master #3

cacahuetes wants to merge 938 commits from liza/Questionable:master into cacahuetes-ShB-Healer
Showing only changes of commit 477b7cb446 - Show all commits

@ -142,10 +142,10 @@ internal static class AethernetShortcut
logger.LogInformation("Moving to S9 aetheryte");
List<Vector3> nearbyPoints =
new(7.225532f, 8.467899f, -7.1670876f),
new(7.177844f, 8.467899f, 7.2216787f),
new(-7.0762224f, 8.467898f, 7.1924725f),
new(-7.1289554f, 8.467898f, -7.0594683f)
new(0, 8.442986f, 9),
new(9, 8.442986f, 0),
new(-9, 8.442986f, 0),
new(0, 8.442986f, -9),
Vector3 closestPoint = nearbyPoints.MinBy(x => (playerPosition - x).Length());