using System; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; using ImGuiNET; using Dalamud.Interface.Colors; using FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin.Commons; using FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin.Device; namespace FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin.UI { internal class UIBanner { public static void Draw(int frameCounter, Logger logger, ImGuiScene.TextureWrap image, String donationLink, DevicesController devicesController) { ImGui.Columns(2, "###main_header", false); float logoScale = 0.2f; ImGui.SetColumnWidth(0, (int)(image.Width * logoScale + 20)); ImGui.Image(image.ImGuiHandle, new Vector2(image.Width * logoScale, image.Height * logoScale)); ImGui.NextColumn(); if(devicesController.IsConnected()) { int nbrDevices = devicesController.GetDevices().Count; ImGui.TextColored(ImGuiColors.ParsedGreen, "Your are connected!"); ImGui.Text($"Number of device(s): {nbrDevices}"); } else { ImGui.TextColored(ImGuiColors.ParsedGrey, "Your are not connected!"); } if(frameCounter < 200) { // Make blink effect ImGui.Text("Donations: "); } else { ImGui.Text(" "); } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Text($"{donationLink}"); ImGui.SameLine(); UI.Components.ButtonLink.Draw("Thanks for the donation ;)", donationLink, Dalamud.Interface.FontAwesomeIcon.Pray, logger); } } }