Add debug feature for object table

This commit is contained in:
Liza 2023-03-07 21:55:50 +01:00
parent 125b687a9c
commit 7a514fad2a
4 changed files with 108 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ namespace Pal.Client.Configuration
bool FirstUse { get; set; }
EMode Mode { get; set; }
string BetaKey { get; }
bool HasBetaFeature(string feature) => BetaKey.Contains(feature);
DeepDungeonConfiguration DeepDungeons { get; set; }
RendererConfiguration Renderer { get; set; }

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@ -73,6 +73,11 @@ namespace Pal.Client
if (_serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IPalacePalConfiguration>().HasBetaFeature(ObjectTableDebug.FeatureName))
_logger.LogInformation("Async init complete");

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@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ namespace Pal.Client
// windows & related services

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects.SubKinds;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects.Types;
using Dalamud.Game.Gui;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using ImGuiNET;
namespace Pal.Client.Floors
/// <summary>
/// This isn't very useful for running deep dungeons normally, but it is for plugin dev.
/// Needs the corresponding beta feature to be enabled.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class ObjectTableDebug : IDisposable
public const string FeatureName = nameof(ObjectTableDebug);
private readonly DalamudPluginInterface _pluginInterface;
private readonly ObjectTable _objectTable;
private readonly GameGui _gameGui;
private readonly ClientState _clientState;
public ObjectTableDebug(DalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface, ObjectTable objectTable, GameGui gameGui, ClientState clientState)
_pluginInterface = pluginInterface;
_objectTable = objectTable;
_gameGui = gameGui;
_clientState = clientState;
_pluginInterface.UiBuilder.Draw += Draw;
private void Draw()
int index = 0;
foreach (GameObject obj in _objectTable)
if (obj is EventObj eventObj && string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventObj.Name.ToString()))
int model = Marshal.ReadInt32(obj.Address + 128);
if (_gameGui.WorldToScreen(obj.Position, out var screenCoords))
// So, while WorldToScreen will return false if the point is off of game client screen, to
// to avoid performance issues, we have to manually determine if creating a window would
// produce a new viewport, and skip rendering it if so
float distance = DistanceToPlayer(obj.Position);
var objectText =
$"{obj.Address.ToInt64():X}:{obj.ObjectId:X}[{index}]\nkind: {obj.ObjectKind} sub: {obj.SubKind}\nmodel: {model}\nname: {obj.Name}\ndata id: {obj.DataId}";
var screenPos = ImGui.GetMainViewport().Pos;
var screenSize = ImGui.GetMainViewport().Size;
var windowSize = ImGui.CalcTextSize(objectText);
// Add some extra safety padding
windowSize.X += ImGui.GetStyle().WindowPadding.X + 10;
windowSize.Y += ImGui.GetStyle().WindowPadding.Y + 10;
if (screenCoords.X + windowSize.X > screenPos.X + screenSize.X ||
screenCoords.Y + windowSize.Y > screenPos.Y + screenSize.Y)
if (distance > 50f)
ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(new Vector2(screenCoords.X, screenCoords.Y));
ImGui.SetNextWindowBgAlpha(Math.Max(1f - (distance / 50f), 0.2f));
if (ImGui.Begin(
ImGuiWindowFlags.NoDecoration |
ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize |
ImGuiWindowFlags.NoSavedSettings |
ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove |
ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMouseInputs |
ImGuiWindowFlags.NoDocking |
ImGuiWindowFlags.NoFocusOnAppearing |
private float DistanceToPlayer(Vector3 center)
=> Vector3.Distance(_clientState.LocalPlayer?.Position ?? Vector3.Zero, center);
public void Dispose()
_pluginInterface.UiBuilder.Draw -= Draw;