using System; using System.Collections.Generic; #region Dalamud deps using Dalamud.Game; using Dalamud.Hooking; using Dalamud.Game.ClientState; using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects; using Dalamud.Data; #endregion #region FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin deps using FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin.Commons; #endregion namespace FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin.Hooks { internal class ActionEffect { // Constructor params private readonly DataManager? DataManager; private readonly Logger Logger; private readonly SigScanner Scanner; private readonly ClientState ClientState; private readonly ObjectTable GameObjects; // Lumina excel sheet for actions. private readonly Lumina.Excel.ExcelSheet? LuminaActionSheet; // Hooks private delegate void HOOK_ReceiveActionEffectDelegate(int sourceId, IntPtr sourceCharacter, IntPtr pos, IntPtr effectHeader, IntPtr effectArray, IntPtr effectTrail); private Hook? receiveActionEffectHook; // Event to dispatch. public event EventHandler? ReceivedEvent; // Constructor public ActionEffect(DataManager dataManager, Logger logger, SigScanner scanner, ClientState clientState, ObjectTable gameObjects) { this.DataManager = dataManager; this.Logger = logger; this.Scanner = scanner; this.ClientState = clientState; this.GameObjects = gameObjects; this.InitHook(); if(DataManager != null) { this.LuminaActionSheet = DataManager.GetExcelSheet(); } } /** Dispose the hook and disable it */ public void Dispose() { receiveActionEffectHook?.Disable(); receiveActionEffectHook?.Dispose(); } private void InitHook() { try { // Found on: IntPtr receiveActionEffectFuncPtr = this.Scanner.ScanText("4C 89 44 24 ?? 55 56 41 54 41 55 41 56"); receiveActionEffectHook = new Hook(receiveActionEffectFuncPtr, ReceiveActionEffect); } catch (Exception e) { this.Dispose(); this.Logger.Warn($"Encountered an error loading HookActionEffect: {e.Message}. Disabling it..."); throw; } receiveActionEffectHook.Enable(); this.Logger.Log("HookActionEffect was correctly enabled!"); } unsafe private void ReceiveActionEffect(int sourceId, IntPtr sourceCharacter, IntPtr pos, IntPtr effectHeader, IntPtr effectArray, IntPtr effectTrail) { Structures.Spell spell = new(); try { // Get data structure uint ptr_id = *((uint*)effectHeader.ToPointer() + 0x2); uint ptr_animId = *((ushort*)effectHeader.ToPointer() + 0xE); ushort ptr_op = *((ushort*)effectHeader.ToPointer() - 0x7); byte ptr_targetCount = *(byte*)(effectHeader + 0x21); Structures.EffectEntry effect = *(Structures.EffectEntry*)(effectArray); // Get more info from data structure string playerName = GetCharacterNameFromSourceId(sourceId); String spellName = this.GetSpellName(ptr_id, true); int[] amounts = this.GetAmounts(ptr_targetCount, effectArray); float amountAverage = ComputeAverageAmount(amounts); List targets = this.GetAllTarget(ptr_targetCount, effectTrail, amounts); // Spell definition spell.Id = (int)ptr_id; spell.Name = spellName; spell.Player = new Structures.Player(sourceId, playerName); spell.Amounts = amounts; spell.AmountAverage = amountAverage; spell.Targets = targets; spell.DamageType = Structures.DamageType.Unknown; // WARNING: if there is no target, some information will be wrong ! // It is needed to avoid effect type if there is no target. if(targets.Count == 0) { spell.ActionEffectType = Structures.ActionEffectType.Any; } else { spell.ActionEffectType = effect.type; } this.DispatchReceivedEvent(spell); } catch(Exception e) { this.Logger.Log($"{e.Message} {e.StackTrace}"); } this.RestoreOriginalHook(sourceId, sourceCharacter, pos, effectHeader, effectArray, effectTrail); } private void RestoreOriginalHook(int sourceId, IntPtr sourceCharacter, IntPtr pos, IntPtr effectHeader, IntPtr effectArray, IntPtr effectTrail) { if(receiveActionEffectHook != null) { receiveActionEffectHook.Original(sourceId, sourceCharacter, pos, effectHeader, effectArray, effectTrail); } } unsafe private int[] GetAmounts(byte count, IntPtr effectArray) { int[] RESULT = new int[count]; int targetCount = (int)count; int effectsEntries = 0; // The packet size depends on the number of target. if(targetCount == 0) { effectsEntries = 0; } else if(targetCount == 1) { effectsEntries = 8; } else if(targetCount <= 8) { effectsEntries = 64; } else if(targetCount <= 16) { effectsEntries = 128; } else if(targetCount <= 24) { effectsEntries = 192; } else if(targetCount <= 32) { effectsEntries = 256; } // Creates a list of EffectEntry (the base binary structure of the effect). List entries = new(effectsEntries); for(int i = 0; i < effectsEntries; i++) { entries.Add(*(Structures.EffectEntry*)(effectArray + i * 8)); } // Sum all the damage. int counterValueFound = 0; for(int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++) { // DEBUG: Logger.Debug(entries[i].ToString()); if(i % 8 == 0) { // Value of dmg is located every 8 uint tDmg = entries[i].value; if(entries[i].mult != 0) { tDmg += ((uint)ushort.MaxValue + 1) * entries[i].mult; } // We add the value of the damage that we found. if(counterValueFound < count) { RESULT[counterValueFound] = (int)tDmg; } counterValueFound++; } } return RESULT; } private static int ComputeAverageAmount(int[] amounts) { var result = 0; for(int i=0; i < amounts.Length; i++) { result += amounts[i]; } result = result != 0 ? result / amounts.Length : result; return result; } unsafe private List GetAllTarget(byte count, IntPtr effectTrail, int[] amounts) { List names = new(); if((int)count >= 1) { ulong[] targets = new ulong[(int)count]; for(int i=0; i < count; i++) { targets[i] = *(ulong*)(effectTrail + i * 8); var targetId = (int)targets[i]; var targetName = this.GetCharacterNameFromSourceId(targetId); var targetPlayer = new Structures.Player(targetId, targetName, $"{amounts[i]}"); names.Add(targetPlayer); } } return names; } private string GetSpellName(uint actionId, bool withId) { if(this.LuminaActionSheet == null) { this.Logger.Warn("HookActionEffect.GetSpellName: LuminaActionSheet is null"); return "***LUMINA ACTION SHEET NOT LOADED***"; } var row = this.LuminaActionSheet.GetRow(actionId); var spellName = ""; if(row != null) { if(withId) { spellName = $"{row.RowId}:"; } if(row.Name != null) { spellName += $"{row.Name}"; } } else { spellName = "!Unknown Spell Name!"; } return spellName; } private string GetCharacterNameFromSourceId(int sourceId) { var character = this.GameObjects.SearchById((uint)sourceId); var characterName = ""; if(character != null) { characterName = character.Name.TextValue; } return characterName; } protected virtual void DispatchReceivedEvent(Structures.Spell spell) { HookActionEffects_ReceivedEventArgs args = new(); args.Spell = spell; ReceivedEvent?.Invoke(this, args); } } // EventArgs data HookActionEffects_ReceivedEventArgs the 'Received' event is triggers. internal class HookActionEffects_ReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs { public Structures.Spell Spell { get; set; } } }