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2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
namespace Questionable.Model.V1.Converter;
2024-06-14 11:37:33 +02:00
public sealed class AethernetShortcutConverter : JsonConverter<AethernetShortcut>
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
private static readonly Dictionary<EAetheryteLocation, string> EnumToString = new()
{ EAetheryteLocation.Gridania, "[Gridania] Aetheryte Plaza" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.GridaniaArcher, "[Gridania] Archers' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.GridaniaLeatherworker, "[Gridania] Leatherworkers' Guild & Shaded Bower" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.GridaniaLancer, "[Gridania] Lancers' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.GridaniaConjurer, "[Gridania] Conjurers' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.GridaniaBotanist, "[Gridania] Botanists' Guild" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.GridaniaAmphitheatre, "[Gridania] Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.GridaniaBlueBadgerGate, "[Gridania] Blue Badger Gate (Central Shroud)" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.GridaniaYellowSerpentGate, "[Gridania] Yellow Serpent Gate (North Shroud)" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.GridaniaWhiteWolfGate, "[Gridania] White Wolf Gate (Central Shroud)" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.GridaniaAirship, "[Gridania] Airship Landing" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.Uldah, "[Ul'dah] Aetheryte Plaza" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahAdventurers, "[Ul'dah] Adventurers' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahThaumaturge, "[Ul'dah] Thaumaturges' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahGladiator, "[Ul'dah] Gladiators' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahMiner, "[Ul'dah] Miners' Guild" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahWeaver, "[Ul'dah] Weavers' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahGoldsmith, "[Ul'dah] Goldsmiths' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahSapphireAvenue, "[Ul'dah] Sapphire Avenue Exchange" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahAlchemist, "[Ul'dah] Alchemists' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahChamberOfRule, "[Ul'dah] The Chamber of Rule" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahGateOfTheSultana, "[Ul'dah] Gate of the Sultana (Western Thanalan)" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahGateOfNald, "[Ul'dah] Gate of Nald (Central Thanalan)" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahGateOfThal, "[Ul'dah] Gate of Thal (Central Thanalan)" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.UldahAirship, "[Ul'dah] Airship Landing" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.Limsa, "[Limsa Lominsa] Aetheryte Plaza" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LimsaArcanist, "[Limsa Lominsa] Arcanists' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LimsaFisher, "[Limsa Lominsa] Fishermens' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LimsaHawkersAlley, "[Limsa Lominsa] Hawkers' Alley" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LimsaAftcastle, "[Limsa Lominsa] The Aftcastle" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LimsaCulinarian, "[Limsa Lominsa] Culinarians' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LimsaMarauder, "[Limsa Lominsa] Marauders' Guild" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LimsaZephyrGate, "[Limsa Lominsa] Zephyr Gate (Middle La Noscea)" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LimsaTempestGate, "[Limsa Lominsa] Tempest Gate (Lower La Noscea)" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.LimsaAirship, "[Limsa Lominsa] Airship Landing" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.Ishgard, "[Ishgard] Aetheryte Plaza" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IshgardForgottenKnight, "[Ishgard] The Forgotten Knight" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IshgardSkysteelManufactory, "[Ishgard] Skysteel Manufactory" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IshgardBrume, "[Ishgard] The Brume" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IshgardAthenaeumAstrologicum, "[Ishgard] Athenaeum Astrologicum" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IshgardJeweledCrozier, "[Ishgard] The Jeweled Crozier" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IshgardSaintReymanaudsCathedral, "[Ishgard] Saint Reymanaud's Cathedral" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IshgardTribunal, "[Ishgard] The Tribunal" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IshgardLastVigil, "[Ishgard] The Last Vigil" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IshgardGatesOfJudgement, "[Ishgard] The Gates of Judgement (Coerthas Central Highlands)" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.Idyllshire, "[Idyllshire] Aetheryte Plaza" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IdyllshireWest, "[Idyllshire] West Idyllshire" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IdyllshirePrologueGate, "[Idyllshire] Prologue Gate" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.IdyllshireEpilogueGate, "[Idyllshire] Epilogue Gate" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.RhalgrsReach, "[Rhalgr's Reach] Aetheryte Plaza" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RhalgrsReachWest, "[Rhalgr's Reach] Western Rhalgr's Reach" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RhalgrsReachNorthEast, "[Rhalgr's Reach] Northeastern Rhalgr's Reach" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RhalgrsReachFringesGate, "[Rhalgr's Reach] Fringes Gate" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RhalgrsReachPeaksGate, "[Rhalgr's Reach] Peaks Gate" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.Kugane, "[Kugane] Aetheryte Plaza" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KuganeShiokazeHostelry, "[Kugane] Shiokaze Hostelry" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KuganePier1, "[Kugane] Pier #1" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KuganeThavnairianConsulate, "[Kugane] Thavnairian Consulate" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KuganeMarkets, "[Kugane] Kogane Dori Markets" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KuganeBokairoInn, "[Kugane] Bokairo Inn" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KuganeRubyBazaar, "[Kugane] The Ruby Bazaar" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KuganeSekiseigumiBarracks, "[Kugane] Sekiseigumi Barracks" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KuganeRakuzaDistrict, "[Kugane] Rakuza District" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.KuganeRubyPrice, "[Kugane] The Ruby Price" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.KuganeAirship, "[Kugane] Airship Landing" },
2024-05-26 21:45:26 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.Crystarium, "[Crystarium] Aetheryte Plaza" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.CrystariumMarkets, "[Crystarium] Musica Universalis Markets" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.CrystariumThemenosRookery, "[Crystarium] Themenos Rookery" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.CrystariumDossalGate, "[Crystarium] The Dossal Gate" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.CrystariumPendants, "[Crystarium] The Pendants" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.CrystariumAmaroLaunch, "[Crystarium] The Amaro Launch" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.CrystariumCrystallineMean, "[Crystarium] The Crystalline Mean" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.CrystariumCabinetOfCuriosity, "[Crystarium] The Cabinet of Curiosity" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.CrystariumTessellation, "[Crystarium] Tessellation (Lakeland)" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.Eulmore, "[Eulmore] Aetheryte Plaza" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.EulmoreSoutheastDerelict, "[Eulmore] Southeast Derelicts" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.EulmoreNightsoilPots, "[Eulmore] Nightsoil Pots" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.EulmoreGloryGate, "[Eulmore] The Glory Gate" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.EulmoreMainstay, "[Eulmore] The Mainstay" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.EulmorePathToGlory, "[Eulmore] The Path to Glory (Kholusia)" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.OldSharlayan, "[Old Sharlayan] Aetheryte Plaza" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.OldSharlayanStudium, "[Old Sharlayan] The Studium" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.OldSharlayanBaldesionAnnex, "[Old Sharlayan] The Baldesion Annex" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.OldSharlayanRostra, "[Old Sharlayan] The Rostra" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.OldSharlayanLeveilleurEstate, "[Old Sharlayan] The Leveilleur Estate" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.OldSharlayanJourneysEnd, "[Old Sharlayan] Journey's End" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.OldSharlayanScholarsHarbor, "[Old Sharlayan] Scholar's Harbor" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.OldSharlayanHallOfArtifice, "[Old Sharlayan] The Hall of Artifice (Labyrinthos)" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
{ EAetheryteLocation.RadzAtHan, "[Radz-at-Han] Aetheryte Plaza" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RadzAtHanMeghaduta, "[Radz-at-Han] Meghaduta" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RadzAtHanRuveydahFibers, "[Radz-at-Han] Ruveydah Fibers" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RadzAtHanAirship, "[Radz-at-Han] Airship Landing" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RadzAtHanAlzadaalsPeace, "[Radz-at-Han] Alzadaal's Peace" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RadzAtHanHallOfTheRadiantHost, "[Radz-at-Han] Hall of the Radiant Host" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RadzAtHanMehrydesMeyhane, "[Radz-at-Han] Mehryde's Meyhane" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RadzAtHanKama, "[Radz-at-Han] Kama" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RadzAtHanHighCrucible, "[Radz-at-Han] The High Crucible of Al-Kimiya" },
{ EAetheryteLocation.RadzAtHanGateOfFirstSight, "[Radz-at-Han] The Gate of First Sight (Thavnair)" },
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
private static readonly Dictionary<string, EAetheryteLocation> StringToEnum =
EnumToString.ToDictionary(x => x.Value, x => x.Key);
2024-05-26 21:45:26 +02:00
public override AethernetShortcut Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert,
2024-05-26 15:43:33 +02:00
JsonSerializerOptions options)
if (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.StartArray)
throw new JsonException();
if (!reader.Read() || reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.String)
throw new JsonException();
string from = reader.GetString() ?? throw new JsonException();
if (!reader.Read() || reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.String)
throw new JsonException();
string to = reader.GetString() ?? throw new JsonException();
if (!reader.Read() || reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray)
throw new JsonException();
return new AethernetShortcut
From = StringToEnum.TryGetValue(from, out var fromEnum) ? fromEnum : throw new JsonException(),
To = StringToEnum.TryGetValue(to, out var toEnum) ? toEnum : throw new JsonException()
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, AethernetShortcut value, JsonSerializerOptions options)