Add /dbq request as an advanced form of /dbq crystals; split /dbq crystals into different options (crystals, shards and shards+crystals)

master v0.4
Liza 2024-05-11 19:08:31 +02:00
parent ee9e43c707
commit e95629c3d2
Signed by: liza
GPG Key ID: 7199F8D727D55F67
2 changed files with 270 additions and 230 deletions

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@ -5,259 +5,299 @@ using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Dalamud.Game.Command;
using Dalamud.Game.Text.SeStringHandling;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using Dalamud.Plugin.Services;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Game;
using LLib;
namespace KitchenSink.Commands
namespace KitchenSink.Commands;
internal sealed class DropboxQueue : IDisposable
internal sealed class DropboxQueue : IDisposable
private static readonly InventoryType[] DefaultInventoryTypes =
private readonly ICommandManager _commandManager;
private readonly IChatGui _chatGui;
private readonly DropboxApi _dropboxApi;
public DropboxQueue(DalamudReflector reflector, ICommandManager commandManager, IChatGui chatGui,
IPluginLog pluginLog)
private static readonly InventoryType[] DefaultInventoryTypes =
_commandManager = commandManager;
_chatGui = chatGui;
_dropboxApi = new DropboxApi(reflector, pluginLog);
private readonly ICommandManager _commandManager;
private readonly IChatGui _chatGui;
private readonly DropboxApi _dropboxApi;
public DropboxQueue(DalamudReflector reflector, ICommandManager commandManager, IChatGui chatGui,
IPluginLog pluginLog)
_commandManager.AddHandler("/dbq", new CommandInfo(Queue)
_commandManager = commandManager;
_chatGui = chatGui;
_dropboxApi = new DropboxApi(reflector, pluginLog);
HelpMessage =
$"Queue items to be imported into dropbox{Environment.NewLine}" +
$"\t/dbq item1:qty1 item2:qty2 [...] - queues items for the next trade (use * as quantity for 'all'){Environment.NewLine}n" +
$"\t/dbq clear - remove all items in the queue{Environment.NewLine}" +
$"\t/dbq request item1:qty1 item2:qty2 [...] - show the command to fill your inventory with the specific item quantities{Environment.NewLine}" +
$"\t/dbq [shards/crystals/shards+crystals] - show the command to fill shards and/or crystals to 9999"
_commandManager.AddHandler("/dbq", new CommandInfo(Queue)
HelpMessage =
$"Queue items to be imported into dropbox{Environment.NewLine}\t/dbq item1:qty1 item2:qty2 [...] - queues items for the next trade (use * as quantity for 'all'){Environment.NewLine}\t/dbq clear - remove all items in the queue{Environment.NewLine}\t/dbq crystals - show the command to fill all shards & crystals to 9999"
private void Queue(string command, string arguments)
private void Queue(string command, string arguments)
string[] parts = arguments.Split(" ", 2);
switch (parts[0])
if (arguments == "crystals")
else if (arguments == "clear")
case "shards":
BuildRequest(string.Join(" ", Enumerable.Range(2, 6).Select(x => $"{x}:9999")));
case "crystals":
BuildRequest(string.Join(" ", Enumerable.Range(8, 6).Select(x => $"{x}:9999")));
case "shards+crystals":
BuildRequest(string.Join(" ", Enumerable.Range(2, 12).Select(x => $"{x}:9999")));
case "request":
BuildRequest(parts.Length == 2 ? parts[1] : string.Empty);
case "clear":
var parsedItems = arguments.Split(' ')
.Select(x => x.Split(':'))
.Select(x =>
if (x.Length != 2)
return ($"Unable to parse {string.Join(" ", x)}.", null);
if (!uint.TryParse(x[0], out uint itemId))
return ($"Unable to parse item id {x[0]}.", null);
int needed;
if (x[1] == "*")
needed = int.MaxValue;
else if (!int.TryParse(x[1], out needed))
return ($"Unable to parse quantity {x[1]}.", null);
return (string.Empty, new NeededItem(itemId, needed));
if (parsedItems.Count == 0)
var problematic = parsedItems.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Item1)).Select(x => x.Item1).ToList();
if (problematic.Count == 1)
_chatGui.PrintError($"dbq: {problematic.First()}");
else if (problematic.Count >= 2)
_chatGui.PrintError("dbq: Multiple errors occured:");
foreach (string problem in problematic)
_chatGui.PrintError($" - {problem}");
Dictionary<uint, ItemCount> allItems = GetItemCounts();
foreach (var neededItem in parsedItems.Select(x => x.Item2).Cast<NeededItem>())
if (!allItems.TryGetValue(neededItem.ItemId, out ItemCount? itemCount))
int normalQualityQuantity = Math.Min(neededItem.Needed, itemCount.NormalQualityQuantity);
int highQualityQuantity = Math.Min(neededItem.Needed - normalQualityQuantity,
if (normalQualityQuantity > 0)
_dropboxApi.EnqueueItem(neededItem.ItemId, false, normalQualityQuantity);
if (highQualityQuantity > 0)
_dropboxApi.EnqueueItem(neededItem.ItemId, true, highQualityQuantity);
if (normalQualityQuantity > 0 || highQualityQuantity > 0)
allItems[neededItem.ItemId] =
new ItemCount(
itemCount.NormalQualityQuantity - normalQualityQuantity,
itemCount.HighQualityQuantity - highQualityQuantity);
private unsafe void BuildRequest(string arguments)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments))
_chatGui.PrintError("Usage: /dbq request item1:qty1 item2:qty2 [...]");
private unsafe Dictionary<uint, ItemCount> GetItemCounts()
Dictionary<uint, ItemCount> allItems = new();
InventoryManager* inventoryManger = InventoryManager.Instance();
if (inventoryManger == null)
InventoryManager* inventoryManager = InventoryManager.Instance();
if (inventoryManager == null)
return allItems;
IReadOnlyList<NeededItem>? parsedItems = ParseArguments(arguments);
if (parsedItems == null)
foreach (var type in DefaultInventoryTypes)
var missingItems = parsedItems
.Select(item => item with
InventoryContainer* container = inventoryManager->GetInventoryContainer(type);
for (int i = 0; i < container->Size; ++i)
var item = container->GetInventorySlot(i);
if (item != null && item->ItemID != 0)
if (item->Spiritbond > 0)
if (!allItems.TryGetValue(item->ItemID, out ItemCount? itemCount))
itemCount = new(0, 0);
if (item->Flags.HasFlag(InventoryItem.ItemFlags.HQ))
itemCount = itemCount with
HighQualityQuantity = itemCount.HighQualityQuantity + (int)item->Quantity
itemCount = itemCount with
NormalQualityQuantity = itemCount.NormalQualityQuantity + (int)item->Quantity
allItems[item->ItemID] = itemCount;
return allItems;
Needed = item.Needed - inventoryManger->GetItemCountInContainer(item.ItemId, InventoryType.Crystals)
.Where(x => x.Needed > 0)
if (missingItems.Count == 0)
_chatGui.Print("No items need to be filled");
private unsafe void ShowCrystals()
_chatGui.Print(new SeStringBuilder().AddUiForeground("[KitchenSink] ", 504)
.Append($"/dbq {string.Join(" ", missingItems)}").Build());
private void AddToQueue(string arguments)
IReadOnlyList<NeededItem>? parsedItems = ParseArguments(arguments);
if (parsedItems == null)
Dictionary<uint, ItemCount> allItems = GetItemCounts();
foreach (var neededItem in parsedItems)
InventoryManager* inventoryManger = InventoryManager.Instance();
if (inventoryManger == null)
if (!allItems.TryGetValue(neededItem.ItemId, out ItemCount? itemCount))
var missingCrystals = Enumerable.Range(2, 12).Select(itemId => (uint)itemId)
.Select(itemId => new NeededItem(itemId,
9999 - inventoryManger->GetItemCountInContainer(itemId, InventoryType.Crystals)))
.Where(x => x.Needed > 0)
if (missingCrystals.Count == 0)
int normalQualityQuantity = Math.Min(neededItem.Needed, itemCount.NormalQualityQuantity);
int highQualityQuantity = Math.Min(neededItem.Needed - normalQualityQuantity,
if (normalQualityQuantity > 0)
_dropboxApi.EnqueueItem(neededItem.ItemId, false, normalQualityQuantity);
if (highQualityQuantity > 0)
_dropboxApi.EnqueueItem(neededItem.ItemId, true, highQualityQuantity);
if (normalQualityQuantity > 0 || highQualityQuantity > 0)
_chatGui.Print("No crystals need to be filled");
_chatGui.Print($"Command: /dbq {string.Join(" ", missingCrystals)}");
public void Dispose()
private sealed record NeededItem(uint ItemId, int Needed)
public override string ToString() => $"{ItemId}:{Needed}";
private sealed record ItemCount(int NormalQualityQuantity, int HighQualityQuantity);
private sealed class DropboxApi
private readonly DalamudReflector _reflector;
private readonly IPluginLog _pluginLog;
public DropboxApi(DalamudReflector reflector, IPluginLog pluginLog)
_reflector = reflector;
_pluginLog = pluginLog;
[SuppressMessage("Performance", "CA2000", Justification = "Should not dispose other plugin")]
public void EnqueueItem(uint itemId, bool hq, int quantity)
_pluginLog.Verbose($"Preparing to queue {itemId}, {hq}, {quantity}");
if (quantity < 0)
if (!TryGetItemQuantities(out IDalamudPlugin? dropboxPlugin, out IDictionary? itemQuantities))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not retrieve item quantities");
uint[] tradeableItemIds = (uint[])dropboxPlugin.GetType()
.GetField("TradeableItems", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)!
if (!tradeableItemIds.Contains(itemId))
_pluginLog.Warning($"Item {itemId} is untradable");
var itemDescriptorType = itemQuantities.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0];
var itemDescriptor = Activator.CreateInstance(itemDescriptorType, args: [itemId, hq])!;
var queuedQuantity = itemQuantities[itemDescriptor];
_pluginLog.Verbose($"Retrieved quantity: {queuedQuantity}");
if (queuedQuantity == null)
var boxType = queuedQuantity.GetType();
var valueField = boxType.GetField("Value", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)!;
_pluginLog.Information($"Adding {itemDescriptor} to queue");
valueField.SetValue(queuedQuantity, quantity);
public void ClearQueue()
if (!TryGetItemQuantities(out IDalamudPlugin? _, out IDictionary? itemQuantities))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not retrieve item quantities");
private bool TryGetItemQuantities([NotNullWhen(true)] out IDalamudPlugin? dropboxPlugin,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out IDictionary? itemQuantities)
if (!_reflector.TryGetDalamudPlugin("Dropbox", out dropboxPlugin))
itemQuantities = null;
return false;
var itemQueueUiType = dropboxPlugin.GetType().Assembly.GetType("Dropbox.ItemQueueUI")!;
itemQuantities =
(IDictionary?)itemQueueUiType.GetField("ItemQuantities", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)!
return itemQuantities != null;
allItems[neededItem.ItemId] =
new ItemCount(
itemCount.NormalQualityQuantity - normalQualityQuantity,
itemCount.HighQualityQuantity - highQualityQuantity);
private IReadOnlyList<NeededItem>? ParseArguments(string arguments)
var parsedItems = arguments.Split(' ')
.Select(x => x.Split(':'))
.Select(x =>
if (x.Length != 2)
return ($"Unable to parse {string.Join(" ", x)}.", null);
if (!uint.TryParse(x[0], out uint itemId))
return ($"Unable to parse item id {x[0]}.", null);
int needed;
if (x[1] == "*")
needed = int.MaxValue;
else if (!int.TryParse(x[1], out needed))
return ($"Unable to parse quantity {x[1]}.", null);
return (string.Empty, new NeededItem(itemId, needed));
if (parsedItems.Count == 0)
return null;
var problematic = parsedItems.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Item1)).Select(x => x.Item1).ToList();
if (problematic.Count == 1)
_chatGui.PrintError($"dbq: {problematic.First()}");
return null;
else if (problematic.Count >= 2)
_chatGui.PrintError("dbq: Multiple errors occured:");
foreach (string problem in problematic)
_chatGui.PrintError($" - {problem}");
return null;
return parsedItems.Select(x => x.Item2!).ToList().AsReadOnly();
private unsafe Dictionary<uint, ItemCount> GetItemCounts()
Dictionary<uint, ItemCount> allItems = new();
InventoryManager* inventoryManager = InventoryManager.Instance();
if (inventoryManager == null)
return allItems;
foreach (var type in DefaultInventoryTypes)
InventoryContainer* container = inventoryManager->GetInventoryContainer(type);
for (int i = 0; i < container->Size; ++i)
var item = container->GetInventorySlot(i);
if (item != null && item->ItemID != 0)
if (item->Spiritbond > 0)
if (!allItems.TryGetValue(item->ItemID, out ItemCount? itemCount))
itemCount = new(0, 0);
if (item->Flags.HasFlag(InventoryItem.ItemFlags.HQ))
itemCount = itemCount with
HighQualityQuantity = itemCount.HighQualityQuantity + (int)item->Quantity
itemCount = itemCount with
NormalQualityQuantity = itemCount.NormalQualityQuantity + (int)item->Quantity
allItems[item->ItemID] = itemCount;
return allItems;
public void Dispose()
private sealed record NeededItem(uint ItemId, int Needed)
public override string ToString() => $"{ItemId}:{Needed}";
private sealed record ItemCount(int NormalQualityQuantity, int HighQualityQuantity);
private sealed class DropboxApi
private readonly DalamudReflector _reflector;
private readonly IPluginLog _pluginLog;
public DropboxApi(DalamudReflector reflector, IPluginLog pluginLog)
_reflector = reflector;
_pluginLog = pluginLog;
[SuppressMessage("Performance", "CA2000", Justification = "Should not dispose other plugin")]
public void EnqueueItem(uint itemId, bool hq, int quantity)
_pluginLog.Verbose($"Preparing to queue {itemId}, {hq}, {quantity}");
if (quantity < 0)
if (!TryGetItemQuantities(out IDalamudPlugin? dropboxPlugin, out IDictionary? itemQuantities))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not retrieve item quantities");
uint[] tradeableItemIds = (uint[])dropboxPlugin.GetType()
.GetField("TradeableItems", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)!
if (!tradeableItemIds.Contains(itemId))
_pluginLog.Warning($"Item {itemId} is untradable");
var itemDescriptorType = itemQuantities.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0];
var itemDescriptor = Activator.CreateInstance(itemDescriptorType, args: [itemId, hq])!;
var queuedQuantity = itemQuantities[itemDescriptor];
_pluginLog.Verbose($"Retrieved quantity: {queuedQuantity}");
if (queuedQuantity == null)
var boxType = queuedQuantity.GetType();
var valueField = boxType.GetField("Value", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)!;
_pluginLog.Information($"Adding {itemDescriptor} to queue");
valueField.SetValue(queuedQuantity, quantity);
public void ClearQueue()
if (!TryGetItemQuantities(out IDalamudPlugin? _, out IDictionary? itemQuantities))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not retrieve item quantities");
private bool TryGetItemQuantities([NotNullWhen(true)] out IDalamudPlugin? dropboxPlugin,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out IDictionary? itemQuantities)
if (!_reflector.TryGetDalamudPlugin("Dropbox", out dropboxPlugin))
itemQuantities = null;
return false;
var itemQueueUiType = dropboxPlugin.GetType().Assembly.GetType("Dropbox.ItemQueueUI")!;
itemQuantities =
(IDictionary?)itemQueueUiType.GetField("ItemQuantities", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)!
return itemQuantities != null;

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">