{ "$schema": "https://git.carvel.li/liza/Questionable/raw/branch/master/QuestPaths/quest-v1.json", "Author": "liza", "$": "TODO Check if this is a special mount that can always fly", "QuestSequence": [ { "Sequence": 0, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1043417, "Position": { "X": 314.9004, "Y": 481.99442, "Z": 148.11926 }, "TerritoryId": 960, "InteractionType": "AcceptQuest" } ] }, { "Sequence": 1, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1044060, "Position": { "X": 57.75537, "Y": 269.00012, "Z": -674.49457 }, "TerritoryId": 960, "InteractionType": "Interact", "AetheryteShortcut": "Ultima Thule - Abode of the Ea" } ] }, { "Sequence": 2, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 1044063, "Position": { "X": -193.53015, "Y": 269.23087, "Z": -315.63293 }, "TerritoryId": 960, "InteractionType": "Action", "Action": "Electric Flux", "Fly": true, "CompletionQuestVariablesFlags": [ null, null, null, null, null, 64 ] }, { "DataId": 1044062, "Position": { "X": -213.42798, "Y": 268.01166, "Z": -299.5194 }, "TerritoryId": 960, "InteractionType": "Action", "Action": "Electric Flux", "Fly": true, "CompletionQuestVariablesFlags": [ null, null, null, null, null, 128 ] } ] }, { "Sequence": 255, "Steps": [ { "DataId": 2013072, "Position": { "X": 456.65674, "Y": 438.04077, "Z": 310.2312 }, "TerritoryId": 960, "InteractionType": "Interact", "TargetTerritoryId": 960, "AetheryteShortcut": "Ultima Thule - Base Omicron" }, { "DataId": 1043417, "Position": { "X": 314.9004, "Y": 481.99442, "Z": 148.11926 }, "TerritoryId": 960, "InteractionType": "CompleteQuest" } ] } ] }