using System; using System.Linq; using Dalamud.Interface; using Dalamud.Interface.Components; using Dalamud.Plugin.Services; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Component.GUI; using ImGuiNET; using LLib; using LLib.GameUI; using Workshoppa.External; using Workshoppa.GameData.Shops; using ValueType = FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Component.GUI.ValueType; namespace Workshoppa.Windows; internal sealed class CeruleumTankWindow : ShopWindow { private const int CeruleumTankItemId = 10155; private readonly WorkshopPlugin _plugin; private readonly IPluginLog _pluginLog; private readonly Configuration _configuration; private int _companyCredits; private int _buyStackCount; private bool _buyPartialStacks = true; public CeruleumTankWindow(WorkshopPlugin plugin, IPluginLog pluginLog, IGameGui gameGui, IAddonLifecycle addonLifecycle, Configuration configuration, ExternalPluginHandler externalPluginHandler) : base("Ceruleum Tanks###WorkshoppaCeruleumTankWindow", "FreeCompanyCreditShop", plugin, pluginLog, gameGui, addonLifecycle, externalPluginHandler) { _plugin = plugin; _pluginLog = pluginLog; _configuration = configuration; } protected override bool Enabled => _configuration.EnableCeruleumTankCalculator; protected override unsafe void UpdateShopStock(AtkUnitBase* addon) { if (addon->AtkValuesCount != 170) { _pluginLog.Error($"Unexpected amount of atkvalues for FreeCompanyCreditShop addon ({addon->AtkValuesCount})"); _companyCredits = 0; ItemForSale = null; return; } var atkValues = addon->AtkValues; _companyCredits = (int)atkValues[3].UInt; uint itemCount = atkValues[9].UInt; if (itemCount == 0) { ItemForSale = null; return; } ItemForSale = Enumerable.Range(0, (int)itemCount) .Select(i => new ItemForSale { Position = i, ItemName = atkValues[10 + i].ReadAtkString(), Price = atkValues[130 + i].UInt, OwnedItems = atkValues[90 + i].UInt, ItemId = atkValues[30 + i].UInt, }) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.ItemId == CeruleumTankItemId); } protected override int GetCurrencyCount() => _companyCredits; public override void Draw() { if (ItemForSale == null) { IsOpen = false; return; } int ceruleumTanks = GetItemCount(CeruleumTankItemId); int freeInventorySlots = _plugin.GetFreeInventorySlots(); ImGui.Text("Inventory"); ImGui.Indent(); ImGui.Text($"Ceruleum Tanks: {FormatStackCount(ceruleumTanks)}"); ImGui.Text($"Free Slots: {freeInventorySlots}"); ImGui.Unindent(); ImGui.Separator(); if (PurchaseState == null) { ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(100); ImGui.InputInt("Stacks to Buy", ref _buyStackCount); _buyStackCount = Math.Min(freeInventorySlots, Math.Max(0, _buyStackCount)); if (ceruleumTanks % 999 > 0) ImGui.Checkbox($"Fill Partial Stacks (+{999 - ceruleumTanks % 999})", ref _buyPartialStacks); } int missingItems = _buyStackCount * 999; if (_buyPartialStacks && ceruleumTanks % 999 > 0) missingItems += (999 - ceruleumTanks % 999); if (PurchaseState != null) { HandleNextPurchaseStep(); if (PurchaseState != null) { ImGui.Text($"Buying {FormatStackCount(PurchaseState.ItemsLeftToBuy)}..."); if (ImGuiComponents.IconButtonWithText(FontAwesomeIcon.Times, "Cancel Auto-Buy")) CancelAutoPurchase(); } } else { int toPurchase = Math.Min(GetMaxItemsToPurchase(), missingItems); if (toPurchase > 0) { ImGui.Spacing(); if (ImGuiComponents.IconButtonWithText(FontAwesomeIcon.DollarSign, $"Auto-Buy {FormatStackCount(toPurchase)} for {ItemForSale.Price * toPurchase:N0} CC")) { StartAutoPurchase(toPurchase); HandleNextPurchaseStep(); } } } } private string FormatStackCount(int ceruleumTanks) { int fullStacks = ceruleumTanks / 999; int partials = ceruleumTanks % 999; string stacks = fullStacks == 1 ? "stack" : "stacks"; if (partials > 0) return $"{fullStacks:N0} {stacks} + {partials}"; return $"{fullStacks:N0} {stacks}"; } protected override unsafe void FirePurchaseCallback(AtkUnitBase* addonShop, int buyNow) { var buyItem = stackalloc AtkValue[] { new() { Type = ValueType.Int, Int = 0 }, new() { Type = ValueType.UInt, UInt = (uint)ItemForSale!.Position }, new() { Type = ValueType.UInt, UInt = (uint)buyNow }, }; addonShop->FireCallback(3, buyItem); } }