2024-06-01 18:46:57 +02:00
4439_As the Heavens Burn.json Split 'ManualAction' into different contextual elements 2024-06-01 01:49:11 +02:00
4440_Outside Help.json Some jumping, open DF for duties 2024-06-01 14:30:20 +02:00
4441_Going Underground.json Rough Update for Elpis/Labyrinthos2 2024-05-29 12:49:06 +02:00
4442_No Job Too Small.json Some jumping, open DF for duties 2024-06-01 14:30:20 +02:00
4443_Wise Guides.json Split 'ManualAction' into different contextual elements 2024-06-01 01:49:11 +02:00
4444_Agriculture Shock.json Rough Update for Elpis/Labyrinthos2 2024-05-29 12:49:06 +02:00
4445_Sage Council.json Some jumping, open DF for duties 2024-06-01 14:30:20 +02:00
4446_Hither and Yarns.json Some jumping, open DF for duties 2024-06-01 14:30:20 +02:00
4447_Once Forged.json Some jumping, open DF for duties 2024-06-01 14:30:20 +02:00
4448_Bonds of Adamantite.json Some jumping, open DF for duties 2024-06-01 14:30:20 +02:00
4449_Her Children One and All.json Add cutscene talk, update EW parts 2024-06-01 18:46:57 +02:00