
123 lines
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using ImGuiNET;
using ImGuiScene;
using System;
using System.Numerics;
namespace UIDev
class UITest : IPluginUIMock
public static void Main(string[] args)
UIBootstrap.Inititalize(new UITest());
private TextureWrap goatImage;
private SimpleImGuiScene scene;
public void Initialize(SimpleImGuiScene scene)
// scene is a little different from what you have access to in dalamud
// but it can accomplish the same things, and is really only used for initial setup here
// eg, to load an image resource for use with ImGui
this.goatImage = scene.LoadImage(@"goat.png");
scene.OnBuildUI += Draw;
this.Visible = true;
// saving this only so we can kill the test application by closing the window
// (instead of just by hitting escape)
this.scene = scene;
public void Dispose()
// You COULD go all out here and make your UI generic and work on interfaces etc, and then
// mock dependencies and conceivably use exactly the same class in this testbed and the actual plugin
// That is, however, a bit excessive in general - it could easily be done for this sample, but I
// don't want to imply that is easy or the best way to go usually, so it's not done here either
private void Draw()
if (!Visible)
this.scene.ShouldQuit = true;
#region Nearly a copy/paste of PluginUI
private bool visible = false;
public bool Visible
get { return this.visible; }
set { this.visible = value; }
private bool settingsVisible = false;
public bool SettingsVisible
get { return this.settingsVisible; }
set { this.settingsVisible = value; }
// this is where you'd have to start mocking objects if you really want to match
// but for simple UI creation purposes, just hardcoding values works
private bool fakeConfigBool = true;
public void DrawMainWindow()
if (!Visible)
ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(375, 330), ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver);
ImGui.SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(new Vector2(375, 330), new Vector2(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue));
if (ImGui.Begin("My Amazing Window", ref this.visible, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollWithMouse))
ImGui.Text($"The random config bool is {this.fakeConfigBool}");
if (ImGui.Button("Show Settings"))
SettingsVisible = true;
ImGui.Text("Have a goat:");
ImGui.Image(this.goatImage.ImGuiHandle, new Vector2(this.goatImage.Width, this.goatImage.Height));
public void DrawSettingsWindow()
if (!SettingsVisible)
ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(new Vector2(232, 75), ImGuiCond.Always);
if (ImGui.Begin("A Wonderful Configuration Window", ref this.settingsVisible,
ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoScrollWithMouse))
if (ImGui.Checkbox("Random Config Bool", ref this.fakeConfigBool))
// nothing to do in a fake ui!