master #3

cacahuetes wants to merge 999 commits from liza/Questionable:master into cacahuetes-ShB-Healer
2 changed files with 310 additions and 0 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 824259a0f5 - Show all commits

View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "Starr",
"QuestSequence": [
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"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Gridania",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Gridania] Aetheryte Plaza",
"[Gridania] Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre"
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1051808,
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"X": -53.60504,
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"Z": -99.931335
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"Prompt": "TEXT_FESXMX001_05227_SYSTEM_000_025",
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"Y": 0.0028544795,
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"Z": 18.142944
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"Y": 0.0028544795,
"Z": -21.042236
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"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
"$schema": "",
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"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
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"Y": 0.0028544795,
"Z": -21.042236
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"Y": -7.7123985,
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"TargetTerritoryId": 1247,
"AetheryteShortcut": "Gridania",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Gridania] Aetheryte Plaza",
"[Gridania] Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre"
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