageChanged; Service.Framework.Update += OnFrameworkUpdate; Service.Chat.ChatMessage += OnChatMessage; Service.CommandManager.AddHandler("/pal", new CommandInfo(OnCommand) { HelpMessage = Localization.Command_pal_HelpText }); ReloadLanguageStrings(); } private void OpenConfigUi() { Window? configWindow; if (Service.Configuration.FirstUse) configWindow = Service.WindowSystem.GetWindow(); else configWindow = Service.WindowSystem.GetWindow(); if (configWindow != null) configWindow.IsOpen = true; } private void OnCommand(string command, string arguments) { if (Service.Configuration.FirstUse) { Service.Chat.PalError(Localization.Error_FirstTimeSetupRequired); return; } try { arguments = arguments.Trim(); switch (arguments) { case "stats": Task.Run(async () => await FetchFloorStatistics()); break; case "test-connection": case "tc": var configWindow = Service.WindowSystem.GetWindow(); if (configWindow == null) return; configWindow.IsOpen = true; configWindow.TestConnection(); break; #if DEBUG case "update-saves": LocalState.UpdateAll(); Service.Chat.Print(Localization.Command_pal_updatesaves); break; #endif case "": case "config": Service.WindowSystem.GetWindow()?.Toggle(); break; case "near": DebugNearest(_ => true); break; case "tnear": DebugNearest(m => m.Type == Marker.EType.Trap); break; case "hnear": DebugNearest(m => m.Type == Marker.EType.Hoard); break; default: Service.Chat.PalError(string.Format(Localization.Command_pal_UnknownSubcommand, arguments, command)); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Service.Chat.PalError(e.ToString()); } } #region IDisposable Support protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposing) return; Service.CommandManager.RemoveHandler("/pal"); Service.PluginInterface.UiBuilder.Draw -= Draw; Service.PluginInterface.UiBuilder.OpenConfigUi -= OpenConfigUi; Service.PluginInterface.LanguageChanged -= LanguageChanged; Service.Framework.Update -= OnFrameworkUpdate; Service.Chat.ChatMessage -= OnChatMessage; Service.WindowSystem.RemoveAllWindows(); Service.RemoteApi.Dispose(); Service.Hooks.Dispose(); if (Renderer is IDisposable disposable) disposable.Dispose(); } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } #endregion private void OnChatMessage(XivChatType type, uint senderId, ref SeString sender, ref SeString seMessage, ref bool isHandled) { if (Service.Configuration.FirstUse) return; if (type != (XivChatType)2105) return; string message = seMessage.ToString(); if (_localizedChatMessages.FloorChanged.IsMatch(message)) { PomanderOfSight = PomanderState.Inactive; if (PomanderOfIntuition == PomanderState.FoundOnCurrentFloor) PomanderOfIntuition = PomanderState.Inactive; } else if (message.EndsWith(_localizedChatMessages.MapRevealed)) { PomanderOfSight = PomanderState.Active; } else if (message.EndsWith(_localizedChatMessages.AllTrapsRemoved)) { PomanderOfSight = PomanderState.PomanderOfSafetyUsed; } else if (message.EndsWith(_localizedChatMessages.HoardNotOnCurrentFloor) || message.EndsWith(_localizedChatMessages.HoardOnCurrentFloor)) { // There is no functional difference between these - if you don't open the marked coffer, // going to higher floors will keep the pomander active. PomanderOfIntuition = PomanderState.Active; } else if (message.EndsWith(_localizedChatMessages.HoardCofferOpened)) { PomanderOfIntuition = PomanderState.FoundOnCurrentFloor; } } private void LanguageChanged(string langcode) { Localization.Culture = new CultureInfo(langcode); Service.WindowSystem.Windows.OfType().Each(w => w.LanguageChanged()); } private void OnFrameworkUpdate(Framework framework) { if (Service.Configuration.FirstUse) return; try { bool recreateLayout = false; bool saveMarkers = false; while (EarlyEventQueue.TryDequeue(out IQueueOnFrameworkThread? queued)) queued.Run(this, ref recreateLayout, ref saveMarkers); if (LastTerritory != Service.ClientState.TerritoryType) { LastTerritory = Service.ClientState.TerritoryType; TerritorySyncState = SyncState.NotAttempted; NextUpdateObjects.Clear(); if (IsInDeepDungeon()) GetFloorMarkers(LastTerritory); EphemeralMarkers.Clear(); PomanderOfSight = PomanderState.Inactive; PomanderOfIntuition = PomanderState.Inactive; recreateLayout = true; DebugMessage = null; } if (!IsInDeepDungeon()) return; if (Service.Configuration.Mode == Configuration.EMode.Online && TerritorySyncState == SyncState.NotAttempted) { TerritorySyncState = SyncState.Started; Task.Run(async () => await DownloadMarkersForTerritory(LastTerritory)); } while (LateEventQueue.TryDequeue(out IQueueOnFrameworkThread? queued)) queued.Run(this, ref recreateLayout, ref saveMarkers); var currentFloor = GetFloorMarkers(LastTerritory); IList visibleMarkers = GetRelevantGameObjects(); HandlePersistentMarkers(currentFloor, visibleMarkers.Where(x => x.IsPermanent()).ToList(), saveMarkers, recreateLayout); HandleEphemeralMarkers(visibleMarkers.Where(x => !x.IsPermanent()).ToList(), recreateLayout); } catch (Exception e) { DebugMessage = $"{DateTime.Now}\n{e}"; } } internal LocalState GetFloorMarkers(ushort territoryType) { return FloorMarkers.GetOrAdd(territoryType, tt => LocalState.Load(tt) ?? new LocalState(tt)); } #region Rendering markers private void HandlePersistentMarkers(LocalState currentFloor, IList visibleMarkers, bool saveMarkers, bool recreateLayout) { var config = Service.Configuration; var currentFloorMarkers = currentFloor.Markers; bool updateSeenMarkers = false; var partialAccountId = Service.RemoteApi.PartialAccountId; foreach (var visibleMarker in visibleMarkers) { Marker? knownMarker = currentFloorMarkers.SingleOrDefault(x => x == visibleMarker); if (knownMarker != null) { if (!knownMarker.Seen) { knownMarker.Seen = true; saveMarkers = true; } // This requires you to have seen a trap/hoard marker once per floor to synchronize this for older local states, // markers discovered afterwards are automatically marked seen. if (partialAccountId != null && knownMarker is { NetworkId: { }, RemoteSeenRequested: false } && !knownMarker.RemoteSeenOn.Contains(partialAccountId)) updateSeenMarkers = true; continue; } currentFloorMarkers.Add(visibleMarker); recreateLayout = true; saveMarkers = true; } if (!recreateLayout && currentFloorMarkers.Count > 0 && (config.OnlyVisibleTrapsAfterPomander || config.OnlyVisibleHoardAfterPomander)) { try { foreach (var marker in currentFloorMarkers) { uint desiredColor = DetermineColor(marker, visibleMarkers); if (marker.RenderElement == null || !marker.RenderElement.IsValid) { recreateLayout = true; break; } if (marker.RenderElement.Color != desiredColor) marker.RenderElement.Color = desiredColor; } } catch (Exception e) { DebugMessage = $"{DateTime.Now}\n{e}"; recreateLayout = true; } } if (updateSeenMarkers && partialAccountId != null) { var markersToUpdate = currentFloorMarkers.Where(x => x is { Seen: true, NetworkId: { }, RemoteSeenRequested: false } && !x.RemoteSeenOn.Contains(partialAccountId)).ToList(); foreach (var marker in markersToUpdate) marker.RemoteSeenRequested = true; Task.Run(async () => await SyncSeenMarkersForTerritory(LastTerritory, markersToUpdate)); } if (saveMarkers) { currentFloor.Save(); if (TerritorySyncState == SyncState.Complete) { var markersToUpload = currentFloorMarkers.Where(x => x.IsPermanent() && x.NetworkId == null && !x.UploadRequested).ToList(); if (markersToUpload.Count > 0) { foreach (var marker in markersToUpload) marker.UploadRequested = true; Task.Run(async () => await UploadMarkersForTerritory(LastTerritory, markersToUpload)); } } } if (recreateLayout) { Renderer.ResetLayer(ELayer.TrapHoard); List elements = new(); foreach (var marker in currentFloorMarkers) { if (marker.Seen || config.Mode == Configuration.EMode.Online || marker is { WasImported: true, Imports.Count: > 0 }) { if (marker.Type == Marker.EType.Trap && config.ShowTraps) { CreateRenderElement(marker, elements, DetermineColor(marker, visibleMarkers)); } else if (marker.Type == Marker.EType.Hoard && config.ShowHoard) { CreateRenderElement(marker, elements, DetermineColor(marker, visibleMarkers)); } } } if (elements.Count == 0) return; Renderer.SetLayer(ELayer.TrapHoard, elements); } } private void HandleEphemeralMarkers(IList visibleMarkers, bool recreateLayout) { recreateLayout |= EphemeralMarkers.Any(existingMarker => visibleMarkers.All(x => x != existingMarker)); recreateLayout |= visibleMarkers.Any(visibleMarker => EphemeralMarkers.All(x => x != visibleMarker)); if (recreateLayout) { Renderer.ResetLayer(ELayer.RegularCoffers); EphemeralMarkers.Clear(); var config = Service.Configuration; List elements = new(); foreach (var marker in visibleMarkers) { EphemeralMarkers.Add(marker); if (marker.Type == Marker.EType.SilverCoffer && config.ShowSilverCoffers) { CreateRenderElement(marker, elements, DetermineColor(marker, visibleMarkers), config.FillSilverCoffers); } } if (elements.Count == 0) return; Renderer.SetLayer(ELayer.RegularCoffers, elements); } } private uint DetermineColor(Marker marker, IList visibleMarkers) { switch (marker.Type) { case Marker.EType.Trap when PomanderOfSight == PomanderState.Inactive || !Service.Configuration.OnlyVisibleTrapsAfterPomander || visibleMarkers.Any(x => x == marker): return ImGui.ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(Service.Configuration.TrapColor); case Marker.EType.Hoard when PomanderOfIntuition == PomanderState.Inactive || !Service.Configuration.OnlyVisibleHoardAfterPomander || visibleMarkers.Any(x => x == marker): return ImGui.ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(Service.Configuration.HoardColor); case Marker.EType.SilverCoffer: return ImGui.ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(Service.Configuration.SilverCofferColor); case Marker.EType.Trap: case Marker.EType.Hoard: return ColorInvisible; default: return ImGui.ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(new Vector4(1, 0.5f, 1, 0.4f)); } } private void CreateRenderElement(Marker marker, List elements, uint color, bool fill = false) { var element = Renderer.CreateElement(marker.Type, marker.Position, color, fill); marker.RenderElement = element; elements.Add(element); } #endregion #region Up-/Download private async Task DownloadMarkersForTerritory(ushort territoryId) { try { var (success, downloadedMarkers) = await Service.RemoteApi.DownloadRemoteMarkers(territoryId); LateEventQueue.Enqueue(new QueuedSyncResponse { Type = SyncType.Download, TerritoryType = territoryId, Success = success, Markers = downloadedMarkers }); } catch (Exception e) { DebugMessage = $"{DateTime.Now}\n{e}"; } } private async Task UploadMarkersForTerritory(ushort territoryId, List markersToUpload) { try { var (success, uploadedMarkers) = await Service.RemoteApi.UploadMarker(territoryId, markersToUpload); LateEventQueue.Enqueue(new QueuedSyncResponse { Type = SyncType.Upload, TerritoryType = territoryId, Success = success, Markers = uploadedMarkers }); } catch (Exception e) { DebugMessage = $"{DateTime.Now}\n{e}"; } } private async Task SyncSeenMarkersForTerritory(ushort territoryId, List markersToUpdate) { try { var success = await Service.RemoteApi.MarkAsSeen(territoryId, markersToUpdate); LateEventQueue.Enqueue(new QueuedSyncResponse { Type = SyncType.MarkSeen, TerritoryType = territoryId, Success = success, Markers = markersToUpdate, }); } catch (Exception e) { DebugMessage = $"{DateTime.Now}\n{e}"; } } #endregion #region Command Handling private async Task FetchFloorStatistics() { if (!Service.RemoteApi.HasRoleOnCurrentServer("statistics:view")) { Service.Chat.PalError(Localization.Command_pal_stats_CurrentFloor); return; } try { var (success, floorStatistics) = await Service.RemoteApi.FetchStatistics(); if (success) { var statisticsWindow = Service.WindowSystem.GetWindow()!; statisticsWindow.SetFloorData(floorStatistics); statisticsWindow.IsOpen = true; } else { Service.Chat.PalError(Localization.Command_pal_stats_UnableToFetchStatistics); } } catch (RpcException e) when (e.StatusCode == StatusCode.PermissionDenied) { Service.Chat.Print(Localization.Command_pal_stats_CurrentFloor); } catch (Exception e) { Service.Chat.PalError(e.ToString()); } } private void DebugNearest(Predicate predicate) { if (!IsInDeepDungeon()) return; var state = GetFloorMarkers(Service.ClientState.TerritoryType); var playerPosition = Service.ClientState.LocalPlayer?.Position; if (playerPosition == null) return; Service.Chat.Print($"[Palace Pal] {playerPosition}"); var nearbyMarkers = state.Markers .Where(m => predicate(m)) .Where(m => m.RenderElement != null && m.RenderElement.Color != ColorInvisible) .Select(m => new { m, distance = (playerPosition - m.Position)?.Length() ?? float.MaxValue }) .OrderBy(m => m.distance) .Take(5) .ToList(); foreach (var nearbyMarker in nearbyMarkers) Service.Chat.Print($"{nearbyMarker.distance:F2} - {nearbyMarker.m.Type} {nearbyMarker.m.NetworkId?.ToPartialId(length: 8)} - {nearbyMarker.m.Position}"); } #endregion private IList GetRelevantGameObjects() { List result = new(); for (int i = 246; i < Service.ObjectTable.Length; i++) { GameObject? obj = Service.ObjectTable[i]; if (obj == null) continue; switch ((uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(obj.Address + 128)) { case 2007182: case 2007183: case 2007184: case 2007185: case 2007186: case 2009504: result.Add(new Marker(Marker.EType.Trap, obj.Position) { Seen = true }); break; case 2007542: case 2007543: result.Add(new Marker(Marker.EType.Hoard, obj.Position) { Seen = true }); break; case 2007357: result.Add(new Marker(Marker.EType.SilverCoffer, obj.Position) { Seen = true }); break; } } while (NextUpdateObjects.TryDequeue(out nint address)) { var obj = Service.ObjectTable.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Address == address); if (obj != null && obj.Position.Length() > 0.1) result.Add(new Marker(Marker.EType.Trap, obj.Position) { Seen = true }); } return result; } internal bool IsInDeepDungeon() => Service.ClientState.IsLoggedIn && Service.Condition[ConditionFlag.InDeepDungeon] && typeof(ETerritoryType).IsEnumDefined(Service.ClientState.TerritoryType); private void ReloadLanguageStrings() { _localizedChatMessages = new LocalizedChatMessages { MapRevealed = GetLocalizedString(7256), AllTrapsRemoved = GetLocalizedString(7255), HoardOnCurrentFloor = GetLocalizedString(7272), HoardNotOnCurrentFloor = GetLocalizedString(7273), HoardCofferOpened = GetLocalizedString(7274), FloorChanged = new Regex("^" + GetLocalizedString(7270).Replace("\u0002 \u0003\ufffd\u0002\u0003", @"(\d+)") + "$"), }; } internal void ResetRenderer() { if (Renderer is SplatoonRenderer && Service.Configuration.Renderer == Configuration.ERenderer.Splatoon) return; else if (Renderer is SimpleRenderer && Service.Configuration.Renderer == Configuration.ERenderer.Simple) return; if (Renderer is IDisposable disposable) disposable.Dispose(); if (Service.Configuration.Renderer == Configuration.ERenderer.Splatoon) Renderer = new SplatoonRenderer(Service.PluginInterface, this); else Renderer = new SimpleRenderer(); } private void Draw() { if (Renderer is SimpleRenderer sr) sr.DrawLayers(); Service.WindowSystem.Draw(); } private string GetLocalizedString(uint id) { return Service.DataManager.GetExcelSheet()?.GetRow(id)?.Text?.ToString() ?? "Unknown"; } public enum PomanderState { Inactive, Active, FoundOnCurrentFloor, PomanderOfSafetyUsed, } private class LocalizedChatMessages { public string MapRevealed { get; init; } = "???"; //"The map for this floor has been revealed!"; public string AllTrapsRemoved { get; init; } = "???"; // "All the traps on this floor have disappeared!"; public string HoardOnCurrentFloor { get; init; } = "???"; // "You sense the Accursed Hoard calling you..."; public string HoardNotOnCurrentFloor { get; init; } = "???"; // "You do not sense the call of the Accursed Hoard on this floor..."; public string HoardCofferOpened { get; init; } = "???"; // "You discover a piece of the Accursed Hoard!"; public Regex FloorChanged { get; init; } = new(@"This isn't a game message, but will be replaced"); // new Regex(@"^Floor (\d+)$"); } } }