
157 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Dalamud.Game.Text.SeStringHandling.Payloads;
using Dalamud.Plugin.Services;
using Dalamud.Utility;
using Lumina.Excel;
using Lumina.Excel.Sheets;
using Lumina.Text;
using Lumina.Text.Payloads;
using Lumina.Text.ReadOnly;
namespace LLib;
public static class DataManagerExtensions
public static ReadOnlySeString? GetSeString<T>(this IDataManager dataManager, string key)
where T : struct, IQuestDialogueText, IExcelRow<T>
return dataManager.GetExcelSheet<T>()
.SingleOrDefault(x => x!.Value.Key == key)
public static string? GetString<T>(this IDataManager dataManager, string key, IPluginLog? pluginLog)
where T : struct, IQuestDialogueText, IExcelRow<T>
string? text = GetSeString<T>(dataManager, key)?.WithCertainMacroCodeReplacements();
pluginLog?.Verbose($"{typeof(T).Name}.{key} => {text}");
return text;
public static Regex? GetRegex<T>(this IDataManager dataManager, string key, IPluginLog? pluginLog)
where T : struct, IQuestDialogueText, IExcelRow<T>
ReadOnlySeString? text = GetSeString<T>(dataManager, key);
if (text == null)
return null;
string regex = string.Join("", text.Select((ReadOnlySePayload payload) =>
if (payload.Type == ReadOnlySePayloadType.Text)
return Regex.Escape(payload.ToString());
return "(.*)";
pluginLog?.Verbose($"{typeof(T).Name}.{key} => /{regex}/");
return new Regex(regex);
public static ReadOnlySeString? GetSeString<T>(this IDataManager dataManager, uint rowId, Func<T, ReadOnlySeString?> mapper)
where T : struct, IExcelRow<T>
var row = dataManager.GetExcelSheet<T>().GetRowOrDefault(rowId);
if (row == null)
return null;
return mapper(row.Value);
public static string? GetString<T>(this IDataManager dataManager, uint rowId, Func<T, ReadOnlySeString?> mapper,
IPluginLog? pluginLog = null)
where T : struct, IExcelRow<T>
string? text = GetSeString(dataManager, rowId, mapper)?.WithCertainMacroCodeReplacements();
pluginLog?.Verbose($"{typeof(T).Name}.{rowId} => {text}");
return text;
public static Regex? GetRegex<T>(this IDataManager dataManager, uint rowId, Func<T, ReadOnlySeString?> mapper,
IPluginLog? pluginLog = null)
where T : struct, IExcelRow<T>
ReadOnlySeString? text = GetSeString(dataManager, rowId, mapper);
if (text == null)
return null;
Regex regex = text.ToRegex();
pluginLog?.Verbose($"{typeof(T).Name}.{rowId} => /{regex}/");
return regex;
public static Regex? GetRegex<T>(this T excelRow, Func<T, ReadOnlySeString?> mapper, IPluginLog? pluginLog)
where T : struct, IExcelRow<T>
ReadOnlySeString? text = mapper(excelRow);
if (text == null)
return null;
Regex regex = text.ToRegex();
pluginLog?.Verbose($"{typeof(T).Name}.regex => /{regex}/");
return regex;
public static Regex ToRegex(this ReadOnlySeString? text)
return new Regex(string.Join("", text.Value.Select(payload =>
if (payload.Type == ReadOnlySePayloadType.Text)
return Regex.Escape(payload.ToString());
return "(.*)";
public static string WithCertainMacroCodeReplacements(this ReadOnlySeString text)
return string.Join("", text.Select(payload =>
if (payload.Type == ReadOnlySePayloadType.Text)
return payload.ToString();
else if (payload is { Type: ReadOnlySePayloadType.Macro, MacroCode: MacroCode.NewLine })
return "";
else if (payload is { Type: ReadOnlySePayloadType.Macro, MacroCode: MacroCode.NonBreakingSpace })
return " ";
else if (payload is { Type: ReadOnlySePayloadType.Macro, MacroCode: MacroCode.Hyphen })
return "-";
else if (payload is { Type: ReadOnlySePayloadType.Macro, MacroCode: MacroCode.SoftHyphen })
return ""; // unclear when this is even visible in game; doesn't seem to be in select lists
return payload.ToString();
public interface IQuestDialogueText
public ReadOnlySeString Key { get; }
public ReadOnlySeString Value { get; }
[SuppressMessage("Performance", "CA1815")]
public readonly struct QuestDialogueText(ExcelPage page, uint offset, uint row) : IQuestDialogueText, IExcelRow<QuestDialogueText>
public uint RowId => row;
public ReadOnlySeString Key => page.ReadString(offset, offset);
public ReadOnlySeString Value => page.ReadString(offset + 4, offset);
static QuestDialogueText IExcelRow<QuestDialogueText>.Create(ExcelPage page, uint offset, uint row) =>
new(page, offset, row);