using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using System.Threading; // Dalamud libs using Dalamud.IoC; using Dalamud.Data; using Dalamud.Plugin; using Dalamud.Game; using Dalamud.Game.Text; using Dalamud.Game.Text.SeStringHandling; using Dalamud.Game.Network; using Dalamud.Game.Command; using Dalamud.Game.ClientState; using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Graphics.Kernel; using Dalamud.Interface.Windowing; // FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin libs using FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin.Commons; using FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin.Triggers; using FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin.Hooks; using FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin.Experimental; using FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin.Migrations; namespace FFXIV_Vibe_Plugin { public class App { private Dalamud.Game.Gui.ChatGui? DalamudChat { get; init; } public Configuration Configuration { get; init; } private GameNetwork GameNetwork { get; init; } private DataManager DataManager { get; init; } private ClientState ClientState { get; init; } private SigScanner Scanner { get; init; } private ObjectTable GameObjects { get; init; } private DalamudPluginInterface PluginInterface { get; init; } // Custom variables from Kacie private readonly Plugin Plugin; private readonly bool wasInit = false; public readonly string CommandName = ""; public PluginUI PluginUi { get; init; } private readonly string ShortName = ""; private bool _firstUpdated = false; private readonly PlayerStats PlayerStats; private ConfigurationProfile ConfigurationProfile; private readonly Logger Logger; private readonly ActionEffect hook_ActionEffect; private readonly Device.DevicesController DeviceController; private readonly TriggersController TriggersController; private readonly Patterns Patterns; // Experiments private readonly NetworkCapture experiment_networkCapture; public App(Plugin plugin, string commandName, string shortName, GameNetwork gameNetwork, ClientState clientState, DataManager dataManager, Dalamud.Game.Gui.ChatGui? dalamudChat, Configuration configuration, SigScanner scanner, ObjectTable gameObjects, DalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface) { this.Plugin = plugin; this.CommandName = commandName; this.ShortName = shortName; this.GameNetwork = gameNetwork; this.ClientState = clientState; this.DataManager = dataManager; this.DalamudChat = dalamudChat; this.Configuration = configuration; this.GameObjects = gameObjects; this.Scanner = scanner; this.PluginInterface = pluginInterface; if (DalamudChat != null) { DalamudChat.ChatMessage += ChatWasTriggered; } this.Logger = new Logger(this.DalamudChat, ShortName, Logger.LogLevel.VERBOSE); // Migrations Migration migration = new(Configuration, Logger); migration.Patch_0_2_0_to_1_0_0_config_profile(); // Configuration Profile this.ConfigurationProfile = this.Configuration.GetDefaultProfile(); // Patterns this.Patterns = new Patterns(); this.Patterns.SetCustomPatterns(this.ConfigurationProfile.PatternList); // Initialize the devices Controller this.DeviceController = new Device.DevicesController(this.Logger, this.Configuration, this.ConfigurationProfile, this.Patterns); if (this.ConfigurationProfile.AUTO_CONNECT) { Thread t = new(delegate () { Thread.Sleep(2000); this.Command_DeviceController_Connect(); }); t.Start(); } // Initialize Hook ActionEffect this.hook_ActionEffect = new(this.DataManager, this.Logger, this.Scanner, clientState, gameObjects); this.hook_ActionEffect.ReceivedEvent += SpellWasTriggered; // Init the login event. this.ClientState.Login += this.ClientState_LoginEvent; // Initialize player stats monitoring. this.PlayerStats = new PlayerStats(this.Logger, this.ClientState); PlayerStats.Event_CurrentHpChanged += this.PlayerCurrentHPChanged; PlayerStats.Event_MaxHpChanged += this.PlayerCurrentHPChanged; // Triggers this.TriggersController = new Triggers.TriggersController(this.Logger, this.PlayerStats, this.ConfigurationProfile); // UI this.PluginUi = new PluginUI(this, this.Logger, this.PluginInterface, this.Configuration, this.ConfigurationProfile, this.DeviceController, this.TriggersController, this.Patterns); // Experimental this.experiment_networkCapture = new NetworkCapture(this.Logger, this.GameNetwork); // Make sure we set the current profile everywhere. this.SetProfile(this.Configuration.CurrentProfileName); // Set the init variable this.wasInit = true; } public void Dispose() { if (!this.wasInit) { return; } this.Logger.Debug("Disposing plugin..."); // Cleaning device controller. if (this.DeviceController != null) { this.DeviceController.Dispose(); } // Cleaning chat triggers. if (DalamudChat != null) { DalamudChat.ChatMessage -= ChatWasTriggered; } // Cleaning hooks this.hook_ActionEffect.Dispose(); // Cleaning experimentations this.experiment_networkCapture.Dispose(); this.PluginUi.Dispose(); this.Logger.Debug("Plugin disposed!"); } public static string GetHelp(string command) { string helpMessage = $@"Usage: {command} config {command} connect {command} disconnect {command} send <0-100> # Send vibe intensity to all toys {command} stop "; return helpMessage; } public void OnCommand(string command, string args) { if (args.Length == 0) { this.DisplayUI(); } else { if (args.StartsWith("help")) { this.Logger.Chat(App.GetHelp($"/{ShortName}")); } else if (args.StartsWith("config")) { this.DisplayConfigUI(); } else if (args.StartsWith("connect")) { this.Command_DeviceController_Connect(); } else if (args.StartsWith("disconnect")) { this.Command_DeviceController_Disconnect(); } else if (args.StartsWith("send")) { this.Command_SendIntensity(args); } else if (args.StartsWith("stop")) { this.DeviceController.SendVibeToAll(0); } // Experimental else if (args.StartsWith("exp_network_start")) { this.experiment_networkCapture.StartNetworkCapture(); } else if (args.StartsWith("exp_network_stop")) { this.experiment_networkCapture.StopNetworkCapture(); } else { this.Logger.Chat($"Unknown subcommand: {args}"); } } } private void FirstUpdated() { this.Logger.Debug("First updated"); if (this.ConfigurationProfile != null && this.ConfigurationProfile.AUTO_OPEN) { this.DisplayUI(); } } private void DisplayUI() { this.Plugin.DrawConfigUI(); } private void DisplayConfigUI() { this.Plugin.DrawConfigUI(); } public void DrawUI() { if(this.PluginUi == null) { return; } if (this.ClientState.IsLoggedIn) { this.PlayerStats.Update(this.ClientState); } // Trigger first updated method if (!this._firstUpdated) { this.FirstUpdated(); this._firstUpdated = true; } } public void Command_DeviceController_Connect() { if (this.DeviceController == null) { this.Logger.Error("No device controller available to connect."); return; } if (this.ConfigurationProfile != null) { string host = this.ConfigurationProfile.BUTTPLUG_SERVER_HOST; int port = this.ConfigurationProfile.BUTTPLUG_SERVER_PORT; this.DeviceController.Connect(host, port); } } private void Command_DeviceController_Disconnect() { if (this.DeviceController == null) { this.Logger.Error("No device controller available to disconnect."); return; } this.DeviceController.Disconnect(); } private void Command_SendIntensity(string args) { string[] blafuckcsharp; int intensity; try { blafuckcsharp = args.Split(" ", 2); intensity = int.Parse(blafuckcsharp[1]); this.Logger.Chat($"Command Send intensity {intensity}"); } catch (Exception e) when (e is FormatException or IndexOutOfRangeException) { this.Logger.Error($"Malformed arguments for send [intensity].", e); return; } if (this.DeviceController == null) { this.Logger.Error("No device controller available to send intensity."); return; } this.DeviceController.SendVibeToAll(intensity); } /************************************ * LISTEN TO EVENTS * ************************************/ private void SpellWasTriggered(object? sender, HookActionEffects_ReceivedEventArgs args) { if (this.TriggersController == null) { this.Logger.Warn("SpellWasTriggered: TriggersController not init yet, ignoring spell..."); return; } Structures.Spell spell = args.Spell; if (this.ConfigurationProfile != null && this.ConfigurationProfile.VERBOSE_SPELL) { this.Logger.Debug($"VERBOSE_SPELL: {spell}"); } List? triggers = this.TriggersController.CheckTrigger_Spell(spell); foreach (Trigger trigger in triggers) { this.DeviceController.SendTrigger(trigger); } } private void ChatWasTriggered(XivChatType chatType, uint senderId, ref SeString _sender, ref SeString _message, ref bool isHandled) { if (this.TriggersController == null) { this.Logger.Warn("ChatWasTriggered: TriggersController not init yet, ignoring chat..."); return; } string fromPlayerName = _sender.ToString(); if (this.ConfigurationProfile != null && this.ConfigurationProfile.VERBOSE_CHAT) { string XivChatTypeName = ((XivChatType)chatType).ToString(); this.Logger.Debug($"VERBOSE_CHAT: {fromPlayerName} type={XivChatTypeName}: {_message}"); } List triggers = this.TriggersController.CheckTrigger_Chat(chatType, fromPlayerName, _message.TextValue); foreach (Trigger trigger in triggers) { this.DeviceController.SendTrigger(trigger); } } public bool SetProfile(string profileName) { bool result = this.Configuration.SetCurrentProfile(profileName); if (!result) { this.Logger.Warn($"You are trying to use profile {profileName} which can't be found"); return false; } ConfigurationProfile? configProfileToCheck = this.Configuration.GetProfile(profileName); if (configProfileToCheck != null) { this.ConfigurationProfile = configProfileToCheck; this.PluginUi.SetProfile(this.ConfigurationProfile); this.DeviceController.SetProfile(this.ConfigurationProfile); this.TriggersController.SetProfile(this.ConfigurationProfile); } return true; } private void ClientState_LoginEvent(object? send, EventArgs e) { this.PlayerStats.Update(this.ClientState); } private void PlayerCurrentHPChanged(object? send, EventArgs e) { float currentHP = this.PlayerStats.GetCurrentHP(); float maxHP = this.PlayerStats.GetMaxHP(); if (this.TriggersController == null) { this.Logger.Warn("PlayerCurrentHPChanged: TriggersController not init yet, ignoring HP change..."); return; } float percentageHP = currentHP / maxHP * 100f; List triggers = TriggersController.CheckTrigger_HPChanged((int)currentHP, (float)percentageHP); this.Logger.Debug($"Player HPChanged {currentHP}/{maxHP} {percentageHP}%"); // Overwrites the threshold for every motors foreach (Trigger trigger in triggers) { this.DeviceController.SendTrigger(trigger); } } } }