using Dalamud; using Dalamud.Game.Gui; using Dalamud.Game.Network; using Dalamud.Game.Text.SeStringHandling; using Dalamud.Interface.Colors; using Dalamud.IoC; using Dalamud.Logging; using Dalamud.Plugin; using ImGuiNET; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net.Http; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace FishNotify { public sealed class FishNotifyPlugin : IDalamudPlugin { public string Name => "FishNotify"; [PluginService] [RequiredVersion("1.0")] private DalamudPluginInterface PluginInterface { get; set; } = null!; [PluginService] private GameNetwork Network { get; set; } = null!; [PluginService] public static ChatGui Chat { get; set; } = null!; private Configuration configuration; private bool settingsVisible; private int expectedOpCode = -1; private uint fishCount = 0; public FishNotifyPlugin() { configuration = PluginInterface.GetPluginConfig() as Configuration ?? new Configuration(); configuration.Initialize(PluginInterface); Network.NetworkMessage += OnNetworkMessage; PluginInterface.UiBuilder.Draw += OnDrawUI; PluginInterface.UiBuilder.OpenConfigUi += OnOpenConfigUi; var client = new HttpClient(); client.GetStringAsync("") .ContinueWith(ExtractOpCode); } public void Dispose() { Network.NetworkMessage -= OnNetworkMessage; PluginInterface.UiBuilder.Draw -= OnDrawUI; PluginInterface.UiBuilder.OpenConfigUi -= OnOpenConfigUi; } private void ExtractOpCode(Task task) { try { var regions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(task.Result); if (regions == null) { PluginLog.Warning("No regions found in opcode list"); return; } var region = regions.Find(r => r.Region == GetGameRegion()); if (region == null || region.Lists == null) { PluginLog.Warning("No global region found in opcode list"); return; } if (!region.Lists.TryGetValue("ServerZoneIpcType", out List? serverZoneIpcTypes) || serverZoneIpcTypes == null) { PluginLog.Warning("No ServerZoneIpcType in opcode list"); return; } var eventPlay = serverZoneIpcTypes.Find(opcode => opcode.Name == "EventPlay"); if (eventPlay == null) { PluginLog.Warning("No EventPlay opcode in ServerZoneIpcType"); return; } expectedOpCode = eventPlay.Opcode; PluginLog.Debug($"Found EventPlay opcode {expectedOpCode:X4}"); } catch (Exception e) { PluginLog.Error(e, "Could not download/extract opcodes: {}", e.Message); } } /// /// Both ClientLanguage.Korean and ClientLanguage.ChineseSimplified have value 4, but the string representation differs depending on the dalamud fork. /// /// private string GetGameRegion() { return Enum.GetName(typeof(ClientLanguage), 4) switch { "ChineseSimplified" => "CN", "Korean" => "KR", _ => "Global", }; } private void OnNetworkMessage(IntPtr dataPtr, ushort opCode, uint sourceActorId, uint targetActorId, NetworkMessageDirection direction) { if (direction != NetworkMessageDirection.ZoneDown || opCode != expectedOpCode) return; var data = new byte[32]; Marshal.Copy(dataPtr, data, 0, data.Length); int eventId = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 8); short scene = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 12); int param5 = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 28); // Fishing event? if (eventId != 0x00150001) return; // Fish hooked? if (scene != 5) return; switch (param5) { case 0x124: // light tug (!) ++fishCount; Sounds.PlaySound(Resources.Info); SendChatAlert("light"); break; case 0x125: // medium tug (!!) ++fishCount; Sounds.PlaySound(Resources.Alert); SendChatAlert("medium"); break; case 0x126: // heavy tug (!!!) ++fishCount; Sounds.PlaySound(Resources.Alarm); SendChatAlert("heavy"); break; default: Sounds.Stop(); break; } } private void SendChatAlert(string size) { if (!configuration.ChatAlerts) { return; } SeString message = new SeStringBuilder() .AddUiForeground(514) .Append("[FishNotify]") .AddUiForegroundOff() .Append($" You hook a fish with a ") .AddUiForeground(514) .Append(size) .AddUiForegroundOff() .Append(" bite.") .Build(); Chat.Print(message); } private void OnDrawUI() { if (!settingsVisible) return; if (ImGui.Begin("FishNotify", ref this.settingsVisible, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize)) { var chatAlerts = configuration.ChatAlerts; if (ImGui.Checkbox("Show chat message on hooking a fish", ref chatAlerts)) { configuration.ChatAlerts = chatAlerts; configuration.Save(); } if (expectedOpCode > -1) ImGui.TextColored(ImGuiColors.HealerGreen, $"Status: {(fishCount == 0 ? "Unknown (not triggered yet)" : $"OK ({fishCount} fish hooked)")}, opcode = {expectedOpCode:X}"); else ImGui.TextColored(ImGuiColors.DalamudRed, "Status: No opcode :("); } ImGui.End(); } private void OnOpenConfigUi() { settingsVisible = !settingsVisible; } } public class OpcodeRegion { public string? Version { get; set; } public string? Region { get; set; } public Dictionary>? Lists { get; set; } } public class OpcodeList { public string? Name { get; set; } public ushort Opcode { get; set; } } }