forked from liza/Questionable
173 lines
6.9 KiB
173 lines
6.9 KiB
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Numerics;
using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Conditions;
using Dalamud.Interface;
using Dalamud.Interface.Colors;
using Dalamud.Interface.Components;
using Dalamud.Interface.Utility;
using Dalamud.Interface.Utility.Raii;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using Dalamud.Plugin.Services;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.UI.Agent;
using ImGuiNET;
using Questionable.Controller;
using Questionable.External;
using Questionable.Functions;
namespace Questionable.Windows.QuestComponents;
internal sealed class QuickAccessButtonsComponent
private readonly MovementController _movementController;
private readonly GameFunctions _gameFunctions;
private readonly ChatFunctions _chatFunctions;
private readonly QuestRegistry _questRegistry;
private readonly NavmeshIpc _navmeshIpc;
private readonly QuestValidationWindow _questValidationWindow;
private readonly JournalProgressWindow _journalProgressWindow;
private readonly IClientState _clientState;
private readonly ICondition _condition;
private readonly ICommandManager _commandManager;
private readonly IDalamudPluginInterface _pluginInterface;
public QuickAccessButtonsComponent(
MovementController movementController,
GameFunctions gameFunctions,
ChatFunctions chatFunctions,
QuestRegistry questRegistry,
NavmeshIpc navmeshIpc,
QuestValidationWindow questValidationWindow,
JournalProgressWindow journalProgressWindow,
IClientState clientState,
ICondition condition,
ICommandManager commandManager,
IDalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface)
_movementController = movementController;
_gameFunctions = gameFunctions;
_chatFunctions = chatFunctions;
_questRegistry = questRegistry;
_navmeshIpc = navmeshIpc;
_questValidationWindow = questValidationWindow;
_journalProgressWindow = journalProgressWindow;
_clientState = clientState;
_condition = condition;
_commandManager = commandManager;
_pluginInterface = pluginInterface;
public event EventHandler? Reload;
public unsafe void Draw()
var map = AgentMap.Instance();
using (var unused = ImRaii.Disabled(map == null || map->IsFlagMarkerSet == 0 ||
map->FlagMapMarker.TerritoryId != _clientState.TerritoryType ||
if (ImGuiComponents.IconButtonWithText(FontAwesomeIcon.Flag, "To Flag"))
_movementController.Destination = null;
$"/vnav {(_condition[ConditionFlag.Mounted] && _gameFunctions.IsFlyingUnlockedInCurrentZone() ? "flyflag" : "moveflag")}");
if (_commandManager.Commands.ContainsKey("/vnav"))
using (var unused = ImRaii.Disabled(!ImGui.IsKeyDown(ImGuiKey.ModCtrl)))
if (ImGuiComponents.IconButtonWithText(FontAwesomeIcon.GlobeEurope, "Rebuild Navmesh"))
_commandManager.ProcessCommand("/vnav rebuild");
if (ImGui.IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags.AllowWhenDisabled))
ImGui.SetTooltip("Hold CTRL to enable this button.\nRebuilding the navmesh will take some time.");
if (ImGuiComponents.IconButtonWithText(FontAwesomeIcon.RedoAlt, "Reload Data"))
Reload?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
if (ImGuiComponents.IconButton(FontAwesomeIcon.ChartColumn))
_journalProgressWindow.IsOpen = true;
if (_questRegistry.ValidationIssueCount > 0)
if (DrawValidationIssuesButton())
_questValidationWindow.IsOpen = true;
private bool DrawValidationIssuesButton()
int errorCount = _questRegistry.ValidationErrorCount;
int infoCount = _questRegistry.ValidationIssueCount - _questRegistry.ValidationErrorCount;
if (errorCount == 0 && infoCount == 0)
return false;
int partsToRender = errorCount == 0 || infoCount == 0 ? 1 : 2;
using var id = ImRaii.PushId("validationissues");
var icon1 = FontAwesomeIcon.ExclamationTriangle;
var icon2 = FontAwesomeIcon.InfoCircle;
Vector2 iconSize1, iconSize2;
using (var _ = _pluginInterface.UiBuilder.IconFontFixedWidthHandle.Push())
iconSize1 = errorCount > 0 ? ImGui.CalcTextSize(icon1.ToIconString()) : Vector2.Zero;
iconSize2 = infoCount > 0 ? ImGui.CalcTextSize(icon2.ToIconString()) : Vector2.Zero;
string text1 = errorCount > 0 ? errorCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : string.Empty;
string text2 = infoCount > 0 ? infoCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : string.Empty;
Vector2 textSize1 = errorCount > 0 ? ImGui.CalcTextSize(text1) : Vector2.Zero;
Vector2 textSize2 = infoCount > 0 ? ImGui.CalcTextSize(text2) : Vector2.Zero;
var dl = ImGui.GetWindowDrawList();
var cursor = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos();
var iconPadding = 3 * ImGuiHelpers.GlobalScale;
// Draw an ImGui button with the icon and text
var buttonWidth = iconSize1.X + iconSize2.X + textSize1.X + textSize2.X +
(ImGui.GetStyle().FramePadding.X * 2) + iconPadding * 2 * partsToRender;
var buttonHeight = ImGui.GetFrameHeight();
var button = ImGui.Button(string.Empty, new Vector2(buttonWidth, buttonHeight));
// Draw the icon on the window drawlist
Vector2 position = new Vector2(cursor.X + ImGui.GetStyle().FramePadding.X,
cursor.Y + ImGui.GetStyle().FramePadding.Y);
if (errorCount > 0)
using (var _ = _pluginInterface.UiBuilder.IconFontFixedWidthHandle.Push())
dl.AddText(position, ImGui.GetColorU32(ImGuiColors.DalamudRed), icon1.ToIconString());
position = position with { X = position.X + iconSize1.X + iconPadding };
// Draw the text on the window drawlist
dl.AddText(position, ImGui.GetColorU32(ImGuiCol.Text), text1);
position = position with { X = position.X + textSize1.X + 2 * iconPadding };
if (infoCount > 0)
using (var _ = _pluginInterface.UiBuilder.IconFontFixedWidthHandle.Push())
dl.AddText(position, ImGui.GetColorU32(ImGuiColors.ParsedBlue), icon2.ToIconString());
position = position with { X = position.X + iconSize2.X + iconPadding };
// Draw the text on the window drawlist
dl.AddText(position, ImGui.GetColorU32(ImGuiCol.Text), text2);
return button;