using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; using Dalamud.Interface; using Dalamud.Interface.Colors; using Dalamud.Interface.Components; using Dalamud.Interface.Windowing; using Dalamud.Plugin; using Dalamud.Plugin.Services; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Game; using ImGuiNET; using LLib; using Workshoppa.GameData; namespace Workshoppa.Windows; // FIXME The close button doesn't work near the workshop, either hide it or make it work internal sealed class MainWindow : Window { private readonly WorkshopPlugin _plugin; private readonly DalamudPluginInterface _pluginInterface; private readonly IClientState _clientState; private readonly Configuration _configuration; private readonly WorkshopCache _workshopCache; private string _searchString = string.Empty; private bool _checkInventory; public MainWindow(WorkshopPlugin plugin, DalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface, IClientState clientState, Configuration configuration, WorkshopCache workshopCache) : base("Workshoppa###WorkshoppaMainWindow") { _plugin = plugin; _pluginInterface = pluginInterface; _clientState = clientState; _configuration = configuration; _workshopCache = workshopCache; Position = new Vector2(100, 100); PositionCondition = ImGuiCond.FirstUseEver; SizeConstraints = new WindowSizeConstraints { MinimumSize = new Vector2(350, 50), MaximumSize = new Vector2(500, 500), }; Flags = ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse; } public EOpenReason OpenReason { get; set; } = EOpenReason.None; public bool NearFabricationStation { get; set; } public ButtonState State { get; set; } = ButtonState.None; public bool IsDiscipleOfHand => _clientState.LocalPlayer != null && _clientState.LocalPlayer.ClassJob.Id is >= 8 and <= 15; public override void Draw() { LImGui.AddPatreonIcon(_pluginInterface); var currentItem = _configuration.CurrentlyCraftedItem; if (currentItem != null) { var currentCraft = _workshopCache.Crafts.Single(x => x.WorkshopItemId == currentItem.WorkshopItemId); ImGui.Text($"Currently Crafting: {currentCraft.Name}"); if (_plugin.CurrentStage == Stage.Stopped) { if (ImGuiComponents.IconButtonWithText(FontAwesomeIcon.Search, "Check Inventory")) _checkInventory = !_checkInventory; ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.BeginDisabled(!NearFabricationStation); ImGui.BeginDisabled(!IsDiscipleOfHand); if (currentItem.StartedCrafting) { if (ImGuiComponents.IconButtonWithText(FontAwesomeIcon.Play, "Resume")) { State = ButtonState.Resume; _checkInventory = false; } } else { if (ImGuiComponents.IconButtonWithText(FontAwesomeIcon.Play, "Start Crafting")) { State = ButtonState.Start; _checkInventory = false; } } ImGui.EndDisabled(); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.BeginDisabled(!ImGui.GetIO().KeyCtrl); if (ImGuiComponents.IconButtonWithText(FontAwesomeIcon.Times, "Cancel")) { State = ButtonState.Pause; _configuration.CurrentlyCraftedItem = null; Save(); } ImGui.EndDisabled(); if (ImGui.IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags.AllowWhenDisabled) && !ImGui.GetIO().KeyCtrl) ImGui.SetTooltip( $"Hold CTRL to remove this as craft. You have to manually use the fabrication station to cancel or finish this craft before you can continue using the queue."); ImGui.EndDisabled(); ShowErrorConditions(); } else { ImGui.BeginDisabled(_plugin.CurrentStage == Stage.RequestStop); if (ImGuiComponents.IconButtonWithText(FontAwesomeIcon.Pause, "Pause")) State = ButtonState.Pause; ImGui.EndDisabled(); } } else { ImGui.Text("Currently Crafting: ---"); if (ImGuiComponents.IconButtonWithText(FontAwesomeIcon.Search, "Check Inventory")) _checkInventory = !_checkInventory; ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.BeginDisabled(!NearFabricationStation || _configuration.ItemQueue.Sum(x => x.Quantity) == 0 || _plugin.CurrentStage != Stage.Stopped || !IsDiscipleOfHand); if (ImGuiComponents.IconButtonWithText(FontAwesomeIcon.Play, "Start Crafting")) { State = ButtonState.Start; _checkInventory = false; } ImGui.EndDisabled(); ShowErrorConditions(); } if (_checkInventory) { ImGui.Separator(); CheckMaterial(); } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Text("Queue:"); ImGui.BeginDisabled(_plugin.CurrentStage != Stage.Stopped); Configuration.QueuedItem? itemToRemove = null; for (int i = 0; i < _configuration.ItemQueue.Count; ++ i) { ImGui.PushID($"ItemQueue{i}"); var item = _configuration.ItemQueue[i]; var craft = _workshopCache.Crafts.Single(x => x.WorkshopItemId == item.WorkshopItemId); ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(100); int quantity = item.Quantity; if (ImGui.InputInt(craft.Name, ref quantity)) { item.Quantity = Math.Max(0, quantity); Save(); } ImGui.OpenPopupOnItemClick($"###Context{i}"); if (ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem($"###Context{i}")) { if (ImGui.MenuItem($"Remove {craft.Name}")) itemToRemove = item; ImGui.EndPopup(); } ImGui.PopID(); } if (itemToRemove != null) { _configuration.ItemQueue.Remove(itemToRemove); Save(); } ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X); if (ImGui.BeginCombo("##CraftSelection", "Add Craft...")) { ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X); ImGui.InputTextWithHint("", "Filter...", ref _searchString, 256); foreach (var craft in _workshopCache.Crafts .Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains(_searchString.ToLower())) .OrderBy(x => x.WorkshopItemId)) { if (ImGui.Selectable($"{craft.Name}##SelectCraft{craft.WorkshopItemId}")) { _configuration.ItemQueue.Add(new Configuration.QueuedItem { WorkshopItemId = craft.WorkshopItemId, Quantity = 1, }); Save(); } } ImGui.EndCombo(); } ImGui.EndDisabled(); ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.Text($"Debug (Stage): {_plugin.CurrentStage}"); } private void Save() { _pluginInterface.SavePluginConfig(_configuration); } public void Toggle(EOpenReason reason) { if (!IsOpen) { IsOpen = true; OpenReason = reason; } else IsOpen = false; } public override void OnClose() { OpenReason = EOpenReason.None; } private unsafe void CheckMaterial() { ImGui.Text("Items needed for all crafts in queue:"); List workshopItemIds = _configuration.ItemQueue .SelectMany(x => Enumerable.Range(0, x.Quantity).Select(_ => x.WorkshopItemId)) .ToList(); Dictionary completedForCurrentCraft = new(); var currentItem = _configuration.CurrentlyCraftedItem; if (currentItem != null) { workshopItemIds.Add(currentItem.WorkshopItemId); var craft = _workshopCache.Crafts.Single(x => x.WorkshopItemId == currentItem.WorkshopItemId); for (int i = 0; i < currentItem.PhasesComplete; ++i) { foreach (var item in craft.Phases[i].Items) AddMaterial(completedForCurrentCraft, item.ItemId, item.TotalQuantity); } if (currentItem.PhasesComplete < craft.Phases.Count) { foreach (var item in currentItem.ContributedItemsInCurrentPhase) AddMaterial(completedForCurrentCraft, item.ItemId, (int)item.QuantityComplete); } } var items = workshopItemIds.Select(x => _workshopCache.Crafts.Single(y => y.WorkshopItemId == x)) .SelectMany(x => x.Phases) .SelectMany(x => x.Items) .GroupBy(x => new { x.Name, x.ItemId }) .OrderBy(x => x.Key.Name) .Select(x => new { x.Key.ItemId, x.Key.Name, TotalQuantity = completedForCurrentCraft.TryGetValue(x.Key.ItemId, out var completed) ? x.Sum(y => y.TotalQuantity) - completed : x.Sum(y => y.TotalQuantity), }); ImGui.Indent(20); InventoryManager* inventoryManager = InventoryManager.Instance(); foreach (var item in items) { int inInventory = inventoryManager->GetInventoryItemCount(item.ItemId, true, false, false) + inventoryManager->GetInventoryItemCount(item.ItemId, false, false, false); ImGui.TextColored(inInventory >= item.TotalQuantity ? ImGuiColors.HealerGreen : ImGuiColors.DalamudRed, $"{item.Name} ({inInventory} / {item.TotalQuantity})"); } ImGui.Unindent(20); } private void AddMaterial(Dictionary completedForCurrentCraft, uint itemId, int quantity) { if (completedForCurrentCraft.TryGetValue(itemId, out var existingQuantity)) completedForCurrentCraft[itemId] = quantity + existingQuantity; else completedForCurrentCraft[itemId] = quantity; } private void ShowErrorConditions() { if (!_plugin.WorkshopTerritories.Contains(_clientState.TerritoryType)) ImGui.TextColored(ImGuiColors.DalamudRed, "You are not in the Company Workshop."); else if (!NearFabricationStation) ImGui.TextColored(ImGuiColors.DalamudRed, "You are not near a Farbrication Station."); if (!IsDiscipleOfHand) ImGui.TextColored(ImGuiColors.DalamudRed, "You need to be a Disciple of the Hand to start crafting."); } public enum ButtonState { None, Start, Resume, Pause, Stop, } public enum EOpenReason { None, Command, NearFabricationStation, PluginInstaller, } }