Compare commits


12 Commits

214 changed files with 14960 additions and 574 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
using Dalamud.Configuration;
namespace GatheringPathRenderer;
internal sealed class Configuration : IPluginConfiguration
public int Version { get; set; } = 1;
public string AuthorName { get; set; } = "?";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization.Metadata;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects.Enums;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects.Types;
using Dalamud.Game.Command;
using Dalamud.Plugin.Services;
using Lumina.Excel.GeneratedSheets;
using Questionable.Model;
using Questionable.Model.Gathering;
namespace GatheringPathRenderer;
internal sealed class EditorCommands : IDisposable
private readonly RendererPlugin _plugin;
private readonly IDataManager _dataManager;
private readonly ICommandManager _commandManager;
private readonly ITargetManager _targetManager;
private readonly IClientState _clientState;
private readonly IChatGui _chatGui;
private readonly Configuration _configuration;
public EditorCommands(RendererPlugin plugin, IDataManager dataManager, ICommandManager commandManager,
ITargetManager targetManager, IClientState clientState, IChatGui chatGui, Configuration configuration)
_plugin = plugin;
_dataManager = dataManager;
_commandManager = commandManager;
_targetManager = targetManager;
_clientState = clientState;
_chatGui = chatGui;
_configuration = configuration;
_commandManager.AddHandler("/qg", new CommandInfo(ProcessCommand));
private void ProcessCommand(string command, string argument)
string[] parts = argument.Split(' ');
string subCommand = parts[0];
List<string> arguments = parts.Skip(1).ToList();
switch (subCommand)
case "add":
catch (Exception e)
_chatGui.PrintError(e.ToString(), "qG");
private void CreateOrAddLocationToGroup(List<string> arguments)
var target = _targetManager.Target;
if (target == null || target.ObjectKind != ObjectKind.GatheringPoint)
throw new Exception("No valid target");
var gatheringPoint = _dataManager.GetExcelSheet<GatheringPoint>()!.GetRow(target.DataId);
if (gatheringPoint == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid gathering point");
FileInfo targetFile;
GatheringRoot root;
var locationsInTerritory = _plugin.GetLocationsInTerritory(_clientState.TerritoryType).ToList();
var location = locationsInTerritory.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == gatheringPoint.GatheringPointBase.Row);
if (location != null)
targetFile = location.File;
root = location.Root;
// if this is an existing node, ignore it
var existingNode = root.Groups.SelectMany(x => x.Nodes.Where(y => y.DataId == target.DataId))
.Any(x => x.Locations.Any(y => Vector3.Distance(y.Position, target.Position) < 0.1f));
if (existingNode)
throw new Exception("Node already exists");
if (arguments.Contains("group"))
AddToNewGroup(root, target);
AddToExistingGroup(root, target);
(targetFile, root) = CreateNewFile(gatheringPoint, target);
_chatGui.Print($"Creating new file under {targetFile.FullName}", "qG");
_plugin.Save(targetFile, root);
public void AddToNewGroup(GatheringRoot root, IGameObject target)
root.Groups.Add(new GatheringNodeGroup
Nodes =
new GatheringNode
DataId = target.DataId,
Locations =
new GatheringLocation
Position = target.Position,
_chatGui.Print("Added group.", "qG");
public void AddToExistingGroup(GatheringRoot root, IGameObject target)
// find the same data id
var node = root.Groups.SelectMany(x => x.Nodes)
.SingleOrDefault(x => x.DataId == target.DataId);
if (node != null)
node.Locations.Add(new GatheringLocation
Position = target.Position,
_chatGui.Print($"Added location to existing node {target.DataId}.", "qG");
// find the closest group
var closestGroup = root.Groups
.Select(group => new
Group = group,
Distance = group.Nodes.Min(x =>
x.Locations.Min(y =>
Vector3.Distance(_clientState.LocalPlayer!.Position, y.Position)))
.OrderBy(x => x.Distance)
closestGroup.Group.Nodes.Add(new GatheringNode
DataId = target.DataId,
Locations =
new GatheringLocation
Position = target.Position,
_chatGui.Print($"Added new node {target.DataId}.", "qG");
public (FileInfo targetFile, GatheringRoot root) CreateNewFile(GatheringPoint gatheringPoint, IGameObject target)
// determine target folder
DirectoryInfo? targetFolder = _plugin.GetLocationsInTerritory(_clientState.TerritoryType).FirstOrDefault()
if (targetFolder == null)
var territoryInfo = _dataManager.GetExcelSheet<TerritoryType>()!.GetRow(_clientState.TerritoryType)!;
targetFolder = _plugin.PathsDirectory
FileInfo targetFile =
new FileInfo(
$"{gatheringPoint.GatheringPointBase.Row}_{gatheringPoint.PlaceName.Value!.Name}_{(_clientState.LocalPlayer!.ClassJob.Id == 16 ? "MIN" : "BTN")}.json"));
var root = new GatheringRoot
Author = [_configuration.AuthorName],
TerritoryId = _clientState.TerritoryType,
Groups =
new GatheringNodeGroup
Nodes =
new GatheringNode
DataId = target.DataId,
Locations =
new GatheringLocation
Position = target.Position
return (targetFile, root);
public void Dispose()

View File

@ -4,11 +4,16 @@ using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects;
using Dalamud.Interface.Windowing;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using Dalamud.Plugin.Services;
using ECommons;
using ECommons.Schedulers;
using ECommons.SplatoonAPI;
using GatheringPathRenderer.Windows;
using Questionable.Model;
using Questionable.Model.Gathering;
namespace GatheringPathRenderer;
@ -16,74 +21,93 @@ namespace GatheringPathRenderer;
public sealed class RendererPlugin : IDalamudPlugin
private const long OnTerritoryChange = -2;
private readonly WindowSystem _windowSystem = new(nameof(RendererPlugin));
private readonly List<uint> _colors = [0xFFFF2020, 0xFF20FF20, 0xFF2020FF, 0xFFFFFF20, 0xFFFF20FF, 0xFF20FFFF];
private readonly IDalamudPluginInterface _pluginInterface;
private readonly IClientState _clientState;
private readonly IPluginLog _pluginLog;
private readonly List<(ushort Id, GatheringRoot Root)> _gatheringLocations = [];
public RendererPlugin(IDalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface, IClientState clientState, IPluginLog pluginLog)
private readonly EditorCommands _editorCommands;
private readonly EditorWindow _editorWindow;
private readonly List<GatheringLocationContext> _gatheringLocations = [];
public RendererPlugin(IDalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface, IClientState clientState,
ICommandManager commandManager, IDataManager dataManager, ITargetManager targetManager, IChatGui chatGui,
IObjectTable objectTable, IPluginLog pluginLog)
_pluginInterface = pluginInterface;
_clientState = clientState;
_pluginLog = pluginLog;
Configuration? configuration = (Configuration?)pluginInterface.GetPluginConfig();
if (configuration == null)
configuration = new Configuration();
_editorCommands = new EditorCommands(this, dataManager, commandManager, targetManager, clientState, chatGui,
_editorWindow = new EditorWindow(this, _editorCommands, dataManager, targetManager, clientState, objectTable)
{ IsOpen = true };
ECommonsMain.Init(pluginInterface, this, Module.SplatoonAPI);
_pluginInterface.UiBuilder.Draw += _windowSystem.Draw;
_clientState.TerritoryChanged += TerritoryChanged;
if (_clientState.IsLoggedIn)
private void Reload()
internal DirectoryInfo PathsDirectory
private void LoadGatheringLocationsFromDirectory()
DirectoryInfo? solutionDirectory = _pluginInterface.AssemblyLocation.Directory?.Parent?.Parent?.Parent;
if (solutionDirectory != null)
DirectoryInfo pathProjectDirectory =
new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(solutionDirectory.FullName, "GatheringPaths"));
if (pathProjectDirectory.Exists)
return pathProjectDirectory;
throw new Exception("Unable to resolve project path");
internal void Reload()
private void LoadGatheringLocationsFromDirectory()
foreach (var expansionFolder in ExpansionData.ExpansionFolders.Values)
new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(pathProjectDirectory.FullName, "2.x - A Realm Reborn")));
new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(pathProjectDirectory.FullName, "3.x - Heavensward")));
new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(pathProjectDirectory.FullName, "4.x - Stormblood")));
new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(pathProjectDirectory.FullName, "5.x - Shadowbringers")));
new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(pathProjectDirectory.FullName, "6.x - Endwalker")));
new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(pathProjectDirectory.FullName, "7.x - Dawntrail")));
new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(PathsDirectory.FullName, expansionFolder)));
$"Loaded {_gatheringLocations.Count} gathering root locations from project directory");
catch (Exception e)
_pluginLog.Error(e, "Failed to load quests from project directory");
_pluginLog.Error(e, "Failed to load paths from project directory");
_pluginLog.Warning($"Project directory {pathProjectDirectory} does not exist");
_pluginLog.Warning($"Solution directory {solutionDirectory} does not exist");
private void LoadFromDirectory(DirectoryInfo directory)
@ -96,7 +120,7 @@ public sealed class RendererPlugin : IDalamudPlugin
using FileStream stream = new FileStream(fileInfo.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
LoadLocationFromStream(fileInfo.Name, stream);
LoadLocationFromStream(fileInfo, stream);
catch (Exception e)
@ -108,26 +132,81 @@ public sealed class RendererPlugin : IDalamudPlugin
private void LoadLocationFromStream(string fileName, Stream stream)
private void LoadLocationFromStream(FileInfo fileInfo, Stream stream)
var locationNode = JsonNode.Parse(stream)!;
GatheringRoot root = locationNode.Deserialize<GatheringRoot>()!;
_gatheringLocations.Add((ushort.Parse(fileName.Split('_')[0]), root));
_gatheringLocations.Add(new GatheringLocationContext(fileInfo, ushort.Parse(fileInfo.Name.Split('_')[0]),
private void TerritoryChanged(ushort territoryId)
internal IEnumerable<GatheringLocationContext> GetLocationsInTerritory(ushort territoryId)
=> _gatheringLocations.Where(x => x.Root.TerritoryId == territoryId);
internal void Save(FileInfo targetFile, GatheringRoot root)
JsonSerializerOptions options = new()
DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingDefault,
WriteIndented = true,
using (var stream = File.Create(targetFile.FullName))
var jsonNode = (JsonObject)JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(root, options)!;
var newNode = new JsonObject();
foreach (var (key, value) in jsonNode)
newNode.Add(key, value?.DeepClone());
using var writer = new Utf8JsonWriter(stream, new JsonWriterOptions
Indented = true
newNode.WriteTo(writer, options);
private void TerritoryChanged(ushort territoryId) => Redraw();
internal void Redraw()
var elements = _gatheringLocations
.Where(x => x.Root.TerritoryId == territoryId)
.SelectMany(v =>
v.Root.Groups.SelectMany(group =>
var elements = GetLocationsInTerritory(_clientState.TerritoryType)
.SelectMany(location =>
location.Root.Groups.SelectMany(group =>
group.Nodes.SelectMany(node => node.Locations
.SelectMany(x =>
new List<Element>
new Element(x.IsCone()
bool isCone = false;
int minimumAngle = 0;
int maximumAngle = 0;
if (_editorWindow.TryGetOverride(x.InternalId, out LocationOverride? locationOverride) &&
locationOverride != null)
if (locationOverride.IsCone())
isCone = true;
minimumAngle = locationOverride.MinimumAngle.GetValueOrDefault();
maximumAngle = locationOverride.MaximumAngle.GetValueOrDefault();
if (!isCone && x.IsCone())
isCone = true;
minimumAngle = x.MinimumAngle.GetValueOrDefault();
maximumAngle = x.MaximumAngle.GetValueOrDefault();
var a = GatheringMath.CalculateLandingLocation(x, 0, 0);
var b = GatheringMath.CalculateLandingLocation(x, 1, 1);
return new List<Element>
new Element(isCone
? ElementType.ConeAtFixedCoordinates
: ElementType.CircleAtFixedCoordinates)
@ -135,22 +214,46 @@ public sealed class RendererPlugin : IDalamudPlugin
refY = x.Position.Z,
refZ = x.Position.Y,
Filled = true,
radius = x.MinimumDistance,
Donut = x.MaximumDistance - x.MinimumDistance,
color = 0x2020FF80,
radius = x.CalculateMinimumDistance(),
Donut = x.CalculateMaximumDistance() - x.CalculateMinimumDistance(),
color = _colors[location.Root.Groups.IndexOf(group) % _colors.Count],
Enabled = true,
coneAngleMin = x.IsCone() ? (int)x.MinimumAngle.GetValueOrDefault() : 0,
coneAngleMax = x.IsCone() ? (int)x.MaximumAngle.GetValueOrDefault() : 0
coneAngleMin = minimumAngle,
coneAngleMax = maximumAngle,
tether = false,
new Element(ElementType.CircleAtFixedCoordinates)
refX = x.Position.X,
refY = x.Position.Z,
refZ = x.Position.Y,
color = 0x00000000,
color = 0xFFFFFFFF,
radius = 0.1f,
Enabled = true,
overlayText = $"{v.Id} // {node.DataId} / {node.Locations.IndexOf(x)}"
overlayText =
$"{location.Root.Groups.IndexOf(group)} // {node.DataId} / {node.Locations.IndexOf(x)}",
new Element(ElementType.CircleAtFixedCoordinates)
refX = a.X,
refY = a.Z,
refZ = a.Y,
color = _colors[0],
radius = 0.1f,
Enabled = true,
overlayText = "Min Angle"
new Element(ElementType.CircleAtFixedCoordinates)
refX = b.X,
refY = b.Z,
refZ = b.Y,
color = _colors[1],
radius = 0.1f,
Enabled = true,
overlayText = "Max Angle"
@ -179,11 +282,16 @@ public sealed class RendererPlugin : IDalamudPlugin
public void Dispose()
_clientState.TerritoryChanged -= TerritoryChanged;
_pluginInterface.UiBuilder.Draw -= _windowSystem.Draw;
internal sealed record GatheringLocationContext(FileInfo File, ushort Id, GatheringRoot Root);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects.Enums;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects.Types;
using Dalamud.Interface.Colors;
using Dalamud.Interface.Windowing;
using Dalamud.Plugin.Services;
using ImGuiNET;
using Lumina.Excel.GeneratedSheets;
using Questionable.Model.Gathering;
namespace GatheringPathRenderer.Windows;
internal sealed class EditorWindow : Window
private readonly RendererPlugin _plugin;
private readonly EditorCommands _editorCommands;
private readonly IDataManager _dataManager;
private readonly ITargetManager _targetManager;
private readonly IClientState _clientState;
private readonly IObjectTable _objectTable;
private readonly Dictionary<Guid, LocationOverride> _changes = [];
private IGameObject? _target;
private (RendererPlugin.GatheringLocationContext Context, GatheringNode Node, GatheringLocation Location)?
public EditorWindow(RendererPlugin plugin, EditorCommands editorCommands, IDataManager dataManager,
ITargetManager targetManager, IClientState clientState, IObjectTable objectTable)
: base("Gathering Path Editor###QuestionableGatheringPathEditor")
_plugin = plugin;
_editorCommands = editorCommands;
_dataManager = dataManager;
_targetManager = targetManager;
_clientState = clientState;
_objectTable = objectTable;
SizeConstraints = new WindowSizeConstraints
MinimumSize = new Vector2(300, 300),
ShowCloseButton = false;
public override void Update()
_target = _targetManager.Target;
var gatheringLocations = _plugin.GetLocationsInTerritory(_clientState.TerritoryType);
var location = gatheringLocations.SelectMany(context =>
context.Root.Groups.SelectMany(group =>
.SelectMany(node => node.Locations
.Where(location =>
if (_target != null)
return Vector3.Distance(location.Position, _target.Position) < 0.1f;
return Vector3.Distance(location.Position, _clientState.LocalPlayer!.Position) < 3f;
.Select(location => new { Context = context, Node = node, Location = location }))))
if (_target != null && _target.ObjectKind != ObjectKind.GatheringPoint)
_target = null;
_targetLocation = null;
if (location == null)
_targetLocation = null;
_target ??= _objectTable.FirstOrDefault(
x => x.ObjectKind == ObjectKind.GatheringPoint &&
x.DataId == location.Node.DataId &&
Vector3.Distance(location.Location.Position, _clientState.LocalPlayer!.Position) < 3f);
_targetLocation = (location.Context, location.Node, location.Location);
public override bool DrawConditions()
return _target != null || _targetLocation != null;
public override void Draw()
if (_target != null && _targetLocation != null)
var context = _targetLocation.Value.Context;
var node = _targetLocation.Value.Node;
var location = _targetLocation.Value.Location;
ImGui.Text(context.File.Directory?.Name ?? string.Empty);
ImGui.Text($"{_target.DataId} +{node.Locations.Count-1} / {location.InternalId.ToString().Substring(0, 4)}");
ImGui.Text(string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"{location.Position:G}"));
if (!_changes.TryGetValue(location.InternalId, out LocationOverride? locationOverride))
locationOverride = new LocationOverride();
_changes[location.InternalId] = locationOverride;
int minAngle = locationOverride.MinimumAngle ?? location.MinimumAngle.GetValueOrDefault();
if (ImGui.DragInt("Min Angle", ref minAngle, 5, -360, 360))
locationOverride.MinimumAngle = minAngle;
locationOverride.MaximumAngle ??= location.MaximumAngle.GetValueOrDefault();
int maxAngle = locationOverride.MaximumAngle ?? location.MaximumAngle.GetValueOrDefault();
if (ImGui.DragInt("Max Angle", ref maxAngle, 5, -360, 360))
locationOverride.MinimumAngle ??= location.MinimumAngle.GetValueOrDefault();
locationOverride.MaximumAngle = maxAngle;
bool unsaved = locationOverride is { MinimumAngle: not null, MaximumAngle: not null };
if (unsaved)
ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Button, ImGuiColors.DalamudRed);
if (ImGui.Button("Save"))
location.MinimumAngle = locationOverride.MinimumAngle;
location.MaximumAngle = locationOverride.MaximumAngle;
_plugin.Save(context.File, context.Root);
if (unsaved)
if (ImGui.Button("Reset"))
_changes[location.InternalId] = new LocationOverride();
List<IGameObject> nodesInObjectTable = _objectTable
.Where(x => x.ObjectKind == ObjectKind.GatheringPoint && x.DataId == _target.DataId)
List<IGameObject> missingLocations = nodesInObjectTable
.Where(x => !node.Locations.Any(y => Vector3.Distance(x.Position, y.Position) < 0.1f))
if (missingLocations.Count > 0)
if (ImGui.Button("Add missing locations"))
foreach (var missing in missingLocations)
_editorCommands.AddToExistingGroup(context.Root, missing);
_plugin.Save(context.File, context.Root);
else if (_target != null)
var gatheringPoint = _dataManager.GetExcelSheet<GatheringPoint>()!.GetRow(_target.DataId);
if (gatheringPoint == null)
var locationsInTerritory = _plugin.GetLocationsInTerritory(_clientState.TerritoryType).ToList();
var location = locationsInTerritory.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == gatheringPoint.GatheringPointBase.Row);
if (location != null)
var targetFile = location.File;
var root = location.Root;
if (ImGui.Button("Add to closest group"))
_editorCommands.AddToExistingGroup(root, _target);
_plugin.Save(targetFile, root);
ImGui.BeginDisabled(root.Groups.Any(group => group.Nodes.Any(node => node.DataId == _target.DataId)));
if (ImGui.Button("Add as new group"))
_editorCommands.AddToNewGroup(root, _target);
_plugin.Save(targetFile, root);
if (ImGui.Button("Create location"))
var (targetFile, root) = _editorCommands.CreateNewFile(gatheringPoint, _target);
_plugin.Save(targetFile, root);
public bool TryGetOverride(Guid internalId, out LocationOverride? locationOverride)
=> _changes.TryGetValue(internalId, out locationOverride);
internal sealed class LocationOverride
public int? MinimumAngle { get; set; }
public int? MaximumAngle { get; set; }
public float? MinimumDistance { get; set; }
public float? MaximumDistance { get; set; }
public bool IsCone()
return MinimumAngle != null && MaximumAngle != null && MinimumAngle != MaximumAngle;

View File

@ -92,12 +92,6 @@
"ecommons": {
"type": "Project"
"gatheringpaths": {
"type": "Project",
"dependencies": {
"Questionable.Model": "[1.0.0, )"
"questionable.model": {
"type": "Project",
"dependencies": {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "liza",
"TerritoryId": 141,
"AetheryteShortcut": "Central Thanalan - Black Brush Station",
"Groups": [
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 30425,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 118.6389,
"Y": 7.583679,
"Z": 262.4399
"MinimumAngle": 60,
"MaximumAngle": 170
"Position": {
"X": 113.4342,
"Y": 4.562373,
"Z": 271.4816
"MinimumAngle": 80,
"MaximumAngle": 190
"Position": {
"X": 116.9106,
"Y": 2.964557,
"Z": 285.8209
"MinimumAngle": 0,
"MaximumAngle": 115
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 30427,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 127.2449,
"Y": 15.54889,
"Z": 240.1923
"MinimumAngle": 15,
"MaximumAngle": 115
"Position": {
"X": 122.0915,
"Y": 14.071,
"Z": 225.1131
"MinimumAngle": 0,
"MaximumAngle": 110
"Position": {
"X": 120.8954,
"Y": 15.9651,
"Z": 213.8515
"MinimumAngle": 30,
"MaximumAngle": 115
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 30426,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 148.7842,
"Y": 16.44447,
"Z": 292.8037
"MinimumAngle": 30,
"MaximumAngle": 135
"Position": {
"X": 144.9166,
"Y": 18.86193,
"Z": 264.833
"MinimumAngle": 15,
"MaximumAngle": 95
"Position": {
"X": 152.6806,
"Y": 16.58945,
"Z": 300.3315
"MinimumAngle": 0,
"MaximumAngle": 75
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 30428,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 137.6659,
"Y": 6.65416,
"Z": 311.1226
"MinimumAngle": 15,
"MaximumAngle": 135
"Position": {
"X": 141.0331,
"Y": 5.844177,
"Z": 325.063
"MinimumAngle": 0,
"MaximumAngle": 150
"Position": {
"X": 130.6749,
"Y": 5.736229,
"Z": 300.4703
"MinimumAngle": -5,
"MaximumAngle": 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "liza",
"TerritoryId": 140,
"AetheryteShortcut": "Western Thanalan - Horizon",
"Groups": [
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 30414,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 249.8601,
"Y": 55.12077,
"Z": 178.5377
"MinimumAngle": 125,
"MaximumAngle": 270
"Position": {
"X": 253.9519,
"Y": 55.95691,
"Z": 181.4238
"MinimumAngle": 180,
"MaximumAngle": 285
"Position": {
"X": 244.4912,
"Y": 53.49751,
"Z": 169.9265
"MinimumAngle": 150,
"MaximumAngle": 250
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 30413,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 292.9385,
"Y": 59.79165,
"Z": 187.855
"MinimumAngle": 45,
"MaximumAngle": 165
"Position": {
"X": 300.3293,
"Y": 63.1124,
"Z": 175.0616
"MinimumAngle": 65,
"MaximumAngle": 155
"Position": {
"X": 296.3942,
"Y": 61.46834,
"Z": 182.3181
"MinimumAngle": 70,
"MaximumAngle": 185
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 30415,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 262.1395,
"Y": 58.70948,
"Z": 239.3097
"MinimumAngle": 105,
"MaximumAngle": 210
"Position": {
"X": 284.4424,
"Y": 59.78878,
"Z": 222.5899
"MinimumAngle": 65,
"MaximumAngle": 240
"Position": {
"X": 278.6144,
"Y": 59.63044,
"Z": 231.8303
"MinimumAngle": 95,
"MaximumAngle": 185
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 30416,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 222.244,
"Y": 58.86799,
"Z": 244.9212
"MinimumAngle": 135,
"MaximumAngle": 275
"Position": {
"X": 212.3073,
"Y": 58.06055,
"Z": 245.9091
"MinimumAngle": 80,
"MaximumAngle": 220
"Position": {
"X": 235.9484,
"Y": 58.30469,
"Z": 249.0489
"MinimumAngle": 80,
"MaximumAngle": 190

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "liza",
"TerritoryId": 613,
"AetheryteShortcut": "Ruby Sea - Onokoro",
"Groups": [
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 32140,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 210.5032,
"Y": 28.51213,
"Z": 718.0732
"MinimumAngle": 210,
"MaximumAngle": 325
"Position": {
"X": 202.0474,
"Y": 30.18633,
"Z": 700.0951
"MinimumAngle": 160,
"MaximumAngle": 295
"Position": {
"X": 195.6331,
"Y": 33.43727,
"Z": 695.2228
"MinimumAngle": 150,
"MaximumAngle": 235
"DataId": 32139,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 208.3533,
"Y": 28.65312,
"Z": 706.8864
"MinimumAngle": 180,
"MaximumAngle": 250
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 32135,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 67.65472,
"Y": 25.89518,
"Z": 652.348
"MinimumAngle": -105,
"MaximumAngle": 15
"DataId": 32136,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 41.55281,
"Y": 27.65364,
"Z": 654.9735
"MinimumAngle": -115,
"MaximumAngle": 35
"Position": {
"X": 52.98101,
"Y": 27.03981,
"Z": 652.5334
"MinimumAngle": -45,
"MaximumAngle": 55
"Position": {
"X": 71.80375,
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@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
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"Author": "liza",
"TerritoryId": 1189,
"AetheryteShortcut": "Yak T'el - Iq Br'aax",
"Groups": [
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 34906,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 236.4964,
"Y": -5.339633,
"Z": -346.5587
"Position": {
"X": 252.2469,
"Y": -4.50562,
"Z": -352.3626
"Position": {
"X": 270.0348,
"Y": 4.734006,
"Z": -370.3
"MinimumAngle": -5,
"MaximumAngle": 160
"DataId": 34905,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 291.2657,
"Y": 16.76923,
"Z": -372.8286
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 34909,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 452.2735,
"Y": 19.0634,
"Z": -350.683
"MinimumAngle": -55,
"MaximumAngle": 215
"DataId": 34910,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 451.7433,
"Y": 18.42068,
"Z": -333.2723
"Position": {
"X": 425.1651,
"Y": 19.24389,
"Z": -388.6381
"Position": {
"X": 425.4706,
"Y": 18.96692,
"Z": -371.645
"MinimumAngle": -190,
"MaximumAngle": 50
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 34908,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 268.0552,
"Y": -4.003453,
"Z": -173.8766
"Position": {
"X": 244.3824,
"Y": -8.541841,
"Z": -212.8872
"Position": {
"X": 236.6972,
"Y": -13.99463,
"Z": -189.6181
"DataId": 34907,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": 269.0605,
"Y": -6.302063,
"Z": -193.4243

View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "liza",
"TerritoryId": 1189,
"AetheryteShortcut": "Yak T'el - Iq Br'aax",
"Groups": [
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 34783,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": -273.0702,
"Y": 15.09387,
"Z": -443.001
"MinimumAngle": -15,
"MaximumAngle": 160
"DataId": 34784,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": -268.5216,
"Y": 15.18526,
"Z": -438.1259
"MinimumAngle": -160,
"MaximumAngle": 100
"Position": {
"X": -282.2694,
"Y": 15.46158,
"Z": -437.156
"MinimumAngle": 200,
"MaximumAngle": 350
"Position": {
"X": -284.5246,
"Y": 15.61228,
"Z": -445.3587
"MinimumAngle": 155,
"MaximumAngle": 310
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 34782,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": -431.8761,
"Y": 34.533,
"Z": -654.7189
"MinimumAngle": -100,
"MaximumAngle": 30
"Position": {
"X": -430.493,
"Y": 32.50696,
"Z": -679.2305
"MinimumAngle": 170,
"MaximumAngle": 295
"Position": {
"X": -435.1992,
"Y": 35.77378,
"Z": -649.1482
"MinimumAngle": -145,
"MaximumAngle": 25
"DataId": 34781,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": -427.0237,
"Y": 33.4935,
"Z": -668.6351
"MinimumAngle": 200,
"MaximumAngle": 330
"Nodes": [
"DataId": 34779,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": -524.4308,
"Y": 33.95129,
"Z": -578.9917
"MinimumAngle": 250,
"MaximumAngle": 360
"DataId": 34780,
"Locations": [
"Position": {
"X": -533.9852,
"Y": 31.36117,
"Z": -558.8026
"MinimumAngle": -140,
"MaximumAngle": 0
"Position": {
"X": -522.1197,
"Y": 36.22581,
"Z": -597.019
"MinimumAngle": 170,
"MaximumAngle": 320
"Position": {
"X": -549.8734,
"Y": 28.65267,
"Z": -533.7023
"MinimumAngle": -130,
"MaximumAngle": 10

View File

@ -92,8 +92,7 @@
"additionalProperties": false,
"$defs": {

View File

@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ public class QuestSourceGenerator : ISourceGenerator
AssignmentList(nameof(QuestRoot.Author), quest.Author)
Assignment(nameof(QuestRoot.Disabled), quest.Disabled, false).AsSyntaxNodeOrToken(),
Assignment(nameof(QuestRoot.Comment), quest.Comment, null)
@ -304,11 +305,14 @@ public class QuestSourceGenerator : ISourceGenerator
step.ContentFinderConditionId, emptyStep.ContentFinderConditionId)
Assignment(nameof(QuestStep.SkipConditions), step.SkipConditions, emptyStep.SkipConditions)
Assignment(nameof(QuestStep.SkipConditions), step.SkipConditions,

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
@ -57,6 +56,24 @@ public static class RoslynShortcuts
else if (value is QuestId questId)
return ObjectCreationExpression(
else if (value is LeveId leveId)
return ObjectCreationExpression(
else if (value is Vector3 vector)
return ObjectCreationExpression(
@ -312,7 +329,28 @@ public static class RoslynShortcuts
Assignment(nameof(SkipAetheryteCondition.Never), skipAetheryteCondition.Never,
skipAetheryteCondition.InSameTerritory, emptyAetheryte.InSameTerritory)))));
skipAetheryteCondition.InSameTerritory, emptyAetheryte.InSameTerritory),
else if (value is GatheredItem gatheredItem)
var emptyItem = new GatheredItem();
return ObjectCreationExpression(
Assignment(nameof(GatheredItem.ItemId), gatheredItem.ItemId, emptyItem.ItemId)
Assignment(nameof(GatheredItem.ItemCount), gatheredItem.ItemCount,
Assignment(nameof(GatheredItem.Collectability), gatheredItem.Collectability,
else if (value is GatheringNodeGroup nodeGroup)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "liza",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1002282,
"Position": {
"X": 3.5552979,
"Y": 7.5999613,
"Z": 153.2157
"TerritoryId": 131,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"DialogueChoices": [
"Type": "YesNo",
"Prompt": "TEXT_CLSMIN001_00192_Q1_000_1",
"Yes": true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "liza",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1002282,
"Position": {
"X": 3.5552979,
"Y": 7.5999613,
"Z": 153.2157
"TerritoryId": 131,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1002298,
"Position": {
"X": -18.997498,
"Y": 6.2,
"Z": 157.42725
"TerritoryId": 131,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"DialogueChoices": [
"Type": "YesNo",
"Prompt": "TEXT_CLSMIN011_00597_Q1_000_1",
"Yes": true
"NextQuestId": 599

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "liza",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1002298,
"Position": {
"X": -18.997498,
"Y": 6.2,
"Z": 157.42725
"TerritoryId": 131,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1002298,
"Position": {
"X": -18.997498,
"Y": 6.2,
"Z": 157.42725
"TerritoryId": 131,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Ul'dah",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Ul'dah] Aetheryte Plaza",
"[Ul'dah] Miners' Guild"
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InTerritory": [
"RequiredGatheredItems": [
"ItemId": 5106,
"ItemCount": 10

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "liza",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1002298,
"Position": {
"X": -18.997498,
"Y": 6.2,
"Z": 157.42725
"TerritoryId": 131,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1002298,
"Position": {
"X": -18.997498,
"Y": 6.2,
"Z": 157.42725
"TerritoryId": 131,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Ul'dah",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Ul'dah] Aetheryte Plaza",
"[Ul'dah] Miners' Guild"
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InTerritory": [
"RequiredGatheredItems": [
"ItemId": 5432,
"ItemCount": 10

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "liza",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": -71.31451,
"Y": 206.56206,
"Z": 29.3684
"TerritoryId": 478,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo",
"RequiredGatheredItems": [],
"AetheryteShortcut": "Idyllshire"
"DataId": 1019615,
"Position": {
"X": -71.763245,
"Y": 206.50021,
"Z": 32.638916
"StopDistance": 5,
"TerritoryId": 478,
"InteractionType": "Interact"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019517,
"Position": {
"X": -653.0099,
"Y": 129.91537,
"Z": -510.67374
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Fringes - Castrum Oriens",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019523,
"Position": {
"X": -623.74304,
"Y": 130,
"Z": -483.7873
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 2,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": -449.52835,
"Y": 105.07213,
"Z": -401.3476
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "Combat",
"EnemySpawnType": "AutoOnEnterArea",
"KillEnemyDataIds": [
"Sequence": 3,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": -232.26196,
"Y": 64.93323,
"Z": -676.26465
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "Combat",
"EnemySpawnType": "AutoOnEnterArea",
"KillEnemyDataIds": [
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019517,
"Position": {
"X": -653.0099,
"Y": 129.91537,
"Z": -510.67374
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Fringes - Castrum Oriens"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019519,
"Position": {
"X": -613.1228,
"Y": 130,
"Z": -529.839
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Fringes - Castrum Oriens",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1023142,
"Position": {
"X": -642.9083,
"Y": 130.25946,
"Z": -538.29254
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 2,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1023143,
"Position": {
"X": -631.0674,
"Y": 130.30254,
"Z": -465.96478
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 3,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1023147,
"Position": {
"X": -429.4652,
"Y": 75.3867,
"Z": -124.712036
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "Combat",
"EnemySpawnType": "AfterInteraction",
"KillEnemyDataIds": [
"Sequence": 4,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1023148,
"Position": {
"X": -429.89246,
"Y": 74.88393,
"Z": -118.30322
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1023147,
"Position": {
"X": -429.4652,
"Y": 75.3867,
"Z": -124.712036
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020841,
"Position": {
"X": 146.01355,
"Y": 118.1921,
"Z": -730.4951
"TerritoryId": 620,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Peaks - Ala Gannha",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1021752,
"Position": {
"X": 14.724915,
"Y": 118.08588,
"Z": -776.82153
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"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 2,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1021752,
"Position": {
"X": 14.724915,
"Y": 118.08588,
"Z": -776.82153
"TerritoryId": 620,
"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 3,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": 656.90076,
"Y": 231.05865,
"Z": -611.2172
"TerritoryId": 620,
"InteractionType": "Combat",
"EnemySpawnType": "OverworldEnemies",
"ComplexCombatData": [
"DataId": 6609,
"MinimumKillCount": 2,
"RewardItemId": 2002205,
"RewardItemCount": 2
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1021752,
"Position": {
"X": 14.724915,
"Y": 118.08588,
"Z": -776.82153
"TerritoryId": 620,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Peaks - Ala Gannha"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1023280,
"Position": {
"X": -62.790894,
"Y": -198.96509,
"Z": -64.34735
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"DialogueChoices": [
"Type": "List",
"Prompt": "TEXT_STMBDY001_02632_Q1_000_050",
"Answer": "TEXT_STMBDY001_02632_A1_000_051"
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019197,
"Position": {
"X": -8.926575,
"Y": -187.08374,
"Z": -95.018005
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 2,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": 20.067955,
"Y": -197.78902,
"Z": -154.23956
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo",
"StopDistance": 0.25
"DataId": 1023293,
"Position": {
"X": -957.15265,
"Y": -895.9945,
"Z": 756.83215
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"Fly": true
"Sequence": 3,
"Steps": [
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Duty",
"ContentFinderConditionId": 235
"Sequence": 4,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1023293,
"Position": {
"X": -957.15265,
"Y": -895.9945,
"Z": 756.83215
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"StopDistance": 8
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": 322.1539,
"Y": -121.22571,
"Z": -314.2446
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Ruby Sea - Tamamizu"
"Position": {
"X": 6.516514,
"Y": -198.04588,
"Z": -143.52591
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo",
"Fly": true
"DataId": 1023280,
"Position": {
"X": -62.790894,
"Y": -198.96509,
"Z": -64.34735
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019168,
"Position": {
"X": 501.33508,
"Y": 34.0062,
"Z": 781.70435
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest"
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019154,
"Position": {
"X": 829.1294,
"Y": 5.9230084,
"Z": 859.739
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Kugane",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Kugane] Aetheryte Plaza",
"[Kugane] The Ruby Price"
"Sequence": 2,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": 595.4312,
"Y": -0.26869023,
"Z": 800.52985
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo"
"DataId": 1022745,
"Position": {
"X": 288.6853,
"Y": -0.5,
"Z": 393.78955
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Combat",
"EnemySpawnType": "AfterInteraction",
"KillEnemyDataIds": [
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019154,
"Position": {
"X": 829.1294,
"Y": 5.9230084,
"Z": 859.739
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Kugane",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Kugane] Aetheryte Plaza",
"[Kugane] The Ruby Price"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1022102,
"Position": {
"X": 97.8866,
"Y": 2.096308,
"Z": -617.79205
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Ruby Sea - Onokoro",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1022103,
"Position": {
"X": -47.135193,
"Y": 2.8637304,
"Z": -636.286
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 2,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1022122,
"Position": {
"X": 134.66089,
"Y": 12.000001,
"Z": 69.047
"TerritoryId": 628,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Kugane",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Kugane] Aetheryte Plaza",
"[Kugane] The Ruby Bazaar"
"Sequence": 3,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019049,
"Position": {
"X": -130.87665,
"Y": -5.000044,
"Z": 140.82544
"TerritoryId": 628,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Kugane] The Ruby Bazaar",
"[Kugane] Pier #1"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1022117,
"Position": {
"X": -49.515564,
"Y": 2.6587384,
"Z": -636.56067
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Ruby Sea - Onokoro"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1023357,
"Position": {
"X": 565.0873,
"Y": -62.272896,
"Z": -147.84473
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"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest"
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": 566.1683,
"Y": -60.550995,
"Z": -134.80696
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo"
"DataId": 1023358,
"Position": {
"X": 608.5145,
"Y": -3.4784377,
"Z": -92.82062
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 2,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": 611.58606,
"Y": -1.6943853,
"Z": -91.26402
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Jump",
"StopDistance": 0.25,
"JumpDestination": {
"Position": {
"X": 617.04565,
"Y": -17.818226,
"Z": -108.994415
"Mount": false
"Position": {
"X": 617.01825,
"Y": -18.570948,
"Z": -114.45003
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Jump",
"StopDistance": 0.25,
"JumpDestination": {
"Position": {
"X": 619.67755,
"Y": -28.768707,
"Z": -127.102554
"Mount": false
"Sequence": 3,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": 617.86127,
"Y": -29.12958,
"Z": -129.81326
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Jump",
"StopDistance": 0.25,
"JumpDestination": {
"Position": {
"X": 604.2836,
"Y": -34.756268,
"Z": -136.64783
"Mount": false
"Position": {
"X": 601.5953,
"Y": -36.643044,
"Z": -144.1365
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Jump",
"StopDistance": 0.25,
"JumpDestination": {
"Position": {
"X": 598.6192,
"Y": -43.845043,
"Z": -154.23668
"Mount": false
"Position": {
"X": 594.64703,
"Y": -43.869747,
"Z": -156.01822
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": 593.3238,
"Y": -45.048393,
"Z": -152.89952
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Jump",
"StopDistance": 0.25,
"JumpDestination": {
"Position": {
"X": 566.00684,
"Y": -61.995552,
"Z": -146.04814
"Position": {
"X": 566.1683,
"Y": -60.550995,
"Z": -134.80696
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo",
"Mount": true
"DataId": 1023358,
"Position": {
"X": 608.5145,
"Y": -3.4784377,
"Z": -92.82062
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
"$schema": "",
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"QuestSequence": [
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"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019314,
"Position": {
"X": 421.77454,
"Y": -0.3000138,
"Z": -293.9651
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"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Yanxia - Namai",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 2008461,
"Position": {
"X": 474.2351,
"Y": 28.824219,
"Z": -212.23773
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "UseItem",
"ItemId": 2002241,
"$": "? ? ? ? ? ? -> 1 80 0 0 0 128"
"DataId": 2008462,
"Position": {
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"InteractionType": "UseItem",
"ItemId": 2002241,
"$": "1 80 0 0 0 128 -> 2 64 0 0 0 192"
"DataId": 2008463,
"Position": {
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"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "UseItem",
"ItemId": 2002241,
"$": "2 64 0 0 0 192 -> 3 48 0 0 0 224"
"DataId": 2008464,
"Position": {
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"InteractionType": "UseItem",
"ItemId": 2002241,
"$": "3 48 0 0 0 224 -> 4 32 0 0 0 240"
"DataId": 2008466,
"Position": {
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"Z": -23.361572
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"InteractionType": "UseItem",
"ItemId": 2002241,
"$": "4 32 0 0 0 240 -> 5 16 0 0 0 244"
"DataId": 2008465,
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"Z": -29.892456
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "UseItem",
"ItemId": 2002241
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019314,
"Position": {
"X": 421.77454,
"Y": -0.3000138,
"Z": -293.9651
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019263,
"Position": {
"X": 451.56018,
"Y": 58.77665,
"Z": -188.3421
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Yanxia - Namai",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019264,
"Position": {
"X": 362.35596,
"Y": 90.70435,
"Z": -164.72119
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"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 2,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 2008352,
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"Y": 90.684326,
"Z": -134.72198
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"$": "0 0 0 0 0 0 -> 1 0 0 0 0 128"
"DataId": 2008354,
"Position": {
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"InteractionType": "Interact",
"$": "1 0 0 0 0 128 -> 2 0 0 0 0 160"
"DataId": 2008353,
"Position": {
"X": 352.34607,
"Y": 97.61194,
"Z": -134.99658
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 3,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019264,
"Position": {
"X": 362.35596,
"Y": 90.70435,
"Z": -164.72119
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"Mount": true
"Sequence": 4,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 2008355,
"Position": {
"X": 332.96704,
"Y": 100.87732,
"Z": -109.14783
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "UseItem",
"ItemId": 2002213
"Sequence": 5,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1022071,
"Position": {
"X": 332.93652,
"Y": 100.91828,
"Z": -109.75824
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "WaitForManualProgress",
"Comment": "TODO: Add /clap"
"Sequence": 6,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019264,
"Position": {
"X": 362.35596,
"Y": 90.70435,
"Z": -164.72119
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019263,
"Position": {
"X": 451.56018,
"Y": 58.77665,
"Z": -188.3421
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
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"X": 465.26282,
"Y": 58.52148,
"Z": -171.09949
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Yanxia - Namai",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": 151.29321,
"Y": -0.2997286,
"Z": 229.44983
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "Combat",
"EnemySpawnType": "OverworldEnemies",
"ComplexCombatData": [
"DataId": 6682,
"MinimumKillCount": 3,
"RewardItemId": 2002239,
"RewardItemCount": 3
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019295,
"Position": {
"X": 756.3439,
"Y": 98.04659,
"Z": -229.93823
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"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Yanxia - Namai"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019316,
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"X": 434.89734,
"Y": 68.02076,
"Z": -125.01721
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Yanxia - Namai",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1022457,
"Position": {
"X": 529.56433,
"Y": 19.872318,
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"Z": 500.26697
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"InteractionType": "Combat",
"EnemySpawnType": "AfterInteraction",
"KillEnemyDataIds": [
"Sequence": 3,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 2008518,
"Position": {
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"Y": 8.255066,
"Z": 501.97595
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"Sequence": 4,
"Steps": [
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"Y": 19.872318,
"Z": 350.24023
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 5,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": 605.15845,
"Y": -0.5999999,
"Z": 499.43237
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "Dive",
"StopDistance": 0.25
"DataId": 2008519,
"Position": {
"X": 619.8672,
"Y": -48.66101,
"Z": 559.83826
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"DisableNavmesh": true
"Sequence": 6,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": 618.79517,
"Y": -21.811158,
"Z": 498.69885
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo",
"Fly": true,
"DisableNavmesh": true,
"StopDistance": 0.25
"Position": {
"X": 617.7405,
"Y": -0.3,
"Z": 493.613
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo",
"StopDistance": 0.25
"DataId": 1022457,
"Position": {
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"Z": 350.24023
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"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019316,
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"X": 434.89734,
"Y": 68.02076,
"Z": -125.01721
"TerritoryId": 614,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Yanxia - Namai"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "liza",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1018393,
"Position": {
"X": -60.380005,
"Y": 206.50021,
"Z": 26.16919
"TerritoryId": 478,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"RequiredGatheredItems": [],
"AetheryteShortcut": "Idyllshire"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "liza",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1025878,
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"X": 343.984,
"Y": -120.32947,
"Z": -306.0197
"TerritoryId": 613,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"RequiredGatheredItems": [],
"AetheryteShortcut": "Ruby Sea - Tamamizu"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "liza",
"QuestSequence": [
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"X": 171.31299,
"Y": 13.02367,
"Z": -89.951965
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"RequiredGatheredItems": [],
"AetheryteShortcut": "Rhalgr's Reach"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1018330,
"Position": {
"X": -4.196289,
"Y": 0.018040119,
"Z": -6.6377563
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"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest"
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"Steps": [
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"Y": 0.018040119,
"Z": -6.881897
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"Sequence": 2,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020300,
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"X": 24.795776,
"Y": 6.1891203,
"Z": 401.9989
"TerritoryId": 152,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"Fly": true,
"AetheryteShortcut": "East Shroud - Hawthorne Hut"
"Sequence": 3,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020303,
"Position": {
"X": 26.962646,
"Y": 6.1844764,
"Z": 400.99182
"TerritoryId": 152,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"DialogueChoices": [
"Type": "YesNo",
"Prompt": "TEXT_STMBDA101_02446_WARP_YESNO_TITLE_001",
"Yes": true
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "AttuneAetheryte",
"Aetheryte": "Fringes - Castrum Oriens"
"DataId": 1020304,
"Position": {
"X": -606.7445,
"Y": 130,
"Z": -506.95053
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
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"X": -612.0852,
"Y": 130,
"Z": -504.02078
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Fringes - Castrum Oriens",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020311,
"Position": {
"X": -481.2848,
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"Z": -341.26807
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"InteractionType": "Interact"
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"Z": -531.426
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"InteractionType": "Interact",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Fringes - Castrum Oriens"
"Sequence": 3,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 2007967,
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"Z": -499.44305
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"Steps": [
"Position": {
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"Y": 61.72069,
"Z": -558.6724
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo",
"TargetTerritoryId": 635
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"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020329,
"Position": {
"X": -32.974792,
"Y": 18.045086,
"Z": 129.41174
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020329,
"Position": {
"X": -32.974792,
"Y": 18.045086,
"Z": 129.41174
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"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "AttuneAetheryte",
"Aetheryte": "Rhalgr's Reach"
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "AttuneAethernetShard",
"AethernetShard": "[Rhalgr's Reach] Western Rhalgr's Reach"
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "AttuneAethernetShard",
"AethernetShard": "[Rhalgr's Reach] Northeastern Rhalgr's Reach",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Rhalgr's Reach] Western Rhalgr's Reach",
"[Rhalgr's Reach] Aetheryte Plaza"
"DataId": 1019466,
"Position": {
"X": 170.91626,
"Y": 13.02367,
"Z": -91.38635
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
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"X": 164.90417,
"Y": 13.023668,
"Z": -91.50836
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"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Rhalgr's Reach",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020339,
"Position": {
"X": 95.2926,
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"Sequence": 4,
"Steps": [
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"Y": 0,
"Z": 88.70068
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "Interact",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Rhalgr's Reach] Western Rhalgr's Reach",
"[Rhalgr's Reach] Aetheryte Plaza"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020347,
"Position": {
"X": 59.67798,
"Y": -8.1507994E-13,
"Z": -4.0742188
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020341,
"Position": {
"X": 61.17334,
"Y": -9.369123E-13,
"Z": -4.6845703
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Rhalgr's Reach",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1019466,
"Position": {
"X": 170.91626,
"Y": 13.02367,
"Z": -91.38635
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"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020333,
"Position": {
"X": 164.14124,
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"Z": -92.30188
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"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020337,
"Position": {
"X": 171.31299,
"Y": 13.02367,
"Z": -89.951965
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Rhalgr's Reach",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020395,
"Position": {
"X": -37.67456,
"Y": 18.448887,
"Z": 133.28748
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"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 2,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
"X": -30.398779,
"Y": 12.536386,
"Z": 167.62189
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo",
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"DataId": 1020498,
"Position": {
"X": 158.12915,
"Y": 49.714592,
"Z": -475.27277
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 3,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 2008157,
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"X": 58.426758,
"Y": 51.895874,
"Z": -482.32245
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "Combat",
"EnemySpawnType": "AfterInteraction",
"KillEnemyDataIds": [
"Comment": "Forgot to note both enemy IDs here, oops"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020351,
"Position": {
"X": -95.84198,
"Y": 59.801033,
"Z": -551.9341
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020351,
"Position": {
"X": -95.84198,
"Y": 59.801033,
"Z": -551.9341
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"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest"
"Sequence": 1,
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"X": -394.85773,
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"Z": -425.5589
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"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020304,
"Position": {
"X": -606.7445,
"Y": 130,
"Z": -506.95053
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Fringes - Castrum Oriens"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020304,
"Position": {
"X": -606.7445,
"Y": 130,
"Z": -506.95053
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Fringes - Castrum Oriens",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 2007955,
"Position": {
"X": -228.22925,
"Y": 59.861084,
"Z": -409.5064
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "Combat",
"EnemySpawnType": "AfterInteraction",
"KillEnemyDataIds": [
"Sequence": 2,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020503,
"Position": {
"X": -494.16345,
"Y": 82.14899,
"Z": -266.8651
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "SinglePlayerDuty",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Fringes - Castrum Oriens"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020361,
"Position": {
"X": -507.4388,
"Y": 86.34846,
"Z": -289.84515
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
"Sequence": 0,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020361,
"Position": {
"X": -507.4388,
"Y": 86.34846,
"Z": -289.84515
"TerritoryId": 612,
"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Fringes - Castrum Oriens",
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020337,
"Position": {
"X": 171.31299,
"Y": 13.02367,
"Z": -89.951965
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Rhalgr's Reach",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Rhalgr's Reach] Aetheryte Plaza",
"[Rhalgr's Reach] Northeastern Rhalgr's Reach"
"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
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"Y": 13.02367,
"Z": -93.06476
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"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
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"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020366,
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"X": 114.18323,
"Y": 0.6520416,
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"Z": -3.299387
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"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
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"AethernetShortcut": [
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"[Rhalgr's Reach] Northeastern Rhalgr's Reach"
"SkipConditions": {
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"InSameTerritory": true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
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"[Rhalgr's Reach] Western Rhalgr's Reach"
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
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"[Rhalgr's Reach] Northeastern Rhalgr's Reach"
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
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"[Limsa Lominsa] The Aftcastle"
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
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"[Limsa Lominsa] Arcanists' Guild"
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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
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"[Rhalgr's Reach] Northeastern Rhalgr's Reach"

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"Y": -0.3204956,
"Z": -119.85962
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"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"Position": {
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"Z": -105.210686
"TerritoryId": 635,
"InteractionType": "WalkTo",
"Mount": false
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"Position": {
"X": 77.25635,
"Y": 0,
"Z": -14.175659
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"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
"$schema": "",
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"QuestSequence": [
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"DataId": 1021170,
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"Y": 0,
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"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Rhalgr's Reach] Northeastern Rhalgr's Reach",
"[Rhalgr's Reach] Western Rhalgr's Reach"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"$schema": "",
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"QuestSequence": [
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"SkipConditions": {
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"Steps": [
"DataId": 2008813,
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"Z": -164.72119
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"InteractionType": "Interact",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Rhalgr's Reach] Aetheryte Plaza",
"[Rhalgr's Reach] Northeastern Rhalgr's Reach"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1023638,
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"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
"$schema": "",
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"Steps": [
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"ComplexCombatData": [
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"RewardItemCount": 1
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"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Peaks - Ala Gannha"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
"$schema": "",
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"Z": -715.6634
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"SkipConditions": {
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"Steps": [
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"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AetheryteShortcut": "Peaks - Ala Gannha"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
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"Z": -55.832825
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"InteractionType": "Interact"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"TerritoryId": 628,
"InteractionType": "AttuneAethernetShard",
"AethernetShard": "[Kugane] Shiokaze Hostelry"
"TerritoryId": 628,
"InteractionType": "AttuneAetheryte",
"Aetheryte": "Kugane"
"DataId": 1020460,
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"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
"$schema": "",
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"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
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"SkipConditions": {
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"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020461,
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"InteractionType": "Interact"
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"Steps": [
"TerritoryId": 628,
"InteractionType": "AttuneAethernetShard",
"AethernetShard": "[Kugane] Kogane Dori Markets"
"DataId": 1022359,
"Position": {
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"Y": 4,
"Z": 69.7489
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"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
"$schema": "",
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"QuestSequence": [
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"Z": 151.9646
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"SkipConditions": {
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"Sequence": 1,
"Steps": [
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"InteractionType": "AttuneAethernetShard",
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
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"Steps": [
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"InteractionType": "AttuneAethernetShard",
"AethernetShard": "[Kugane] Rakuza District",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Kugane] The Ruby Bazaar",
"[Kugane] Aetheryte Plaza"
"TerritoryId": 628,
"InteractionType": "AttuneAethernetShard",
"AethernetShard": "[Kugane] Bokairo Inn"
"DataId": 1018982,
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"InteractionType": "Interact"
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"InteractionType": "Interact",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Kugane] Bokairo Inn",
"[Kugane] Shiokaze Hostelry"
"Sequence": 5,
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"Y": -3,
"Z": 34.50061
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"InteractionType": "Interact",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Kugane] Shiokaze Hostelry",
"[Kugane] Kogane Dori Markets"
"$": "? ? ? ? ? ? -> 16 16 16 0 0 32"
"DataId": 1020469,
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"InteractionType": "CompleteQuest",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Kugane] Kogane Dori Markets",
"[Kugane] Shiokaze Hostelry"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
"$schema": "",
"Author": "JerryWester",
"QuestSequence": [
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"X": -32.39496,
"Y": 0.029811792,
"Z": -68.3147
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"InteractionType": "AcceptQuest",
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"SkipConditions": {
"AetheryteShortcutIf": {
"InSameTerritory": true
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"Steps": [
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"InteractionType": "Interact",
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"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Kugane] Shiokaze Hostelry",
"[Kugane] The Ruby Bazaar"
"DataId": 1020465,
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"Y": 0,
"Z": -0.96136475
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"Steps": [
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"InteractionType": "Interact",
"TargetTerritoryId": 628
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"Position": {
"X": -52.140076,
"Y": 16.75975,
"Z": -6.729248
"TerritoryId": 628,
"InteractionType": "SinglePlayerDuty",
"AethernetShortcut": [
"[Kugane] The Ruby Bazaar",
"[Kugane] Kogane Dori Markets"
"Sequence": 255,
"Steps": [
"DataId": 1020476,
"Position": {
"X": 147.75305,
"Y": 14.775722,
"Z": 91.721924
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Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More